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28 Cards in this Set

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Ace of Cups

Love, compassion, creativity, overwhelming emotion

The beginning of emotional fulfillment - Of love, compassion, and happiness. Perhaps you’re starting a new relationship, we were giving and receiving love with another person. Open your heart to those around you, learn forgiveness, and reach out to make connections.

A new love fills your heart and fulfills your wishes.

Ace of Cups Reversed

Blocked or repressed emotions

You may be experiencing an emotional roller coaster. In order to heal, you need to look after your emotional health. This may mean holding back emotions and fighting on. Alternatively, if you are bottling them up it, is time to release them. Be conscious about how you are feeling and how this may be impacting your responses and reactions. Find ways to constructively express how you feel so that you can continue through life with a more balanced perspective.

The reversed card reveals insecurity and doubt, and you may not feel you can believe in those people you’d like to trust. Follow your instincts and hold on to your self-belief; thankfully, this influence will not last.

Overcome with emotion is the time to let it all out and move on.

II Cups

Unified love, partnerships, attraction, relationships, connection, bonding

The two of cups is about a relationship built on respect, harmony, and support. It is a love that is inspiring, emotionally fulfilling and built from mutual attraction. Well this card is typically in indicates a romantic relationships, it can also be signify non-romantic partners, like a business partner, or platonic friend.

Powerful energy begins to flourish when two become one.

II Cups Reversed

Break up, imbalance in a relationship, lack of harmony, tension, trust issues, disconnect

A lack of harmony strains a relationship disconnected.

III Cups

Celebration, friendship, creativity, community, celebration, happiness

Drawing this card indicates you’re surrounded by a good group of people - friends and love ones who have got your back and support you as you all go about your lives this is a very social time of your life, when you’re able to balance your commitments with having quality friends and family time.

Good Fortune is upon you and best shared with friends.

III Cups Reversed

An affair, “three’s a crowd,” stifled creativity, herd mentality, isolation

III may be a crowd, but the comfort of community calls you

IV Cups

Meditation, contemplation, apathy, reevaluation, disconnect

Is life feeling a bit too still for you at the moment? Are you feeling disengaged and apathetic because of that? Perhaps something disappointing recently happened, which resulted in you becoming closed off. Consider meditating on your current situation for clarity, but don’t ignore things in front of you which may help.

The offer to be considered; take a look inward for guidance.

IV Cups Reversed

Boredom, missed opportunity, being aloof

Opportunity overlooked is the blind spot of the pessimist.

V Cups

Loss, regrets, despair, bereavement, disappointment, grief, regret, pessimism

You recently experienced a loss, or had things not going according to plan, and experiencing the resulting grief and feelings of disappointment. You may be having trouble letting go of the past. However, there is still hope - two of the cups are still upright. Find it in yourself to forgive, learn from your past but keep moving forward.

You’re feeling disappointed that a situation has not turned out as you hoped, and instead of moving on to greener pastures you are wallowing in self-pity and regret. Forgiveness and the ability to recover after emotional loss are necessary.

What’s done is done, gone is gone: so it’s time to move on.

V Cups Reversed

Moving on, acceptance, forgiveness

Painful experience have left you with meaningful lessons.

VI Cups

Reunion, nostalgia, childhood memories, innocence, reunion

You may be feeling nostalgic as you reflect on your childhood or teenage memories. Well it is fine to occasionally take a walk down memory lane, remember that the past is behind you, and it is not wise to be constantly dwelling on it. Remember also to focus on the now.

Let your inner child live for the moment and look into the future.

VI Reversed

Stuck in the past, naivety, unrealistic

When the Six of Cups is reversed, nostalgia rules, and you may recall past events with more positivity than they deserve. The card can also show you feeling locked in the past as a way to avoid moving on. A particular relationship needs to stay in the past rather than be revived. Unexpected visitors or communications may stir up old memories, and if so, let the memories rest—these people have no place in your future just now.

Use your past as a guide for your future and focus on living in the present.

Other indications: fertility issues. Or, if you already have children, disciplinary issues. Or abuse or sexual abuse sustained as a young person.

Those who dwell in the past have a little hope for the future.

VII Cups

Fantasy, illusion, wishful thinking, choices, imagination, fantasy

You may be faced with a lot of choices before you, but be wise in choosing which will benefit to you, and which won’t. Do not get so caught up in your dreams that you start to ignore reality.

Wishful thinking dreamer my someday face reality

VII Cups Reversed

Temptation, illusion, diversionary tactics

The reversed Seven of Cups has much the same meaning as the upright card, but here, extreme emotions are in play. Be aware of the danger of idealizing a situation and avoiding a difficult truth; in relationships, the card can mean being deceived by appearances—a new lover may not be faithful. This is not the right time for commitment. Avoid becoming embroiled in drama; step back until your options are clear.

The illusions of fantasy may become delusions of the mind.


Escapism, abandonment, disappointment, withdrawal, change, transition

You may have realized that your current situation isn’t working for you, and are deciding to leave it behind. It may feel like a loss to you, but this process of moving on is an opportunity for self discovery.

Alone time is needed to reconnect with me, myself and I.

VIII Cups Reversed

Hopelessness, aimless drifting, walking away, fear of the unknown, confusion

The aimless path will lead you deeper into unhappiness.

IX Cups

Wishes fulfilled, happiness, comfort, satisfaction, comfort, stability, contentment

You’re in a good place right now in terms of finance, work, health, relationships. You’re also doing well emotionally. Being surrounded by comfort and luxury, now is the time to indulge, kick back and enjoy the finer things in life. You have a bright future ahead of you.

Whatever your heart desire’s it shall be granted.

IX Cups Reversed

Greed, dissatisfaction, materialism, smugness

Greed and indulgence will reap a garden of disappointment.

X Cups

Harmony, marriage, happiness, alignment, celebration, fulfillment, community

10 of cups is the embodiment of happiness, joy, and harmonious family environment. It can also signify a deeply satisfying romantic relationship. Outside of interpersonal relationships, your being true to yourself, having established a clear set of personal values and adjusting your life accordingly.

The Ten of Cups embodies happiness, joy, contentment and emotional fulfilment, particularly in the area of your relationships and family. It represents almost an idyllic state of peace, harmony and love where all your dreams and wishes have come true, and you are delighting in your good fortune.

Your intuition lead you down a path of true fulfillment.

X Cups Reversed

Misalignment of values, broken home/marriage/relationship, work/life imbalance

Happiness eludes you when you’re not being true to yourself.

Page of Cups

A Messenger, creative beginnings, synchronicity, youthful energy, freedom, inspiration, intuition, positive messages

The page of cups is boundless, intuitive, and a bit of an inner child. Don’t be afraid to dream big and follow your heart. Additionally, be sure to listen to your intuition - it’s trying to tell you something.

Listen for hidden messages that lie within your dreams.

Page of Cups Reversed

Emotional immaturity, creative block, lack of focus, escapism, impulsivenes

The Page of Wands reversed suggests that you have tried a few new ventures or projects but these have not been particularly successful.

Luckily, you had not progressed too far along and were able to easily retreat from those projects with limited impact. Sometimes, too, these setbacks can be helpful in testing out new territories and exploring what will and will not work for you.

The Page of Wands reversed can depict a person who is immature with a self-image problem. It could be someone who is mean-spirited and aggressive or someone who is helpless and always a victim. This Page is fickle and does not follow through what he initiates.

The card can also show stubbornness and an inability to listen to others’ opinions.

When reversed, the Page of Wands brings delays. Emails and other messages go astray and communication gets complicated.

An additional meaning is problems with literacy and can apply to a child or young person struggling with written communication or speech.

Acting without thinking will have far-reaching consequences.

Knight of Cups

Romance, charm, imagination, knight in shining armor, adventure, intuition

The ever charming night of cups is a man in touch with his intuition, and uses his heart rather than his head to guide him through life. He’s also a man of adventure – now is the time to start exploring, and putting your dreams and passions in action.

The charming proposal sweeps you off into new possibilities.

Knight of Cups Reversed

Unrealistic, jealousy, moodiness

Rose-colored glasses give way to shades of disappointment.

Queen of Cups

Emotional security, calm, intuitive, compassionate, nurturing

The queen of cups is a warm hearted and emotionally secure figure, who is intuitively in tune with the emotions of others. She welcomes all with open arms and provides guidance and emotional support. Be empathetic and supportive of those around you.

She is admired for her fairness and honesty.

Your compassionate heart will bring comforts to loved ones.

Queen of Cups Reversed

Emotional insecurity, codependence, coldness, bottled up feelings

You suffer emotional or financial pressure. There may be jealousy in a relationship, and most negatively, the card in this aspect can show that someone is unfaithful. As a person, the reversed Queen has obsessive tendencies, competes for attention, and needs to have her own way at all times. She drains those around her, so try not to facilitate her needs. She is not one to commit to love or contribute financially.

You may be feeling out of touch with your emotions or that you are forced to restrict how you are feeling deep inside. You may be struggling to express yourself effectively, instead, bottling up your feelings internally. If you do not address these emotional issues, they will eventually reach boiling point. Your stress levels may increase, and your ability to cope with everyday issues could suffer.

May also suggest that you are allowing your imagination to run away with you. You mean well but unfortunately you cannot be relied on.

You are becoming easily overwhelmed by emotion, and you are becoming moody, unstable, brooding, suspicious, and overly secretive.

Bottled up emotions will eventually reach a boiling point.

King of Cups

Emotional balance and control, generosity, emotional maturity, caring

Well still very emotional of being, the king of cups is a master of restraint and keeping his emotions in control. He does not bottle his feelings however, rather he’s the perfect balance of feelings and intellect, who knows how to respond to any situation accordingly, be diplomatic and gracious with others, but do not run from your motions. Face them head on instead.

Friends and family are In need of your command and balance.

King of Cups Reversed

Emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility, vindication

It’s the volatility will result in losing much more than control.