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62 Cards in this Set

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ataque epilEptico
derrame cerebral
How is your hearing?
como esta su audiciOn
Have you had any changes in your hearing?
Ha notado Ud. algUn cambio en su audiciOn?
Do you wear a hearing aid?
Usa Ud un audIifono?
Do you have difficulty speaking?
Tiene Ud. dificultad al hablar?
the spinal cord
la mEdula espinal
the pituitary gland
la glAndula pituitaria
Do you have difficulty understanding what people are saying?
Tiene Ud. dificultad para comprender lo que dice la gente?
Do you have difficulty swallowing?
Tiene Ud. dificultad al tragar?
Do you choke on foods or liquids?
Se atraganta Ud. a menudo al comer o bebes?
Do you feel like there's a lump in your throat?
Siente Ud. que tiene un nudo en la garganta?
Do you have dizzy spells?
Tiene Ud. accessos de vErtigo?
Do you have problems with your balance?
Tiene Ud. problemas de equilibrio?
the spinal cord (BODY)
la columna vertebral

(in brain - la mEdula espinal)
the sciatic nerve
el nervio ciAtico
Have you ever fainted or blacked out?
Alguna vez se ha desmyado Ud. o perdido el conocimiento?
What happened before you fainted?
Que occurio antes de que se desmayara?
How often do you get headaches?
Con que frecuencia le dan dolores de cabeza?
How long do the headaches last?
Cuanto duran los dolores de cabeza?
Do the headaches seem to follow a pattern?
Siguen los dolores de cabeza un patrOn especifico?
behind the eyes
detrAs de los ojos
along the temples
en las sienes
What kind of pain do you feel (headache):

-dull ache
Que tipo de dolor siente:

-sharp: agudo
-stabbing: punzamente
-dull: sordo
-throbbing: palpitante
-pressure: presiOn
stiff neck
blurred vision
visiOn borrosa
sensitivity to light
sensibilidad a la luz
What do you use to relieve the headaches?
Que hace Ud. para mitigar el dolor de cabeza?
Have you noticed any change in strength?
Ha nodado Ud. algun cambio en su fortaleza?ermitente?
Is it constant or intermittent?
Es constante o int
Do you have any difficulty walking?
Tiene Ud. dificultad al andar?
Do you use a:

Usa Ud:

-cane: bastOn
-walker: andador
-wheelchair: silla de ruedas
Do you have tremors or muscle spasms?
Tiene Ud. temblores o espasmos musculares?
Is it improving?

Is it worsening?
Se ha mejorado?

Se ha emperoado?
Do you have any numbness?
Siente Ud. adormecimiento?
How would you describe your eyesight?
Como describiria Ud. su vista?
Do you wear glasses?
Usa Ud. lentes?
Have you ever had a head injury?
Ha tenido Ud. alguna vez una herida en la cabeza?
Have you ever been treated by a neurologist or neurosurgeon?
Ha estado Ud. alguna vez bajo el cuidado de un neurOlogo o de un neurocirujano?
What treatment was used?
Que tratamiento se usO?
Have you ever had a seizure?
Alguna vez ha tenido Ud. un ataque epilEptico?
What happened before the seizure?
Que paso antes del ataque epileptico?
What happened to you during the seizure?
Que le paso durante el ataque?
Did you get hurt during the seizure?
Se lastimO durante el ataque?
How long did the seizure last?
CuAnto tiempo durO el ataque?
Can you remember anything about the seizure?
Recuerda Ud. lo que occuriO durante el ataque epilEptico?
When was your first seizure?
CuAndo fue su primer ataque epileptico?
How often do you have seizures? How are they treated?
Con cuanta frecuencia sufre los ataques? Como son tratados?
Have you ever had a stroke?
Ha tenido Ud. alguna vez un derrame cerebral?
What happened to you when you had a stroke?
Que le paso cuando tuvo el derrame cerebral?
What treatment did you receive for the stroke?
Que tratamiento recibiO Ud. para el derrame cerebral?
Do you have any lasting effects from the stroke?
Tiene Ud. aUn algUn efecto perdurable del derrame cerebral?
Were you ever told you have an irregular heartbeat?
Alguna vez le dijeron que tiene el ritmo cardiaco irregular?
high cholesterol
colesterol alto
cerebral palsy
parAlisis cerebral
Down syndrome
Sindrome de Down
multiple sclerosis
escerlosis mUltiple
lead (the metal)
Does anyone help you at home?
Tiene a alguien que lo ayude en su casa?