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96 Cards in this Set

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What are the three structural parts of a cyst?
1 Central cavity (containing fluid, etc) 2 Lining (usually strat squa) 3 CT Capsule
How are cysts usually discovered?
Routine exam/xrays
Name the cyst characterized by a non-vital tooth, inflammation, radiolucent, derived from rest of Malassez, either asympomatic or acute pain.
Dental Granuloma
Name the cyst characterized by a non-vital tooth, cholesterol clefts, radiolucent, either asympomatic or acute pain.
Radicular/Periradicular/Periapical Cyst
Name the cyst that develops from fragments of an apical cyst after removal of a tooth.
Residual cyst
Name the cyst that is associated with the crown of a normal/supernumerary impacted tooth.
Dentigerous cyst
What is the origin of a dentigerous cyst?
Reduced enamel epithelium, after the crown has formed
Name the 2 most common sites for a dentigerous cyst.
1 3rd molars 2 Maxillary cuspids
Dentigerous cysts usually occur from age ____ to ____, and is lined by ______ _________ epithelium.
10-30, stratified squamous epi
Name 3 possible progressions of a dentigerous cyst.
1 Ameloblastoma 2 Squamous cell carcinoma 3 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (salivary gland tumor)
If a radiolucency is less than 2.5 mm, it is probably not a dentigerous cyst, but is probably…
Perifollicular fibrosis
Can you see an eruption cyst on an xray?
Name the cyst that is a soft-tissue counterpart of a dentigerous cyst.
Eruption cyst
Name the cyst that develops in place of a tooth (no history of extraction or existing tooth).
Primordial cyst
What is the origin of a primordial cyst?
Remnants/degeneration of the enamel organ
Where is the most common location to find a primordial cyst?
3rd molar area
T/F: Primordial cysts can be multilocular.
Name the cyst that shows keratinization.
Odontogenic keratocyst
What is the origin of an Odontogenic keratocyst?
Dental lamina/cell rests
Odontogenic keratocysts are (rare/common) make up ___-____% of all odontogenic cysts. OKC affects ____-____ year olds. They are lined by (thin/thick) epithelium.
Common, 3-11% of all odontogenic cysts, 10-40 year olds. Thin
What is the most common location to find an Odontogenic keratocyst?
Mandibular molar area
T/F: Odontogenic keratocysts can be aggressive.
True, can cause tooth movement and resorption
Name the syndrome which features multiple Odontogenic keratocysts.
Jaw cyst-basal cell nevus-Bifid rib syndrome
T/F: Odontogenic keratocysts can be multilocular.
On an xray, name two things that Odontogenic keratocysts may resemble (and cannot be differentiated from).
1 Dentigerous cyst 2 Lateral periodontal cyst
Name a unique histologic feature of Odontogenic keratocysts.
Satellite cysts
T/F: Recurrence rate is high for Odontogenic keratocysts.
True, due to satellite cysts and wavy epi lining
Name a variant of Odontogenic keratocysts. Is its recurrence rate higher or lower than Odontogenic keratocysts?
Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst. Recurrence is much lower (2% instead of 30%)
T/F: Gingival cyst of the newborn is rare.
False, it is found in 50% of all newborns!
What is the origin of Gingival cyst of the newborn and adult?
Remnants of the dental lamina
T/F: Gingival cyst of the adult is rare.
Where is the most common area to find a Gingival cyst of the adult?
Mandibular bicuspid/anterior area
Name the cyst that is the bony counterpart to a gingival cyst of the adult.
Lateral periodontal cyst
T/F: Lateral periodontal cysts can be multilocular.
True, it would be called a Botryoid odontogenic cyst
Where is the most common area to find a Lateral periodontal cyst?
Mandibular premolar/cuspid area
Name the multilocular variant of a Lateral periodontal cyst.
Botryoid odontogenic cyst (grape-like cluster)
T/F: Recurrence rate is high for Lateral periodontal cysts.
False, it is low
Name the cyst that is more like a neoplasm than a cyst.
Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst (Gorlin cyst)
Where is the most common area to find a Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst (Gorlin cyst)?
Trick question - it's found equally in maxilla and mandible, but tends to be in the anterior area
Name a unique histologic feature of a Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst (Gorlin cyst).
Ghost cells, usually with calcifications (diffuse or clumpy)
Name the cyst that has glandular differentiation.
Glandular Odontogenic Cyst
Where is the most common area to find a Glandular Odontogenic Cyst?
Mandibular anteriors
What is a (better) synonym for a paradental cyst?
Buccal bifurcation cyst
Name the cyst that usually occurs on mandibular molars that have a history of pericoronitis.
Paradental/Buccal bifurcation cyst
What is the cause of Paradental/Buccal bifurcation cysts?
Infection stimulates Inflammation, which stimulates rests of Malassez to make enamel
What is the age predilection for Paradental/Buccal bifurcation cysts?
20-30 years old
Name the most common site to find a Paradental/Buccal bifurcation cyst.
Mandibular second/third molars
Name the cyst that is small, white, and found on the palate of newborns. Name 2 synonyms.
Palatal cyst of the newborn. 1 Epstein Pearls 2 Bohn's Nodules
Name the cyst that is caused by ectoderm entrapped in median palatal fusion line and/or epithelial remnants of developing palatal salivary glands.
Palatal cyst of the newborn/ Epstein Pearls/Bohn's Nodules
What is one differential diagnosis for Palatal cyst of the newborn?
Gingival cyst of the newborn
Name the rare soft tissue cyst affecting the lower portion of the nasolacrimal duct.
Nasolabial or Nasoalveolar cysts
Nasolabial or Nasoalveolar cysts affect more (males/females).
Name the characteristic histological feature of Nasolabial or Nasoalveolar cyst.
Psuedostratified columnar epithelium
Name the cyst that occurs between the roots of the maxillary lateral and canines.
Globulomaxillary cyst
What shape is a Globulomaxillary cyst, usually?
Name 3 differential diagnoses for Globulomaxillary cysts.
1 Periapical cysts 2 Odontogenic cysts 3 Lateral periodontal cysts
Name the cyst that occurs in the incisive canal.
Nasopalatine Duct/Incisive Canal cyst
What is the soft-tissue counterpart of the Nasopalatine Duct/Incisive Canal cyst?
Palatine papilla cyst
Does the Nasopalatine Duct/Incisive Canal cyst affect (non/vital) teeth?
Nasopalatine Duct/Incisive Canal cysts usually occur in (males/females) age ____-_____.
Males, 40-60
What is the rule of thumb for Nasopalatine Duct/Incisive Canal cysts?
If it is less than .6 mm, it is probably just an enlarged incisive canal
Where is the most common location for Nasopalatine Duct/Incisive Canal cysts?
Between the maxillary centrals
What shape is a Nasopalatine Duct/Incisive Canal cyst, usually?
Name the cyst that is located posterior to the incisive papilla in the midline of the hard palate.
Median palatal cyst
Name the cyst that is lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and is often filled with keratin.
Epidermoid cyst
Name the cyst that is lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and is often filled with sebaceous glands, hair follicles, bone, muscle, etc.
Dermoid cyst
What other neoplasm does a dermoid cyst resemble?
Where is the most common location for an epi/dermoid cyst?
Floor of the mouth
If the patient has a bulge in the floor of the mouth/has no neck, the epi/dermoid cyst is (above/below) the mylohyoid.
If the patient has a double chin, the epi/dermoid cyst is (above/below) the mylohyoid.
Name the cyst that occurs on the midline, between the foramen cecum of the tongue and the suprasternal notch.
Thyroglossal duct cysts
What causes a thyroglossal duct cyst?
Epithelial remnants of the thyroid migration turn into cysts
What is the treatment for a thyroglossal duct cyst, and why?
Remove, because it may turn malignant
What % of thyroglossal duct cysts occur below the hyoid?
Name the cyst that comes from epithelium trapped in lymph nodes.
Cervical Lymphoepithelial cyst (Branchial Cleft Cyst)
Name the cyst that occurs in the lateral neck as an asymptomatic, slow-growing fluctuant mass.
Cervical Lymphoepithelial cyst (Branchial Cleft Cyst)
Name the cyst that occurs in oral lymphoid tissue, is yellow, and has no rete pegs.
Oral lymphoepithelial cyst
Where do 50% of oral lymphoepithelial cysts occur?
Floor of the mouth
Name the cyst that occurs in the maxilla, after a maxillary sinus surgery/extraction.
Surgical Ciliated Cyst of the maxilla
What type of lining does a Surgical Ciliated Cyst of the maxilla have?
Respiratory epi
What causes a surgical ciliated cyst of the maxilla?
Epi becomes implanted/trapped at the site of surgery and starts to proliferate and cavitate
Name the cyst that is similar to dermoid but has gastric/intestinal mucosa lining.
Heterotropic Oral Gastrointestinal Cyst/Anterior Median Lingual Cyst/Gastric Cystic Choristoma
What is the age and gender predilection for Heterotropic Oral Gastrointestinal Cysts?
Infants/young children, males
Where is the most common location for a Heterotropic Oral Gastrointestinal Cyst (2)?
1 Tongue 2 Floor of the mouth
Name the pseudocyst that should be completely obvious on a radiograph.
Simple bone cyst/Traumatic Bone cyst
Why is a Simple bone cyst not a cyst?
It has no epithelium, and the cavity is empty
What is a key characteristic on the radiographs for a Simple bone cyst?
Scalloped border
What is the age group for Simple bone cysts?
Young adults
Are simple bone cysts associated with (non/vital) teeth?
What is the treatment for a Simple bone cyst?
Curette to start bleeding, then it heals on its own
Name the pseudocyst that has salivary gland tissue in it.
Lingual Mandibular Salivary Gland Depression (Static bone cyst/Stafne bone cyst)
Name the pseudocyst that radiographically occurs as an ovoid lucency between the mandibular canal and inferior border, with a sclerotic border.
Lingual Mandibular Salivary Gland Depression (Static bone cyst/Stafne bone cyst)
Name the uncommon vascular lesion of jaws/bones that resembles a "blood-soaked sponge".
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
Do Aneurysmal bone cysts occur mainly in the maxilla or mandible?
What is a differential diagnosis for an Aneurysmal Bone Cyst?
Name three other lesions that may be associated with an Aneurysmal Bone Cyst.
1 Fibrous dysplasia 2 Hemangioma 3 Traumatic bone cyst