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53 Cards in this Set

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has rank


slow to change, fast to access



awareness of "before" and "after"

fast to manipulate, slow to access


methods of List and vector, implementation can vary

Tree implementation (vector)

layers from top to bottom, children are 2xrank and + 1 for right child

Euler tour

general tour for traversing a tree

priority queue

sorted queue with rank or weight

total order relation

can return smallest key


parent < children

always balanced -> O(logn)

binary tree implementation or array

bottom up construction takes O(n) because of maximum path

Selection Sort (for PQ)

retrieves the smallest item from a sequence.

Runs in O(n^2)

Insertion Sort (for PQ)

places each item sortedly in the sequence

runs in O(n^2) but not always


implementing the sequence as a heap.

each insertion is logn, and retrieving is also logn. For n items, becomes nlogn

in place in an array shifting the "barrier" between heap and unsorted sequence


umbrella for sorted search methods


has methods for key before and key after

Lookup Table

sorted array

with binary search: logn access

Binary Search Trees

left < parent < right

search is O(h)

insertion: trivial

removal: take left most node of right-subtree and replace (if has leaf node, just delete)


balanced tree

logn access

AVL proof of height

looking at number of nodes stored when balanced with respect to height.

n(h) > 2 * n(h-2) (always more nodes than this)

so logn

AVL insertion

insert in correct location

find z if unbalanced, y and z are children

determine abc, switch around

constant time

AVL deletion

delete: basic if leaf node, otherwise left most node of right subtree becomes node

z is first unbalanced, y and x are children of subtree with LARGER HEIGHT

logn steps worst case

Merge Sort

splitting into two parts, recursively sorting, then merging

Merging: smallest object of each, proceed, merge takes O(n1+n2)

total nlogn

Sets (merging)

smallest element from the front of both sorted parts, when one runs out, just let the other one finish


3 parts: less than pivot, pivot, greater than pivot

recursively sort

random pivot selection: expected runtime nlogn

worst is still n^2

in place quicksort

pivot and flipping elements over the pivot if smaller

Bucket sort

O(n + N)!!!

place all elements into buckets

then remove from buckets

Radix Sort

lexicographically sorting pairs

from back to front

runs O(d(n+N)) with d being the length or depth of sorting

divide and conquer

solving distinct sub-problems and then combining

integer multiplication (D&C)

splitting large and small orders

expanding the multiplication

using a substitution for the mixed part, then storing answers and O(n^1.585)

Dynamic programming

similar to DC bt more powerful

subproblems can overlap - store solutions

3 properties:

- must be able to break problem down

- optimal subproblems must give optimal solution

- overlapping is GOOD

DP example change of coins

building network from the bottom up

storing solutions and using them later


vertices and edges



Spanning tree

of a connected, undirected graph is a subgraph with all vertecies but no cycles and is fully connected

Graph important methods

isAdjacent(v,w), adjacentVertices(v)


these will be compared frequently


Edge List

Adjacency List

Adjacency Matrix

Edge List

vertices are objects in list

edges are objects in container, link to vertices

runtime mostly O(E)

Adjacency List

builds on Edge list,

Vertex now contains container of edges to link to, and edges link to that container

runtime now dependent on deg(v) or minimum of deg(u),deg(v)

Adjacency matrix

builds on edge list,

edges are stored in a vertex matrix, each vertex has an index

null = no link, object = link present

areAdjacent no O(1), rest in n and space O(n^2)


both take O(V + E) time


directed, acyclic graph

can find topological ordering

topological ordering of DAG

enqueue with in-degree 0

dequeue with 0, reduce all linked vertices in-degree and store its rank. Repeat with new vertices that are no 0


Strings algs

Brute Force

BM - Last occurence function

KMP - Failure Function

Boyer Moore

scanning from back of pattern

last Occurence function for each letter in alphabet

jumpy by according m to align or entire length if not in pattern or 1 if neither

still O(mn)


Failure Function:

- length of prefix that is suffix of current position

i and j counter, j updated by F(j-1) if j > 0 otherwise j = j + 1

O(m + n)


standard -> compressed -> compact

use special character to deal with prefix

standard trie

O(n) space where n is the total length of all strings

height is longest string

finding string: O(dm) - note not dependent on n

compact trie

space is O(s) where s is the number of strings

suffix trie

all suffixes of a potential trie, compactable

pattern matching O(dm) with d being length of alphabet

1D range tree

findall in O(logn + s)

O(n) space

2D range search

auxiliary structures are subtrees root v sorted with y

Range search: O(log^2 n + s)

Space nlogn (getting worse)


region in quads, can be greatly impalanced

O(sqrt(n) + s) for 2D

k-D tree

point or region based. point is balanced, height logn

nearest neighbour is O(n) worst but O(logn) expected

DFS / BFS running time


DAG sorting


k-D tree building time
