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53 Cards in this Set

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What does the term "volar" refer to?
The palm of the hand or the flexor surface of the wrist
What structure can be found 2.5 cm below the jugular notch?
Aortic arch
At what level of the spine can the aortic bifurcation be found?
At what level of the spine can the carina be found?
T4-T5 or sternal angle
What landmark is found in the suprasellar cistern?
Circle of Willis
What bifurcation is found at the upper border of the thyroid cartilage?
What landmark is found 4 cm above the transpyloric plane?
Celiac trunk
What bifurcation is found at the upper margin of the S.I. joint?
Common iliac vein
What landmark is found from T12-L1, L2?
Conus medullaris
What part of the heart is located at the 5th intercostal space, left mid-clavicular line?
What part of the heart is located at the level of the 2nd and 3rd costal cartilages behind the sternum?
What artery is found 4 cm above the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta?
Inferior mesenteric artery
At what level of the spine is the inferior vena cava located?
Where is the portal vein located in relationship to the pancreas?
Posterior to the neck of the pancreas
What vessel is located anterior to L1, inferior to the superior mesenteric artery?
Renal arteries
What vessel is located 2 cm above the transpyloric plane?
Superior msenteric artery
Where are the vocal chords located in relationship to the thyroid cartilage?
Midway between the superior and inferior borders of the thyroid cartilage
What are the two main body cavities?
Ventral and dorsal
What are the contents of the dorsal body cavitiy?
Brain, vertebrae and spinal cord
What are the contents of the ventral body cavity?
Everything but the brain, vertebrae and spinal cord
Name the nine abdominal regions.
Right hypochondrium, epigastrum, left hypochondrium, right lateral, umbilical, left lateral, right inguinal, hypogastrium, left inguinal
List the four planes that divide the abdomen into nine regions.
Transpyloric, transtubercular, right midclavicular, left midclavicular
Which bone contains the foramen ovale?
Which bone contains the clivus?
Which bone contains the carotid canal?
Which bone contains the orbital plate?
Which bone contains the cribiform plate?
Which bone contains the sides of the cranium?
What three bones make up the TMJ?
Condyloid process, the mandible, and the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone.
What is the largest immovable facial bone?
Where do the maxillary sinuses drain into?
Middle nasal meatus
The ethmoid bullar is part of what complex?
True or false. The inner ear is filled with fluid.
What is the inner ear vestibule responsible for?
Balance and equilibrium
List all 7 bones that contribute to creating the body of the orbit.
Frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones of the cranium and the lacrimal, palatine, maxillary, and zygoma of the facial bones.
In which part of the orbit is the lacrimal gland located?
What is a function of the oblique muscle group of the head?
Rotate the eyeball
Superior to the carotid canal there is an indentation on the petrous portion. What is it called?
Meckel's Cave or trigeminal cave
_______ is located between two layers of dura and encloses the trigeminal ganglion.
Meckel's Cave or trigeminal cave
What are the three auditory aussicles contained in the middle ear?
malleus, incus and stapes
What is another name for the inner ear?
Bony labyrinth
What are the functions of the vestibule and semicircular canals?
Control equilibrium and balance
What is the function of the cochlea?
Responsible for hearing
What is the function of the round window of the cochlea?
Allows fluid of the inner ear to move slightly for propagation of sound waves
What are the three auditory aussicles contained in the middle ear?
malleus, incus and stapes
What is another name for the inner ear?
Bony labyrinth
What are the functions of the vestibule and semicircular canals?
Control equilibrium and balance
What is the function of the cochlea?
Responsible for hearing
What is the function of the round window of the cochlea?
Allows fluid of the inner ear to move slightly for propagation of sound waves
What is endolymph?
A fluid that helps with the propagation of sound waves
These structures are thought to be responsible for the reabsorption of endolymph and may contribute to vestibular dysfunction.
The endolymphatic duct and sac
What is Meniere's disease?
A disorder of the membranous labyrinth that results from a failure of the mechanism controlling the production and elimination of endolymph. It can lead to a distention of the membranous labyrinth (endolymphatic hydrops). Most common in middle age and can become bilateral. Symptoms: vertigo, nausea, fluctuating hearing loss, feeling of fullness in the ear.
What is a cholesteatoma?
Epidermoid cyst of the middle ear that can be acquired or congenital. The lumen of the cyst is filled with debris. As it enlarges it destroys the ossicles and adjacent bony structures. They are usually associated with chronic infection, aural discharge, and conductive or mixed deafness.