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24 Cards in this Set

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belief and ritual concerned with supernatural beings, powers, and forces; bodies of people who gather together regularly for worship
the bubbling up of collective emotional intensity generated by worship
an intense community spirit, a feeling of great social solidarity, equality, and togetherness
Sir Edward Burnett Tylor
founder of anthropology of religion, Tylor thought as people tried to understand conditions and events they could not explain by reference to daily experience
the earliest stage of religion, a belief in spiritual beings (Tylor)
second stage of religion, the belief in multiple gods
third stage, the belief in a single, all-powerful deity
a sacred impersonal force existing in the universe, can reside in people, animals, plants, and objects. Attributed to success
set apart as sacred and off-limits to ordinary people
supernatural techniques intended to accomplish specific aims-- spells, formulas, and incantations
Contagious Magic
whatever is done to an object is believed to affect a person who once had contact with it
formal, stylized, repetitive, and stereotyped. people perform them in special (sacred) places and at set times. they are social acts
Liturgical Orders
a kind of ritual, a sequence of words and actions
Rites of Passage
customs associated with the transition from one place or stage of life to another (boyhood to manhood) include a period of isolation
Three phases of Rites of Passages
Separation, Liminality, and Incorporation
period between states, the limbo during which people have left on place but haven't yet entered or joined the next. they occupy ambiguous social positions and are cut off from normal social contact (many times marked by reversals of ordinary stereotypes)
Rites of Intensification
they demand collective adherence to the rules of ritual behavior and create emotions that enhance and intensify social solidarity
can be animals, plants, or geographical figures, they are sacred emblems symbolizing common identity
Leveling Mechanism
a custom or social action that operates to reduce status differences and thus to bring standouts in line with community norms-- form of social control
part-time religious figures who mediate between people and supernatural beings and forces... general term for curers, mediums, spirituals, etc.
Communal Religions
in addition to shamans, community rituals such as harvest ceremonies and collective rites of passage
Olympian Religions
which arose with state organization and marked social stratification, add full-time religious specialists (priesthoods)
Revitalization Movements
social movements that occur in times of change, in which religious leaders emerge and undertake to alter or revitalize a society (ex. Christianity)
Cargo Cults
revitalization movements, attempting to explain European domination and wealth and achieve similar success magically by mimicking European behavior and manipulating symbols of the desired life style