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78 Cards in this Set

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repugnant / repugnance (5/20)
1. Arousing disgust or aversion; offensive or repulsive: morally repugnant behavior.
2. Logic. Contradictory; inconsistent.

She looked at the snake with repugnance.
intrigue (5/20)
To engage in secret or underhand schemes; plot.

1. To effect by secret scheming or plotting.
2. To arouse the interest or curiosity of: Hibernation has long intrigued biologists.
One that keeps guard; a sentry.
neurotic (5/20)
Informal. A person prone to excessive anxiety and emotional upset.
exact (v, 5/20)
1. To obtain by coercion or intimidation: extort, squeeze, wrench, wrest, wring. Slang shake down. See get/lose.
2. To establish and apply as compulsory: assess, impose, levy, put. See obligation, over/under, willing/unwilling.
3. To ask for urgently or insistently: call for, claim, demand, insist on (or upon), require, requisition. Idioms: cry out for. See request.

She will stop at nothing to exact revenge.
Definition: concerned only with oneself. A regarding of oneself with undue favor: amour-propre, conceit, ego, egoism, egotism, pride, vainglory, vainness, vanity. Slang ego trip. See self-love/modesty.
Antonyms: modest, outgoing, sacrificing, self-effacing, unselfish

the mythological Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection. In addition to an inflated self-image and addiction to fantasy, narcissism is characterized by an unusual coolness and composure, which is shaken only when the narcissistic confidence is threatened, and by the tendency to take others for granted or to exploit them. According to Sigmund Freud, narcissism is a normal stage in children's development, but it is considered a disorder when it occurs after puberty.
meek (ajdj)
1. Showing patience and humility; gentle.
2. Easily imposed on; submissive.

1. Having or expressing feelings of humility: humble, lowly, modest. See attitude/good attitude/bad attitude/neutral attitude, big/small/amount, self-love/modesty.
2. Easily managed or handled: docile, gentle, mild, tame. See wild/tame.
Definition: continual, lasting

Antonyms: brief, ephemeral, fleeting, intermittent, momentary, temporary, transient, transitory
Incapable of being apprehended by the mind or the senses.

impalpable, imperceptible, imponderable, inappreciable, indiscernible, indistinguishable, insensible, invisible, unnoticeable, unobservable.
inherent, Of or relating to the essential nature of a thing;

Forming an essential element, as arising from the basic structure of an individual: built-in, congenital, connatural, constitutional, elemental, inborn, inbred, indigenous, indwelling, ingrained, inherent, innate, native, natural. See be, native/foreign, start/end.

essentially; inherently; naturally
Although my grandmother's china has intrinsically little value, I shall always cherish it for the memories it evokes.
mulish (adj)
Stubborn and intractable; recalcitrant.

pliancy (n)
The quality or state of being flexible

bounce, ductility, elasticity, flexibility, flexibleness, give, malleability, malleableness, plasticity, pliability, pliableness, pliantness, resilience, resiliency, spring, springiness, suppleness. Obsolete flexure. See flexible/rigid.
shrewish (adj)
Meaning #1: continually complaining or faultfinding

ill-temper, nagging
contract (v)
1. To enter into or make an agreement: contract for garbage collection.
2. To become reduced in size by or as if by being drawn together.

The pupils of the patient's eyes contracted.
debacle (v)
breaking up; downfall

This debacle in the government can only result in anarchy (lack of government, political disorder)
drought (n)
han hat

1. A long period of abnormally low rainfall, especially one that adversely affects growing or living conditions.
2. A prolonged dearth or shortage.
manifest (n/v)
Definition: exhibit, make plain
Antonyms: bury, conceal, cover, hide, obscure, withhold

understandable; clear
His evil intentions were manifest and yet we could not stop him.
1. (used with a pl. verb) Theatrical arts or performances.
2. (used with a sing. or pl. verb) Exaggerated emotional behavior calculated for effect.

He was proud of his histrionic ability and wanted to play the role of Hamlet.
disown; repudiate

He announced that he would disavow all debts incurred by his wife
(literary or dramatic work that) give an imitation that ridicules

In his caricature (tranh biem hoa.), he burlesqued the mannerisms of his adversary.

caricature, burlesque, parody, travesty, satire, lampoon. These nouns denote artistic forms in which someone or something is imitated in an amusing and generally critical manner. A caricature grossly exaggerates a distinctive or striking feature with intent to ridicule: drew a caricature of the politician. Burlesque, which usually denotes a dramatic work, suggests outlandish mimicry and broad comedy to provoke laughter: a burlesque playing at the theater. Parody, travesty, and satire generally apply to written works. Parody employs the manner and style of a well-known work or writer for a ludicrous effect: wrote a parody of the famous novel. A travesty is a harshly distorted imitation: a travesty of morality. Satire usually involves ridiculing follies and vices: employs satire in her poetry. A lampoon is a malicious but broadly humorous satire: a lampoon authored by a standup comic.
lampoon (v)

This article lampoons the pretensions of some movie moguls (rich/powerful person, a magnate).
palate / palatable
vo`m mie^.ng

The sense of taste: delicacies pleasing to the most refined palate; khau vi

agreeable; pleasing to the taste.

Neither Jack's underbaked opinions nor his overcooked casseroles were palatable to me
1. A fall on the buttocks.
2. A humiliating error, failure, or defeat

His characters not only survive their snarled problems and pratfalls but learn from their experiences” (Joyce Carol Oates).
fallen fruit; unexpected lucky event

This huge tax refund is quite a windfall.
1. Resembling an ape.
2. Slavishly or foolishly imitative: “My own performances were apish imitations of Olivier's stirring cadences” (Robert Brustein).
3. Silly; outlandish (conspicuously (easily noticed, obvious, noticeably) unconventional bizarre, unfamiliar, strange).
1. Abjectly submissive; slavish.
1. Of or suitable to a slave or servant.
2. Of or relating to servitude or forced labor.

slavish; cringing
Constantly fawning on his employer, humble Uriah Heap was a servile creature.
stature (n)
1. The natural height of a human or animal in an upright position.
2. An achieved level; status.

A level of superiority that is usually high: caliber, merit, quality, value, virtue, worth. See good/bad, value/worthlessness/evaluation.
fantastic; comically hideous
On Halloween people enjoy wearing grotesque costume.

ludicrous or incongruous distortion, as of appearance or manner.
Outlandish or bizarre
disinclination to move; lifelessness
silly; senseless (inane argument, inane roommate)

Such comments are inane because they do not help us solve our program.
fortitude (noun)
The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely

rw: braveness, bravery, courage, courageousness, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry, gameness, heart, intrepidity, intrepidness, mettle, nerve, pluck, pluckiness, spirit, stoutheartedness, undauntedness, valiance, valiancy, valiantness, valor. Informal spunk, spunkiness. Slang gut (used in plural), gutsiness, moxie. See fear/courage.
fortify (v)
To make strong, as:

1. To strengthen and secure (a position) with fortifications.
2. To reinforce by adding material.
3. To impart physical strength or endurance to; invigorate.
4. To give emotional, moral, or mental strength to; encourage: Prayer fortified us during our crisis.
5. To strengthen or enrich (food, for example), as by adding vitamins.


To build fortifications
1. Happening by accident or chance. See synonyms at accidental.
2. Usage Problem.
1. Happening by a fortunate accident or chance.
2. Lucky or fortunate.
prevent by taking action in advance

By setting up a prenuptial (before marriage) agreement, the prospective bride and groom hoped to forestall any potential arguments about money in the event of a divorce.
gauche (adj)
1. Lacking sensitivity and skill in dealing with others: brash, clumsy, impolitic, indelicate, maladroit, tactless, undiplomatic, unpolitic, untactful. See ability/inability, courtesy/discourtesy.

2. Clumsily lacking in the ability to do or perform: awkward, bumbling, clumsy, heavy-handed, inept, maladroit, unskillful. See ability/inability.
impressiveness; stateliness; majesty

No matter how often he hiked through the mountains, David never failed to be struck by the grandeur of the Sierra Nevada range.
pertaining to language
The modern tourist will encounter very little linguistic difficulty as English has become an almost universal language.

The deer sensed the hunter's proximity and bounded away.

Some mornings I feel a great disinclination to get out of bed.
Because of the traffic congestion on the main highways, she took a circuitous route.
prolix/prolixity (adj)
1. Tediously prolonged; wordy: editing a prolix manuscript.
2. Tending to speak or write at excessive length. See synonyms at wordy.

verbose; drawn out
Her prolix arguments irritated and bored the jury.

wordy, diffuse, long-winded, prolix, verbose. These adjectives mean given to using or marked by the use of an excessive number of words: a wordy apology; a diffuse historical novel; a long-winded speaker; a prolix, tedious lecturer; verbose correspondence.
limerick (n)
a type of poem: A light humorous, nonsensical, or bawdy verse of five anapestic lines usually with the rhyme scheme aabba.
1. The act of retaining.
2. The condition of being retained.
1. An impelling force; an impulse.
2. The force or energy associated with a moving body.
1. Something that incites; a stimulus.
2. Increased activity in response to a stimulus: The approaching deadline gave impetus to the investigation.
1. To measure precisely.
2. To determine the capacity, volume, or contents of.
3. To evaluate or judge: gauge a person's ability.
4. To adapt to a specified measurement.
5. To mix (plaster) in specific proportions.
6. To chip or rub (bricks or stones) to size.
# To *discover* with certainty, as through examination or experimentation. See synonyms at discover.
# Archaic. To make certain, definite, and precise
1. Capable of or qualified for receiving.
2. Ready or willing to receive favorably: receptive to their proposals.
3. Linguistics. Of or relating to the skills of listening and reading.
1. To append or attach, especially to a larger or more significant thing.
2. To incorporate (territory) into an existing political unit such as a country, state, county, or city.
3. To add or attach, as an attribute, condition, or consequence.

Texas was annexed to the U.S territory in year xyz
To sap the strength or energy of; enervate .
sedate (v)
To administer a sedative to; calm or relieve by means of a sedative drug.
1. A state of alarm or dread; apprehension. Fear
2. An involuntary trembling or quivering.
1. To cause to decay and have a foul odor. See synonyms at decay.
2. To make gangrenous.
1. Of or relating to shepherds or herders.
2. Of, relating to, or used for animal husbandry.

1. Of or relating to the country or country life; rural.
2. Charmingly simple and serene; idyllic
1. Very small; tiny. See synonyms at small.
2. Of, relating to, or written in minuscule.


1. A small cursive script developed from uncial between the seventh and ninth centuries and used in medieval manuscripts.
2. A letter written in minuscule.
3. A lowercase letter.
1. Readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings.
2. Exhibiting considerable variety or diversity: “He loved to show off his protean talent” (William A. Henry III).
1. Relating to, affected by, or having the character of a spasm; convulsive.
2. Happening intermittently; fitful: spasmodic rifle fire.
3. Given to sudden outbursts of energy or feeling; excitable.
To restore consciousness, vigor, or life to. See synonyms at revive.

To regain consciousness.
1. Of, relating to, containing, or conveying semen or seed.
2. Of, relating to, or having the power to originate; creative.
3. Highly influential in an original way; constituting or providing a basis for further development: a seminal idea in the creation of a new theory.

Professor Bartow is most known for the research that he did several years ago; his theories on the forecasting of entire economic movements have been proven, and as a result his *seminal* work has been hailed as insightful and intriguing.
1. Readily bent; pliant.
2. Moving and bending with agility; limber.
3. Yielding or changing readily; compliant or adaptable. See synonyms at flexible.
not drunk
one manages or oversees
an animal that has four feet, esp. an ungulate mammal.
adherent, devoted follower

a person, such as a monk or nun, who has made vows of dedication to religious service
esp. of a person's manner or actions) insisting on immediate attention or obedience, esp. in a brusquely imperious way : “Just do it!” came the peremptory reply.
indigent, impoverished, having little or no money.
1 a claw, esp. one belonging to a bird of prey.
2 the shoulder of a bolt against which the key presses to slide it in a lock.
3 (in various card games) the cards remaining undealt.
turn into bone,
a network of interconnecting rabbit burrows.
• a densely populated or labyrinthine building or district
cataclysmic (adj)
relating to or denoting a violent natural event.
• informal denoting something unpleasant or unsuccessful on an enormous scale : the concert was a cataclysmic failure.
(of part of the body) soft and hanging loosely or limply, esp. so as to look or feel unpleasant : she took his flaccid hand in hers.
• (of plant tissue) drooping or inelastic through lack of water.
• figurative lacking force or effectiveness : the flaccid leadership campaign was causing concern.
lacking brightness or interest; drearily dull : the landscape was drab and gray | her drab suburban existence.

2 of a dull light brown color : drab camouflage uniforms.
(esp. of a person) having an untidy or disheveled appearance
(of a person) plump (full rounded shape).
• round or spherical : huge stoves held great rotund cauldrons.
• figurative (of speech or literary style) indulging in grandiloquent expression.
(of a person) unattractive in appearance
scruffy and neglected in appearance.
• dingy and stuffy : a frowzy nightclub.