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145 Cards in this Set

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how do actin and tubulin organize structure?
self association
filament proteins are high conserved. what is the sequence similarity b/w yeast and human filaments?
how many actin isoforms? how many isoforms of alpha and beta tubulin?
at least 3; 6 or more
another term for actin
actin formed in vitro
what method was used to determine structure of actin and actin filaments
X ray crystallography
what are 2 ways AF can be organized
tightly anchored bundles, or networks (2D and 3D)
AF diameter?
3 isoforms of actin in vertebrates?
alpha, beta, and gamma-actin
define cytoskeleton
cytoplasmic system of filaments/fibers
which filament has largest diameter
filament assembly is:
dynamic and highly regulated
AF function:
shape's cell surface
cell locomotion
MT function:
positions mmb-enclosed organelles
directs IC transport
IF function:
provide mechanical strength and resistance to shear stress
filament fns in neuron:
AF - line cortex of axon, just beneath plasma mmb
MT - bundles found in neurites for axonal tranport
IF - NF are specialized IF that provide structural support for axon
what is neurite?
buds of neurons developing into axons and dendrites
what is fn of 4 subdomains on monomeric actin?
facilitates interaction with other actin subunits and as well between strands
which protein binds to ATP?
Which protein binds to GTP?
alpha and beta tubulin
MT diameter
how many protofilaments are needed to make a MT
which portion of the tubulin heterodimer does not hydrolyze GTP?
alpha tubulin
living cell filaments maintain a dynamic equlibrium b/w:
monomeric and polymeric states
what is faster end of growing polymer?
plus end
in order for a monomer to polymerize with existing polymer, what state must the nucleotide be in?
T form; i.e. ATP or GTP
which rate is NOT porportional to [monomer]?
what is unit for kon?
per mole per second
what if unit for koff
per second
critical concentration (Cc)
concentration of monomers in equilibrium with filaments i.e. rate of subunit addition equals rate of subunit loss
eqn for Cc
Cc = [monomer] = koff/on = 1/K
which is higher Cc(T) or Cc(D)?
Cc(D) > Cc(T)
When does treadmilling occur?
Cc(T) < [monomer] < Cc(D)
what is steady-state treadmilling?
polymer maintains constant length though there is a net flux of subunits through the polymer; plus end grows while minus end shrinks
at what concentration does dynamic instability occur?
uniform monomer concentration
rapid shrinking
rapid growth
treadmilling more likely occurs in:
dynamic instability more likely occurs in:
AF structure
two-stranded helical polymers of protein actinl 2 protofilaments forming right handed hleix
where is actin most concentrated?
cell cortex underlying plasma mmb
whats stronger: AF or MT?
large-scale cell polarity
cell being able to differentiate between top and bottom; made possible by cytoskeleton
how is MT oriented in epithelial cell?
positive end towards basal end, negative end towards apical end
long linear string of subunits joined end to end
protofilament bind:
noncovalently; laterallly
IF can tolerate twisting more than MT because:
IF have strong lateral contacts than do MTs
an aggregation of subunits with strong contacts
filament nucleation
process of initial nucelus assemblyl
how is alpha and beta tubulin bound
noncovalent bond
do lateral bonds in MT occur b/w like or opposite tubulins?
like tubulin; i.e. alpha-alpha and beta-beta
what are the 2 bonds involved in filaments
longitudinal and lateral
how is tubulin heterodimer oriented?
alpha is down, beta is up
which protein filament is flexible?
which end associates faster? which end dissociates faster?
plus end adds faster when [subunit] > Cc, and dissociates faster when [subunit] < Cc
what are alternate names for AF plus and minus ends?
plus end - barbed end
minus end - pointed end
What happens at ΔG < 0? When ΔG > 0?
filament elongation; filament dissociation
free energy is greater when subunit released from D-form or T-form polymer?
D-form polymer, which is why Cc of D-polymer is greater than Cc(T)
is subunit more likely to dissociate from polymer in D or T state?
D form
When does ATP/GTP cap form?
high [subunit]; subunit addition is higher than subunit hydrolysis
how can lag phase be eliminated?
adding premade nuclei
dynamic instability
sudden conversion b/w period of slow growth and period of rapid disassembly in AF and MT; occurs at uniform [subunit]
maintaining constant length by addition of protein subunits on 1 side and loss of subunits on other
MT depolymerize faster in GTP or GDP tubulin?
MT depolarize faster in GDP tubulin (100x faster than GTP tubulin)
GDP tubulin causes what structure in protofilaments?
curved rod
Which filament undergoes greater length fluctuations?
what do Kt and Kd represent?
Kt = plus end
Kd = minus end
why does T end have lower Cc than D end?
b/c subunit addition is easier on T end, so it takes lower concentration for addition to halt
what is [actin monomer] inside cell?
where does AF nucleation take place?
cell cortex
Arp2/3 complex mimicks?
barbed (+ end) of Af
filament branching occurs via what structure? what is the angle of branching?
Filament branching occurs with Arp2/3 complex binding to side of preexisting AF, forming 70 angle
Arp2/3 complex composed of?
Arp2,3 and ARPC1-5
what must Arp2 and 3 be loaded with to initiate assembly of branched AFs?
how can Arp2/3 complex increase nucleation?
binding to pre-existing filament rapidly activates nucleation
ARP complex nucleates AF growth from which end?
minus end, allowing rapid elongation of plus end
what protein promotes nucleation which also facilitates Arp2/3 mediated branching?
VCA domain containing protein (part of WASP family)
What are 3 sequences of VCA domain arranged in tandem?
1) actin-binding verprolin-homology (or V) domain
2) a conserved connected (or C) region that interacts with with both Arp2/3 complex and monomeric actin
3) An acidic (or A) region that binds the Arp2/3 complex
how does actin bind to formins?
FH2 domains
What 3 accessory proteins promote nucleation?
formins, Arp2/3 complex, and spire
profilin fn?
promotes filament assembly by binding to actin monomers and making them available at the + end of growing polymer.
only actin-binding protein that allows ATP exchange for ADP
Thymosin beta4 fn?
binds and sequesters pool of actin monomers so they aren't available for polymerization
gelsolin and cofilin fn?
control filament size by breaking them into shorter size by causing filaments to twist
CapZ and Tropomodulin fn?
proteins that stabilize filaments by capping ends
Calponin-homology domain (CH-domain) superfamily?
proteins that organize filaments into bundles and networks
what proteins allows formation of actin bundles and networks?
crosslinking proteins; contains at least 2 actin binding domain
what AF associated protein breaks filaments and caps the + end?
Cofilin prefers to bind with:
ADP-containing actin filaments
2 classes of crosslinking proteins?
bundling proteins
gel-forming proteins
bundling protein e.g?
fimbrin, alpha-actinin, villin
gel-forming protein e.g.?
spectrin, filamin
which bundling protein allows tight packing of parallel AF?
what bundling proteins are used in microvilli?
fimbrin and villin
spectrin structure? Where can it be found?
2 alpha and beta chains; helps maintain shape of RBC, concentrated just beneath plasma mmb
filamin fn?
facilitates cell movement; clamps 2 actin filaments at roughly right angles
Why are cancers cell unable to mobilize?
lack filamin protein
CapZ and tropomodulin bind to which end of AF?
CapZ - plus end
tropomodulin - minus end
in formin where do monomeric actins bind?
each subunit for formin dimer has actin binding site
how does profilin bind to actin monomer?
binds to face of monomer opposite of ATP binding cleft
where is profilin found?
near cytosolic face; binds to protein rich in Pro domains
binds to 2 tubulin dimers and prevents them from binding to MT; increases chance of catastrophe
tropomyosin fn?
binds to 7 adjacent protofilaments of actin preventing them from interacting with other proteins
when will tropomodulin bind?
only if AF are attached to tropomyosin
what structure can filamin form?
actin gels that can have lamellipodia
What is purpose of gamma-tubulin?
involved in nucleation of microtubules
what's in gamma-TuRC?
gamma tubulin and associated protein
specific location inside cell where MT nucleation initiates
a major MTOC in animal cells
which variation of tubulin is found in lowest quantities?
where is centrosome found?
in the cytoplasm near the nucleus
how many gamma-TuRCs does a centrosome have?
+50 gamma-TuRCS found on centrosome matrix
what do centrioles become?
centrioles, found in MTOC, become basal bodies of cilia and flagella in motile cells
centriole fn?
organize centrosome matrix
where are IFs found?
in cells subjected to mechanical stress i.e. not found in all cells
where does MT nucleation occur?
In MTOC, meaning in cytoplasm near nucleus
katanin fn?
severes MT from MTOC
can gamma-TuRC act as cap?
yes, for minus end of MT
what are 2 known MTOCs?
centrosome (animal) and spindle polar bodies (yeast)
another name for centrosome matrix?
pericentriolar material (PCM)
how are actin-severing protein activated?
high cytosolic Ca2+ levels, as they are members of gelsolin superfamily
what regulates nucleating activity of ARP complex?
IC signalling and components of cytosolic face of plasma mmb
what crosslinking structures do ARP complex and formin promote?
ARP complex promotes formation of gel branched networks, whereas formin promotes formation of unbranched actin bundles
how does formin differ from ARP complex and gamma-tubulin in terms of nucleation?
former 2 stay bound at minus end, whereas formin moves up as it elongates the AF
ARP complex and gamma tubulin prevent what at minus end?
subunit addition or loss
What are MAPs?
Microtubule Associated proteins; control (dis)assembly of MTs
What are the 2 groups of MAPs?
Those that stabilize or destabilize the filament
e.g. of stabilizing MAPs?
MAP1,2,4 and Tau
Which MAP ensures tighter bundling of MTs: Tau or MAP2?
What is the most abundant MAP? where is it found?
MAP4, found in neuronal as well as non-neuronal tissue
What is the result of MTs with hyperphosphorylated Tau?
accumulates as interneuronal tangles of:
paired helical filaments
twisted ribbons
straight filaments
neurofibrillary tangles
What diseases result in hyperphosphorylated Tau?
Alzheimer's, Down Syndrome, and several forms of Dementia
what does mutation in presenilin cause?
increase in synthesis of amyloid-beta (A-beta) peptide; misfolded A-beta peptide in AD initates Tau aggregation
What mutations have been identified in AD?
mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilins
What is EB1?
capping protein in yeast binding to + end of MTs
facilitates anchoring to plasma mmb through interactions with Kar9
XMAP215 fn?
+TIP stabillizer; decreases frequency of catastrophic events
catastrophin fn?
+TIP destabilizer;increases frequency of catastrophic events
What are +TIPs?
plus-end tracking proteins bind to + end of MTs and are positive regulators of MT growth
What is a "seam" in MT?
a weak point in MT due to helical nature of tube
what is FtsZ?
tubulin homolog in bacteria that mediates cell division
What is MreB?
actin homolog in bacteria that forms filaments and maintains cell length; gives bacteria rod shape
typically, 1 tau should be present for every __ tubulin subunits?
does ARP complex always remain at negative end of AF?
No, it may dissociate
what regulates activity of MAPs?
protein kinases
centrosome creates an _____ array of MT.
crescentin fn?
an IF that pushes on bacterial cell wall giving healthy bow