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18 Cards in this Set

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How much did the number of salaried middle class rise by in the 1950's?


When was William H whytes 'organisation man' published?


How many copies did the organisation man sell?

2 million

What were some criticisms of conformity?

Big corporations and suburban life promotes 'getting along' and 'belonging'. Highlighted business organisations use of personality tests. Damaged traditional American values of individualism.

Who were the beat generation?

Middle class youngsters who rejected materialism, conformity and consumer culture for a life of drugs and defiance of authority.

When was the poem 'howl' published and who by?

1956 by Allen Ginsberg

What did howl adress?

Written under the influence of drugs talked about homosexuality and non-comformity. Police seized copies and gained national attention.

How many beat writers were there estimated to be?

150 writers

What were the beatniks?

Became fashionable to be anti-establishment, genuine beats had little interest.

What was rock and roll?

Combined black race music with country and western. Parent feared the black black culture.

How much did the money spent on records rise from 1954-1960

$182million to $500million

By the 1960's what percentage of American homes had TV?


What were some criticisms of TV?

Promoted conformity (family sitcoms promoted suburban life) promoted consumerism through non stop adverts and caused a decline in test scores.

1957 who presented ideas about the new negro?


When was the film baby doll released?


When was the first interracial kiss shown on TV?


What was south Pacific 1958 about?

Two interracial romances. It nearly caused a race riot in New York

What was the film rebel with a cause (1955) about?

James dean played a typical teenager struggling with the adult world. Eventually recognises fathers authority and valuable support.