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76 Cards in this Set

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1) What are the two opposing ideologies (belief systems) that show the tension of the Cold War?
democracy vs communism
2) What was the Iron Curtain and what did it do to Europe?
Soviet Union’s control over Eastern European nations
3) What was the main goal US policy known as containment?
stop the spread of communism
4) What do totalitarian governments do to their citizens (3)?
using the military to crush local democratic movements, imprisoning political opponents, government control of the media
5) What was decided at the Yalta Conference (3)?
assistance in the war against Japan, agreement to join the United Nations, occupation of the eastern half of Germany
6) What is the difference between a HOT and COLD War? Where did the Cold War get HOT?
Korea, Afghanistan, Vietnam
7) What is a Sphere of Influence?
one nation or region under the direct or indirect control of a global superpower
8) How are NATO and The WARSAW PACT opposites?
NATO = USA and Democracies, WARSAW PACT = SOVIETS and Communists
9) What did the Marshall Plan do after World War II?
rebuild national economies to stabilize non-communist governments
10) How are the Korean War and the Vietnam War similar?
Both developed from Cold War tensions
11) What are the main effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis (3)?
US would remove missiles from Turkey. Soviet Union would remove all missiles from Cuba. The end of the Cold War happens within five years. A hotline is established between the US and Soviet Union.
12) Why was Berlin important (controversial) during the Cold War? What events took place in Berlin?
US airlift, Soviet blockade, and the construction of a wall
13) What is detente?
relaxation of tension between the 2 super powers
14) List some important cold war events in order from the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s
creation of NATO, the Marshall Plan, and the Vietnam War
15) What caused the Soviet Union to fall?
economic decline of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev’s policies of glasnost and perestroika, increase in the arms race
16) Describe the main ideas of Capitalism
private ownership of business, free market economy
17) Describe the main ideas of Communism
command economy, government control of goods and services, limited worker motivation
1. What did the nationalist parties 3 principles of the people include?
People's Rights, People's livelihood, Nationalism
2. Why did Chinese Communists gain control of Mainland China?
the dynamic leadership of Mao Zedong who had the support of the peasant class
3. What superpower supported nationalists after they fled to Mainland China?
4. Who was the first communist leader of China?
Mao Zedong
6. What was the Great Leap Forward?
The Great Leap Forward created economic hardship and cost millions of lives.
7. What was the goal of the Cultural Revolution?
eliminate opposition to Mao Zedong
8. What was the result of the Cultural Revolution?
disrupted China’s economic and educational systems
9. How can you describe Maoist China?
used totalitarian methods, subscribed to communist ideology, looked to rid China of Western influences
10. What was the main idea of Deng’s 4 modernizations?
an increase in support for capitalism and globalization
11. Similarity of the Great Leap forward/ 4 modernizations.
Both maintained authoritarian political control
12. Why did students protest in Tiananmen Square?
their lack of political freedom and their desire for democratic changes
13. What does the Chinese governments reaction to the Tiananmen Square protests show (3)?
refusal to embrace democratic reforms, efforts to preserve the communist party’s power, abuse of human rights
14. What are challenges China sees in the 21st century?
growing desire for more political reforms and more democracy China's growing population The growing environmental threats posed by China's new industries
15. What is China’s role in the world today?
China provides low cost products on the global market.
16. What is a dissident?
A person who actively goes against government policies and laws
18. Human rights violations today?
when leaders have absolute control
1. What are Zionists?
Jewish people who wanted to establish an independent Jewish state in the traditional homeland
2. What was supposed to be the results of the 1947 UN partition (3)?
Israel would be a sovereign nation. Palestine would be a sovereign nation. the city of Jerusalem would be an international city.
3. Why was the State of Israel created (3)?
the effects of the Holocaust. the growing Jewish population in Palestine. the United Nations’ support for an independent Jewish state.
4. What does the assassinations of Rabin and Sadat show? Why were they assassinated?
Some citizens within their own countries did not support compromise
5. What are obstacles to a sovereign (independent) Palestinian State (country called Palestine) (3)?
Status of Jerusalem. Israeli settlements in the West Bank. security of Israel.
6. What has been the relationship between Israel and Arabs since 47?
Israel has defeated Arab countries in numerous wars since gaining its independence. The Palestinians have finally achieved an independent nation. U.S. support for Israel has cause anti-American feelings in Arab nations.
7. What were the Camp David Accords in 1979? What do they indicate?
There were opportunities for peaceful solutions in the Middle East.
8. What are some things that have UNDERMINED (undone) Palestinian attempts at peace?
The disconnected border between the West Bank and Gaza divide the Palestinians. Moderates and extremists are competing for control of the Palestinian Authority. Palestinian groups continue terrorists’ attacks against Israel.
9. Who was the leader of the Iranian Revolution?
Ayatollah Khomeini
10. What do Islamic Fundamentalists support?
ultra conservative interpretations of the Koran
11. Why were Americans held hostage in Iran in 1979?
They were upset with the U.S. for its continued protection of the Shah
12. Why is it hard to establish a democratic government in Iraq?
relationship between the Sunni and Shi’ite, interference by terrorist organizations, history of authoritarian rule
13. What is OPEC known for?
Establishing production quotas to control the price of oil
14. How are Judaism and Islam similar?
They view Abraham as the patriarch. Both view Jerusalem as a holy city. Both trace their historical roots to the Middle East.
15. What factors encourage terrorism in the Middle East?
the Palestinian effort to establish a homeland, the border issues between countries in the Middle East, the involvement of Western nations in Middle Eastern affairs
unstable governments, continuing competition for resources, tribal rivalries
2. What are some long lasting effects (legacies) of Imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa?
national borders created without regard to traditional tribal areas, intense competition for natural resources, lack of experience in political and economic leadership
3. Refugee
person who escapes to another country to avoid danger or discrimination
4. What is Apartied?
political, economic, and legal discrimination against non-whites
5. What is Genocide?
systematic killing of all the people from a national, ethnic, or religious group
6. What is the impact of AIDS in Africa?
Decreasing life expectancy has created economic and social instability.
7. What is neo-imperialism and how has it affected African countries?
political independence gained by former colonies while remaining economically dependent
8. Why are there dictatorships in Africa?
Poor economic conditions, uneducated populations, lasting colonial legacies
1. Who did Hitler consider the Master Race?
2. What was Kristallnact?
Nazis attacked Jewish homes, businesses and Synagogues
3. What was Hitler’s first plan for ridding Germany of Jews?
forced emigration of Jews
4. Genocide is:
Targeting and killing a specific group of people (race, nationality)
5. What was the Final Solution?
to protect the so-called racial purity of the Germans
6. How did the Nazis carryout the Final Solution?
hard labor campsdeath campsmedical experimentation and gas chambers
7. What groups were targeted for the Final Solution?
poles Gypsies the disabled
8. What was Auschwitz?
extermination camp
9. What is pseudo-science? Give an example:
Nazi’s defining Jews as a race rather than a religion
10. What were the Nuremburg Laws?
Laws that restrict the rights of The Jewish
1. What country colonized India:
Great Britain
2. What religions are important in India?
Muslims Hindus Sikhs
3. Why did the Sepoys have a problem serving in the British Army?
Their ammunition was coated in pig or cow tallow (fat).
4. What does Viceroy mean?
term is used to describe the British appointed leader of India:
5. Define “separate elections”:
Seats were reserved in the government for Muslims, and only Muslims could vote for those seats.
6. What was the major political party in India?
Congress Party
7. Why did the Muslim league form?
To counter the power of the Congress Party
8. Define “satyagraha”
ccivil disobedience
9. What was the Salt Boycott?
Mohandas Gandhi encourage the Indian people to boycott due to its high British taxes
10. What was Direct Action Day?
Muslim reaction to Partition Plan, violence ensued and Muslims killed 5,000 Hindus