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61 Cards in this Set

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difficulty swallowing
dificultad al tragar
loss of appetite
perdida de apetito
When did you last have a bowel movement or pass gas?
Cuando fue la ultima vez que Ud. tuvo una evacuaciOn intestinal o flato?
How often do you have regular bowel movements?
Con que frecuencia tiene Ud. evacuaciones intestinales regulares?
What color are your bowel movements?
De que color es su excremento?
Do you ever see blood in your bowel movements?
Ha notado sangre en su excremento?
Have you noticed any change in your normal pattern of bowel movements?
Ha notado Ud. algUn cambio en el patrOn regular de sus evacuaciones intestinales?
parotid gland
la glAndula parOtida
LA lengua
the liver
el higado

(emphasis on i)
el higado
the liver
the gallbladder
la vesicula biliar
la vesicula
the gallbladder
the pancreas
el pAncreas
the appendix
el apEndice
the rectum
el recto
the small intestine
el intestino delgado
Do you suffer from constipation?
Sufre Ud. de estreNimiento?
Do you have abdominal pain?
Tiene dolor abdominal?
How do you treat the pain?
Como trata el dolor?
Have you noticed swelling in your abdomen?
Ha notado Ud. algo de inflamaciOn del abdomen?
abdominal cramps
retorcijones abdominales
Do you have difficulty swallowing?
Tiene Ud. dificultad al tragar?
Do you have heartburn or indigestion?
Sufre Ud. de acidez o indigestiOn?
Do any specific foods or liquids bother you?
Hay algunos alimentos o liquidos en particular que le molestan?
Have you had a recent change in appetite?
Ha tenido Ud. recientemente un cambio en su apetito?
Have you had a recent change in diet?
Ha tenido Ud. recientemente un cambio de dieta?
Have you had any nausea?
Ha tenido Ud. nAuseas?
What color was the vomit?
De que color fue el vOmito?
Point to the area of the pain
See es lo que.Nale el lugar del dolor
Describe the pain
Describa el dolor
What relieves the pain?
Que es lo que le mitiga el dolor?
What makes the pain worse?
Que empeora el dolor?
When does the pain occur in relation to eating?
Cuando siente Ud. el dolor en relaciOn con las comidas?
Have you had an unintentional weight gain?
Recientemente ha cambiado de peso sin proponErselo?
How much weight did you lose or gain?
CuAnto peso perdiO o aumentO?
Do you take antacids?
Toma Ud. antiAcidos?
Do you use laxatives?
Usa Ud. laxantes?
Do you use enemas?
Usa Ud. enemas?
peptic ulcer disease
ulcera pEptica
Have you ever had an eating disorder?
Ha sufrido Ud. de algUn trastorno relacionado con las comidas?
Have you had problems with alcohol?
Tiene problemas de alcoholismo?
Have you ever had hepatitis?
Ha tenido hepatitis?
the throat
la garganta
What happens when you have an allergic reaction?
Que pasa cuando Ud. tiene una reaciOn alErgica?
Have you lived in or traveled to a foreign country?
Ha vivido Ud. o viajado por algUn pais extranjero?
Crohn's disease
enfermedad de Crohn
sickle cell anemia
anemia drepanocita
colon polyps
pOlipos del colon
colostomy bag
saco de colostomia
Are there foods that you can't eat?
Hay alimentos que Ud. no puede comer?
-the teeth
-the gums
teeth: los dientes

gums: las encias (emphasis on i)
Do you wear dentures?
Tiene dentadura postiza?
Dentadura postiza
What's the color of the child's bowel movements?
De que color es la defecaciOn del nino?
How many bowel movements a day does the child have?
Cuantas veces por dia defeca el nino?
Is the odor especially strong?
Es el olor especialmente fuerte?
Have you been depressed or felt anxious recently?
Se ha sentido Ud. deprimido/a o precoupado/a ultimamenta?