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17 Cards in this Set

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Give examples of advantahes of ICT methods over manual methods of processing data.
- Repetitive processing
- Speed of processing
- Data storage capacity
- Speeed of of searching
- Accuracy and context
- Speed of data communications
- The ability to produce different outp8ut formats
- Ease of editing
What is repetitive processing?
Carrying out the same task to the same standard repeatedly (consistency), e.g. Processing the payroll run on a computer for a large organisations. Robots used in computer aided manufacturing.
What is speed of processing?
Carrying out many complex computer calculations in a relatively short time intervals, e.g. it would be impossible to produce accurate weather forecasts for the next five days without a powerful computer.
What is data storage capacity?
Able to store an enormous amount of information in a small space, e.g. all the information on pupils in a large school will fit on a hard drive compared to use numbers of filing cabinets.
What is speed of searching?
Able to find information quickly, e.g. a police check will find information on a particular car almost instantly.
What is accuracy and context?
Calculations are carried out accurately, e.g. in a spreadsheet if formula and data are correct then the calculations will be correct.
What is speed of data communications?
Messages sent out across the world instantaneously, e.g. an email can be sent from the UK to USA within seconds.
What is the ability to produce different output formats
Information can be produced in tabular or graphical format, e.g. a scientist producing a report will include data in a table and to make some of them easier to understand will produce some of them as graphs
What is ease of editing?
Text can be changed rather than being rewritten.
What are factors that might affect the efficiency of data processing systems?
- Hardware
- Software
- Testing
- Maintenance procedures
- Change in circumstances
- Speed of implementation
- Poor communication
How would Hardware affect the efficiency of data processing systems?
If a system has an old and slow processor then it will take longer to process data, it would also cost to upgrade.
How would Software affect the efficiency of data processing systems?
Does the software put a big demand on the system - does it work with other software. Will the system be compatible with old data.
How would Testing affect the efficiency of data processing systems?
Has the system been checking in all sorts of situations to see if it is reliable for example.
How would Maintenance procedures affect the efficiency of data processing systems?
Is there someone whose jobe is to ensure that the data and software are kept up top date. Proper backups in place?
How would a Change in circumstances during development affect the efficiency of data processing systems?
Have user requirments changed?
How would Speed of implementation affect the efficiency of data processing systems?
Has it been rushed through development?
How would Poor communication with the user affect the efficiency of data processing systems?
Results in poor understanding of user requirements