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46 Cards in this Set

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The scientific study of heredity


The study of heredity in man

Human genetics

The study of human genetics variation of medical significance

Medical genetics

Medical genetics can be further divided into 5 groups

*clinical genetics

*genetic counseling

*molecular genetics

*biochemical genetics


A medical speciality which provides a series of diagnostic services for individuals at risk of genetic disorder

Clinical genetics

Process by which the patient and relatives at risk of an inherited disorder are provided with the information towards the disorder or disease

Genetic counseling

Deals with the structure and activity of a genetic material at a molecular level

Molecular genetics

Study of genetics in terms of the biochemical events involved

Biochemical genetics

Study of inheritance in relation to the structure and function of chromosomes



*Arab physician Albucasis

Hemophilia- as genetic disorder

*Robert Hooke

Looks @structure under microscope & calls them cell


Anton van leeuwenhoek

-Improved compound microscope

-First to see sperm in semen

1859 Charles Darwin

"The origin of species"


1866 Gregor Mendel

"Pisum sativum"

-Austrian monk

[Elementen] -unit for gene

1869 Friedrich Miescher

Identified the acidic substance found in cell nuclei of WBC

-now called DNA

Who created the compound microscope?

Zaccharias Jansen (dutch)

1900 William Bateson

*Coined the word "genetics"

*translated mendel's work to English

1910 Thomas Hunt Morgan

-Confirms the chromosome theory of heredity

-using studies of eye color of fruit flies "Drosophila melanogaster"

1911 E. B. Wilson

Identifies X chromosome as the location for gene for color blindness

1950 Erwin Chargoff

Shows 4 nucleotides present in DNA

A+T ---> A+U


1952 Martha Chase & Alfred Hershey

Uses phages to demonstrate that final proof that DNA is the element of heredity

1985 Kary Mullis

Polymerase chain reaction

Replication of DNA in 1hr

1995 Venter, Fraser & Hamilton Smith

Publish the first sequence of the free living bacteria

"Haemophilus influenzae"

When was the first cloned animal?


Who is the first cloned animal? From what?

Dolly the sheep; from an adult somatic cell

2001 first pet cloned

CC the cat

(copy-cat/carbon copy)

Father of genetics

Gregor Mendel

Chromosome are first observed in tumor cells by?

Walther Fleming

"AB" - co-dominant

*Exist together

*Express together

A sequence of nucleotides that represents a functional unit of inheritance


A region of DNA that codes for a product, either RNA or protein


Highly ordered structure composed of DNA and proteins that carries the genetic information. In humans, there are 46 ordered in pairs


All chromosomes other than the X and Y chromosomes, which designates the sex chromosomes


Sister chromosomes, the members of a pair of chromosomes in which one is inherited from the mother and the other from the father

Homologous chromosomes/ homologs

The position of a gene on a chromosome


An alternative form of a gene occupying the same locus


A permanent heritable change in the sequence of genomic DNA


The chromosome constitution of an individual


A figure showing the paired chromosomes from a cell arrayed in a standard sequence


The presence of 2 copies of each unique chromosome per cell. In humans, the chromosomes occur in pairs and the diploid (2N) number is 46.


One copy of each unique chromosome. In humans, the gametes are ___(N=23)


Both alleles at a locus are the same


2 alleles at a locus are different


Presence of only one chromosome or chromosome segment rather than the usual two; applies to males with a single X chromosome


Failure of chromosome/ chromatids to separate to opposite poles in cell division.

Usually results in one too many/ one too few chromosomes in cell


Cell division inthe gonads that produces the gametes.


Somatic cell division, in which the DNA replicates and is evenly distributed to two equal daughter cells
