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22 Cards in this Set

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What kind of country was Cuba before Fidel Castro took over?
What kind of country was Cuba after Fidel Castro took over?
Who was Fidel Castro?
1959 dictator of Cuba
Leader of a group of Rebels against Batista
Who was the communist leader before Castro?
What did Fidel Castro promise to Cuba?
To create a democracy
What did Fidel Castro do instead of keeping his promise to Cuba?
Create a communist party
Did the U.S. and Cuba have trade between the two countries before Fidel Castro took over?
Did the U.S. and Cuba have trade between the two countries after Fidel Castro took over?
What did the US pass to ban the trade of goods with Cuba?
Most of Cuba's _____ ________ crops were sold to America.
Sugar cane
TRUE OR FALSE: Now, Cuba is the only communist country in the western hemisphere
In cuba, what is there a lot of?

What was shut down by Fidel Castro? What belonged to him?
everything; everything
What is another communist country?
Soviet Union
What did the Soviet Union do with Cuba?
they became friends and traded with each other
What did Cuba try to do?
Cuba tried to spread communism into other parts of Latin America.
What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Cuba allowed the Soviets to build a missle launching complex on the island. The US feared they would be used on the US.
What did the Cuban Missile Crisis almost begin?
A nuclear war
What did the US do in response to the Cuban Missle Crisis?
They treatened an invasion of Cuba and demanded that the missiles be removed.
Have the relations between Cuba and the US improved?
Is there still an embargo on trade with Cuba today?
Who was the president of the US during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
John F. Kennedy