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56 Cards in this Set

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After transplantation, Cyclosporine causes this sort of organ damage 25-38% of the time
Which is safer at equipotent doses: prilocaine or lidocaine
TEG. MA value decreased. Indicates what? Treatment?
Measures strength of fully formed clot. Platelets.
TEG. R value decreased. Indicates what? Treatment?
R value = Reaction time. Prolonged = coag factor abnormalities, factor deficiencies, or heparin. give FFP.
TEG. Alpha angle decreased. Indicates what? Treatment?

rate of clot formation

TEG. K value decreased. Indicates what? Treatment?
K = Koagulation time. Decreased = speed of clot formation and strengthening. Prolonged: give Kryo.
TEG. Teardrop formation. Indicates what? Treatment?
Early fibrinolysis. Give antifibrinolytic (eg TXA).
Order of TEG values
R, K, alpha angle, MA.
toxic dose of bupivacaine?
2.5 mg/kg or 3 m/kg with epi
toxic dose of ropivacaine?
3 mg/kg
axillary nerve block targets which three nerves? What does it miss?
median (medial forearm sensation), radial (dorsal hand sensation), ulnar (palmar hand). Misses musculocutaneous (lateral forearm
lumbar plexus block spares what nerve?
It gets the femoral (hip flexion, extension of the lower leg at the knee), lateral femoral cutaneous, and obturator (adduction), sciatic (L4-S3 - LPB gets L1-L4 and part of T12), so foot and ankle movements are preserved.
Incidence of ptx with supraclav block?
up to 6.1%
Incidence of ptx with infraclav block?
Pain Dermatomes and Pain regions for labor stage one?
T10-L1. Paracervical, Hypogastric plexus
Pain Dermatomes and Pain regions for labor stage two?
S2-S4. Pudendal nerve.
ST segment depression is an indicator of what sort of myocardial ischemia?
ST segment elevation is an indicator of what sort of myocardial ischemia?
Treatments for autonomic dysreflexia during surgery?
Stop the surgical stimulus is possible. Pharm therapy: avoid beta blockade. Start with vasodilators such as nitroglycerine and nitroprusside. Other potential options: iv ganglion blockers, hydralazine, alpha adrenergic receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, magnesium.
Side effects of Prostaglandin E1?
apnea, hypotension, fever
Rule of nines for BSA burn calculations
9 percent: each arm, head. 18 percent: leg, torso front, torso back.
Progression of EKG signs for hyperkalemia
peaked T waves, then lengethed PR interval (6.5-7.5), THEN prolonged QRS, THEN bradycardia, sine wave, vtach, progressing to asystole
What EKG features to hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia have in common?
Prolonged PR interval, widened QRS complex
Calcium abnormalites and ST intervals: relationship?
Inverse relationship: HypOcalcemia causes prolonged ST interval, hypERcauses shortened ST interval (interval between ventric depol and repol).
Describe blood supply to the liver
75 percent portal vein, 25 percent hepatic artery
metformin mechanism?
inhibits gluconeogenesis by liver
What regions of the heart does the PDA (posterior descending artery) supply?
Posterior one-third of interventricular septum. Inferior wall and posterior base of LV. Posterior wall of RV. 70 percent have a PDA off the RCA, sometimes it's off the CX. Also known as posterior interventricular arter (PIV).
Which coag factor is reduced in chronic liver disease that is NOT reduced in DIC?
Formula for Strong Ion Difference. How do changes in SID correlate to changes in pH?
Strong cations (Na, K, Ca, Mg) minus Strong anions (Cl, lactate). Increased SID correlates with increased pH. Decreased SID, decreased pH.
Which evoked potential is minimally affected by volatile anesthetic?
Auditory Evoked Potentials
Electrocautery is responsible for what percentage of OR fires?
TEF: most likely associated anomoly?
congenital heart (15 to 35 percent)
prolactinoma: why on carbergoline or bromocriptine?
dopamine agonists, negative feedback neurotransmitter for prolactin
p02 umbilical artery and vein?
20 and 30
Normal urine Na?
Normal serum osm?
Winter's Formula for expected amount of respiratory compensation
PCO2 = 1.5 * bicarb +8 plus or minus 2
chemotherapeutic agents that cause cardiotoxicity
chemotherapeutic agents that cause pulmonary toxicity
chemotherapeutic agents that cause nephrotoxicity
cisplatin, carboplatin, tacrolimus, cyclosporine
chemotherapeutic agents that cause peripheral neuropathy
sodium nitroprusside toxicity triad?
elevated mixed venous oxygen, SNP tachyphlaxis, and metabolic acidosis
wide complex QRS is defined as greater than how many seconds?
effects of sodium bicarb on calcium and potassium
hypOcalcemia (temporarily binds Ca2+), hypOkalemia (alkalosis drives potassium into cells)
lead most sensitive for detection of MI?
V (75 percent, 90 if you add V4 and V5, 80 if you add II which is tood for rhythm detection)
hypoalbuminemia, like with burn patients: give less of this common drug
midazolam. Hypoalb increases the free fraction of benzos, which are highly albumin bound. Fentanyl to a lesser extent.
complete bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve injury: effect?
aphonia, aspiration risk. Cords in paramedian position (both abduction and adduction affected).
refractory (to phenyl, ephed) hypOtn on induction caused by ACE-I: drug of choice?
Norepi over vaso
Which nerve runs alongside the brachial artery in the upper arm and AC fossa?
Minimum pressure differences for UE and LE tourniquets?
50 above BP for upper, 100 above BP for lower
acetazolamide: what does it do to sodium, bicarb, chloride, and potassium?
Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that will increase minute ventilation. it wastes sodium and bicarb in the proximal tubule, which leads to a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. Hypokalemia ensues thanks to sodium potassium exchange. It also wastes phosphate!
which one crosses the placenta: atropine or glyco?
Atropine (tertiary) - glyco is quaternary
Tamponade CVP tracing
exaggerated X-descent (atrial relaXation), attenuated y descent
Constrictive pericarditis CVP tracing
exaggerated x and y descent (change in compliance)
Hydroxyethyl starch affects coagulation by which mechanism?
Decreased Factor VII
Normal urine specific gravity?
1.000 to 1.030