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94 Cards in this Set

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What structures can be seen with a light microscope (LM)?
Nucleolus, nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm, cytoplasm, centrosome, nucleus, cell membrane.
What is the name for tiny structures inside a cell?
What molecule makes up the double layer in a cell membrane
What word means "loves water"?
What word means "is afraid of water"?
Which end of a phospholipid is hydrophilic?
phosphate end (round ball end)
Which end of a phospholipid is hydrophobic?
fatty acid end (string end)
What molecules are "floating" in the double layer of a cell membrane?
How thick is a cell membrane?
80 angstroms
What does the term angstrom mean?
1/10 billionth of a meter
Name 3 terms that mean only some things pass through a cell membrane.
semi-permeable, selective permeability, and differential permeability
What organelle is the first site of protein synthesis?
What is the size of a ribosome?
What type of molecules are ribosomes made of?
Ribosomal RNA and proteins
What are the "building blocks" of proteins?
Amino Acids
Name 3 terms that mean only some things pass through a cell membrane.
semi-permeable, selective permeability, and differential permeability
What organelle is the first site of protein synthesis?
What is the size of a ribosome?
What type of molecules are ribosomes made of?
Ribosomal RNA and proteins
What are the "building blocks" of proteins?
Amino Acids
How many different types of amino acids are there?
What are the functions of proteins?
building parts for the body like collagen, regulators like some hormones, biochemical tools like enzymes
What kind of molecule are all enzymes?
What is the purpose of microvilli?
to add surface area to the cell for absorption or diffusion
What happens in the ribosomes?
Site of protein synthesis - building proteins from amino acids
Other than the ribosomes, what are other sites in the cell important in protein synthesis?
Endoplasmic reticulum, golgi complex
What does the Latin root word "reticul" mean?
What type of organelle is made of folded layers of membranes?
Endoplasmic reticulum
Name 2 types of Endoplasmic Reticulum.
Smooth and rough
What organelle is the size of a bacteria (about 3-4 microns)
How many membranes does a mitochondria have?
2 - one inner and one outer membrane
Where is ATP produced?
What do the letters ATP stand for?
What is created in the mitochondria when phosphate is removed from ATP?
ADP or AMP and free phosphates are used as energy in the cell.
What is the name of the organelle observed as "membrane stacks" with vesicles nearby?
Golgi Complex
Other than protein synthesis what is the job of the golgi complex?
Cell secretion, create digestive enzymes for the lysosomes
What is the name of the organelle that is like the "police force" in the cell?
Explain what lysosomes do.
Contain digestive enzymes, like proteolytic enzymes to break down materials, digest phagocytized materials. They are the garbage disposals of the cell - phagocytes are the garbage can - lysosomes destroy the garbage.
What structure inside of a cell is described as microtubule structures that form parts of the cytoskeleton, operate during cell division and form cilia and flagella?
How do flagella and cilia move?
microtubules in the centrioles
What is a non-membrane bound structure within the cytoplasm - the stuff inside the cell not enclosed by membrane called?
A double layer of membrane material that is continuous with the ER
Nuclear membrane
What is the name for DNA when it is diffuse?
Name 6 examples of inclusions
pigment, enzymes, fat droplets, hemoglobin molecules, glycogen and melanin
What do the letters DNA stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Name 12 things you can see within a cell with a TEM
Cellular membranes, plasma membranes, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi complex, mitochondria, lysosomes, centrosome, inclusions, nucleus, other cellular structures (cilia, flagella, microvilli) and extracellular material
How does DNA control the cell?
It provides the blueprint for what needs to be made inside the cell.
What is chromosomal material?
How many chromosomes do humans have in each cell?
46 (23 pair)
What is the name for a copy of DNA in reverse (like looking at a copy through a mirror)
Where does messenger RNA carry it's messages?
To the Ribosomes
Where do the messages in messenger RNA come from and what do they say?
They are from the DNA and they tell the ribosomes a sequence of amino acids to be linked together to form a protein.
What are the 3 types of RNA
Messenger, ribosomal and transfer
T or F cells contain more RNA than DNA
What does transfer RNA transfer?
They transfer amino acids to the ribosome
T or F RNA actually produces proteins
Where are 2 places you can find RNA?
Nucleoplasm and cytoplasm
What type of protein makes chemical reactions occur?
What do the letters RNA stand for?
Ribonucleic acid
56. What is the name if the "puffed up" structure that is the site of ribosomal RNA synthesis?
What are the contractile protein threads in muscle cells called?
Name 3 types of fibrils
Myofibrils, microfilaments, intermediate filaments and micrutubules.
What are the "hairlike" moveable extensions from a cell surface.
Name 2 places in the body where you would find cilia on the cells
Lining of Oviducts and respiratory passages
What is the only type of cell in humans to have flagella?
Sperm cell
What is a non-living material that surrounds the cells in connective tissue?
What are the 2 types of Matrix?
Fibrous and non-fibrous
Name the 3 types of fibrous matrix
Collagen, elastin and reticulin
What is the name for "white" fibrous matrix?
What is the name for the "yellow" fibrous matrix?
What is the name for Net-like fibrous matrix?
What kind of fibrous matrix forms ligaments and tendons and gives them their strength?
What kind of fibrous matrix is contained in areolar connective tissue?
Where would you find reticulin fibers in the body?
Walls of blood vessels, nerves and the inside lining of some organs like the thymus
What is another word for "ground substance"?
Non-fibrous matrix
What is the substance that fills the space between the cells and contains fibers
non-fibrous matrix/ground substance
Name 3 things found in non-fibrous matrix
water, cell adhesion proteins and Proteoglycans
What is the name for the structure within the non-fibrous matrix that is shaped like a bottle brush, holds water and provides firmness to the cell?
GAGs or glycosaminoglycans
Name 2 examples of GAGs
keratin sulfate and chondroitin sulfate
What is the name for the cell division process that occurs in all division except gametes, occurs in many places in the body, one cell (2N) becomes two (2N) cells, has only one division and goes through the processes of P-M-A-T
What is the name for the cell division process that occurs only in gametes, only in the gonads, on cell (2N) becomes 4 (1N) cells, has two divisions and goes through the processes of P1-M1-A1-T1-M2-A2-T2
Name the phases of mitosis
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
Name the phases of meiosis
Prophase1, Metaphase1, Anaphase1, Telophase1, Metaphase2, Anaphase2, Telophase2.
Which type of cell division is for growth and reproduction?
Which phase of cell division is the longest?
What are the 6 things that happen during prophase?
Division begins, chromosomes become visible, centrioles move to opposite ends of cell, kinetochore microtubules interconnect centrioles with centromeres, nuclear membrane breaks down, nucleoli disappear
What are the 2 things that happen during metaphase?
Replicated chromosomes line up in the center of the cell, kinectochore microtubules pull on centromeres
What are the 2 things that happen during anaphase?
Chromosomes pulled apart and cytokinesis begins
What happens during telophase?
Reverse of many prophase activities.
What is the term for the cycle that a cell passes through before and during division?
cell cycle
What is another name for "Reductional Division"?
What is the name for a cell with 46 chromosomes (2N)?
Diploid cell
What is the name for a cell with 23 chromosomes (1N)?
Haploid cell
How many chromosomes do gametes contain?