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38 Cards in this Set

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The cytoskeleton is composed of 3 well defined filamentous structures
1) Microtubules
2) Microfilaments
3) Intermediate Filaments
Key to Cytoskeletal functions
1) Structure and support
2) Intracellular transport
3) Contractility and Motility
4) Spatial Organization
Organisms that capture and utilize energy in oxygen independent metabolism.
Organisms that incorporate O2 into their metabolism.
Can completely oxidize products like lactic acid and ethanol to CO2 and H2O.
Without the ability to utilize O2 energy rich products like lactic acid and ethanol accumulate.
Mitochondria replicate by ?
What do mitochondria do for live cells?
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
-aerobic metabolism
-TCA cycle
Where is ATP synthesized?
Mitochondrial membrane
___ increase the surface area to accomodate all of the reactions.
Catabolic pathways
break down complex molecules to simpler ones
Anabolic pathways
lead to synthesis of more complex molecules from simple ones
Energy released by catabolic pathways is stored in 2 forms:
1) High energy electrons - NADPH
2) High energy phosphates --ATP
Cofactor derived from the vitamin niacin used to capture electrons
High energy compound since it can transfer electrons to other electron acceptors
Catabolic pathways
break down complex molecules to simpler ones
Anabolic pathways
lead to synthesis of more complex molecules from simple ones
Energy released by catabolic pathways is stored in 2 forms:
1) High energy electrons - NADPH
2) High energy phosphates --ATP
Cofactor derived from the vitamin niacin used to capture electrons
High energy compound since it can transfer electrons to other electron acceptors
High energy bonds are ____ ?
____ kcal / bond in ATP

___ kcal / bond in AMP
* phosphoanhydride bonds
* 7.3
* 2
Conversion of glucose to pyruvate.
-> generates some ATP + NADH
-> Does not require O2
In aerobic cells pyruvate is transported to mitochondria where it is converted to CO2 + H2O.
ATP is generated by chemiosmotic coupling (PMF)
What happens if O2 is limiting in muscle
Muscle ferments. Muscle cells secrete lactic acid which is taken up by the liver (via blood) and reoxidized to pyruvate.
Pyruvate is then transfered to CO2 or glucose.
Actin is an ____
ATP assembles ______
GTP assembles ______
1) actin microfilament assembly
2) microtubule assembly
Known as actin filaments or F-actin for filamentous actin.
exhibit a characteristic binding pattern that gives the muscle fiber a striated appearance.
Thick filaments consist of ___ and ___
Thin filaments are only ____ filaments
1) myosin and actin filaments
2) actin
Actin filaments are ___ bands
Myosin filaments are __ bands
1) I
2) A
The center of the A band region contains only myosin filaments and is called
H zone
Each sarcomere extends from
one Z line to the next Z line.
All skeletal muscles operate by ___
Units of shortening
1) shortening
2) sarcomeres
In addition to actin, the thin filaments of muscle contain two other proteins:
____ and _____
tropomyosin and troponin
Two other major proteins found in the sarcomere
titin and nebulin
Muscle fibers are organized into groups or ____
motor units
The point of contact of a terminus of an axon with a muscle fiber is called a _____
neuromuscular junction
The steps that link arrival of a nerve impulse to the shortening of the sarcomeres within the muscle fiber is called
excitation-contraction coupling
The nerve impulse is propogated to the interior of the cell along the ____ or ___
transerves tubules or T-tubules
The T-tubules terminate in close proximity to a system of cytoplasmic membranes that make up the ______
sarcoplasmic reticulum
About 80% of the integral membrane protein of the sarcoplasmic reticulum consisits of ______
Ca2+ ATPase molecules