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426 Cards in this Set

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Adnexa refers to
accessory organs
A drop is denoted by the abbreviation
The abbreviation ung refers to
Proximal is a term that indicates a point
nearer to the body
Adduction means
movement toward median plane
Ischemic can be defined as
a decreased supply of oxygenated blood to a body part or organ
A cystocele is
a herniation of the urinary bladder
Nulli is a prefix that means
False is indicated by the prefix
Tiny red or purple spots on the skin appearing as a result of small hemorrhages within the dermal or submucosal layers are called
Kerato refers to
The suffix lysis means
breaking down
The left eye is indicated by the following letters
Tissue death is called
The secretion of excessive sweat is also known as
Which radiographic procedure has the ability to make images in multiple planes
The absence of a normal body opening, duct, or canal is called
Epistaxis can be defined as
bleeding from the nose
Blood gas analysis is called
A ganglion is a
collection of nerve endings
The lungs are covered in a serous membranous sac called the
visceral pleura
The passageway for foods and liquids into the digestive system, and for air into the respiratory system is the
The vocal cords are located in the
The fuction of the trachea is to
conduct air TO AND FROM the lungs
The nasal cavity is divided into two portions by the
The bones of the palm of the hand are referred to as
The muscles important in respiration are
The thick, fan-shaped muscle that lies on the anterior chest is the
pectoralis major
The triangular uscle of the shoulder that ABDUCTS the arm is the
Which of the abdominal muscles orginates at the pubic bone ad ends in the ribs
rectus abdominis
One of the principal muscles of the pelvic floor is the
levator ani
The gastrocnemius is the chief muscles of the
calf of the leg
A connective tissue band that holds bones tovether is called
The two bones taht form the side walls the rood of the cranium are the
parietal bones
The sternocleidomastoid muscle is located
along the side of the neck
The medial bone of the forearm, which is located on the small-finger side of the hand, is called the
The bone that is shaped like a butterfly and forms the anterior portion of the base of the cranium is the
The bone that forms the posterior portion of the skull is the
The lower jawbone is the
The bone located in the neck between the madible and the larynx, which suports the tongue and provides attachement for some of the its muscles, is the
hyoid bone
The adult vertebral column has
26 bones
How many cervical vertebrae are there
The bone is the axial skeleton that does not articulate with any other bone is the
The number of pairs of ribs is
A slender, rodlike bone that is located at the base of the neck and runs horizontally is the
A connective tissue band that holds bones together is called
A connective tissue that holds bone to muscle is a
The medial bone of the forearm, which is located on the small-finger side of the hand, is called the
The bones that is shaped like a butterfuly and forms the anterior portion of the base of the cranium isthe
A connective tissue band that holds bones together is called
THe bone that forms the posterior portion of the skull is the
A connective tissue that holds bone to muscle is a
The medial bone of the forearm, which is located on the small-finger side of the hand, is called the
The bones that is shaped like a butterfuly and forms the anterior portion of the base of the cranium isthe
A connective tissue band that holds bones together is called
THe bone that forms the posterior portion of the skull is the
A connective tissue that holds bone to muscle is a
A connective tissue band that holds bones together is called
A connective tissue band that holds bones together is called
The medial bone of the forearm, which is located on the small-finger side of the hand, is called the
A connective tissue that holds bone to muscle is a
A connective tissue that holds bone to muscle is a
The bones that is shaped like a butterfuly and forms the anterior portion of the base of the cranium isthe
The medial bone of the forearm, which is located on the small-finger side of the hand, is called the
The medial bone of the forearm, which is located on the small-finger side of the hand, is called the
THe bone that forms the posterior portion of the skull is the
The bones that is shaped like a butterfuly and forms the anterior portion of the base of the cranium isthe
The bones that is shaped like a butterfuly and forms the anterior portion of the base of the cranium isthe
THe bone that forms the posterior portion of the skull is the
THe bone that forms the posterior portion of the skull is the
The bone that forms the posterior portion of the skull is the
The lower jawbone is the
The bone located in the neck between the mandible and the larynx, thich supports the tongue and provides attachment for some of the its muscles, is the
Hyoid bone
A slender, rodlike bone that is located at the base of the neck and runs horizontally is the
The nucleus pulposus is the
cushioning mass within an intervertebral disk
The upper, flaring portion of hipbone is the
A large opening at the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes is the
foramen magnum
The larger, weigt-bearing bone of the lower leg is the
The bone that fits into the acetabulum, forming a joint, is the
Another name for the kneecap is
The membranes that l ine closed cavities within the body are called
serous membranes
the longest bone in the body is the
A rounded protuberance found at a point of articulation with another bone is called a
An infection of the bone is
The epiphyses are the
ends of long bones
Oil glands of the skin are called
The periosteum is
the membrane that covers bone
A transparent structure that permits the eye to focus rays to form an image on the retina is the
The purpose of the iris is to
regulate the amount of light entering the eye
The structure that is seen from the outside as the colored portion of the eye is the
The nerve that carries visual impulses to the brain is the
optic nerve
the white outer layer of the eyeball is the
A jelly-like substance in the eye's posterior cavity is called POSTERIOR cavity is called
vitreous humor
The watery substance in the anterior and posterier cavity is
aqueous humor
The structure that connects the middle ear and the throat, allowing the eardrum to vibrate freely, is the
eustachian tube
The conjectiva is the
covering of the anterior globe except the cornea
The number of pairs of spinal nerves is
The great sensory nerve of the face and head is the
The crainial nerve that contains special sense fibers for hearing as well as for balance is
VIII acoustic
The part of the brain responsible for maintenance of balance and muscle tone, as well as coordination of voluntary muscle, is the
The grontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes are divisions of the
The area of the brain that controls the respiratory center is the
medulla oblongata
The largest part of the brain is the
The outermost covering of the brain and spinal cord is the
dura mater
Cerebrospinal fluid circulates freely in the
subarachnoid space
The brain contains four fluid-filled spaces called the
The following structure transmits sound vibrations to the inner ear
tympanic membrane
The winding, cone-shaped tube of the inner ear is the
cross-matching of blood
determines suitability of donor by mixing donor RBCs with recipient serum
The highly specialized blood cell whose funciton is oxygen transportation is
red blood cell with protein hemoglobin
A differential count provides an estimate of
the percentage of each type of white cell
Mixing of incompatible bloods may result in
Platelets are essential for
coagulation of blood
In the normal adult, the average number of leukocytes per cubic millimeter of circulating blood is
A large superficial vein in the lower etremity, which begins in the foot and extends up the medial side of the leg, the knee, and the thigh, is called the
greater saphenous
The vein in the bend of the elbow that is commonly used as a site for venipuncture is the
median cubital vein
The artery at the back of the knee is the
The superior and inferior mesenteric arteries supply the
The vein that drains the veins of the chest wall and empties into the superior vena cava is the
The veins of the head and neck are drained by the
jugular veins
Which arteries supply the heart
right and left coronary
The atrioventricular AV node causes
ventricular contraction
Why would an aspirated foreign body be more likely to enter the right bronchus rather than the left bronchus?
the right bronchus is more vertical, shorter, and wider than the left
The spleen filters
Circulation that is established through an anastomosis between two vessels supplying or draining two adjacent structures is called
collateral circulation
Which artery supplies the head and neck?
The circle of Willis is lcated
at the base of the brain
The branch of the external iliac artery that is located in the thigh is called the
femoral artery
The descending aorta terminates at the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra, dividing into
two common iliac arteries
The contractions of the heart are synchronized and regularted by the pacemake of the heart, called the
sinoatrial node
Tiny blood vessels that permeate and nourish tissue are called
The wall or partition dividing the heart into right and left sides is called the
The heart valve that closes at the time the right ventricle begins pumping, preventing blood from returning to the right atrium, is the
The inner lining of the heart, composed of smooth, delicate membrane, is called the
The spleen is located
in the left hypochondriac region
All of the following are parts of the lymphatic system
The s-shaped bend in the lower colon is called the
The reabsorption of water and electrolytes is the main function of the
large intestine
The terminal portion of the large intestine is
anal canal
Which structure lies retroperitoneally?
The first portion of the large intestine is the
The appendix is attached to the
The primary function of the gallbladder is
storage of bile
When the gallbladder contracts, bile is ejected into the
The area in the duodenum where the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct empty is called
the ampulla of Vater
Which structure is also known as the "fatty apron"?
greater omentum
The common bile duct is the union of the
cystic duct and hepatic duct
The yellow tinge in the skin symptomatic of obstructive jaundice is caused by the accumulation of what substance in the blood and tissue?
The head of the pancreas is located
in the curve of the duodenum
the sphincter at the junction of the small and large intestines is the
ileocecal sphincter
The portion of the small intestine that receives secretions from the pancreas and the liver is the
The region of the stomach that connects to the duodenum is the
The mesentery is
a double-layered peritoneal structure shaped like a fan
The large central portion of the stomach is called the
The muscle serving as a valve to prevent regurgitation of food from the intestine back into the stomach is known as the
pyloric sphincter
The digestive passageway that begins at the pharynx and terminates in the stomach is the
The point at which the esophagus penetrates the diaphragm is called the
Adenoids are also called
pharyngeal tonsils
The function of the molar teeth is to
crush and grind food
Mumps ocur in the
parotid glands
The salivary glands located under the tongue are the
The liver has
two lobes
The glomerulus is a
cluster of capillaries located on one end of the nephron
The tubes or cuplike extensions that project from the renal pelvis are called
Urine is transported along the ureters to the bladder by
peristaltic waves
The smooth, triangular area at the bottom of the bladder that contains three opening is called the
The kidneys are positioned
The kidney structure that filtures blood, returns useful sustances to blood, and removes substances form blood that are not needed
Blood is supplied to the kidney by means of the renal artery, which arises from the
abdominal aorta
The indentation in the kidney through which all structures must pass as they enter or leave the kidney is the
The outer layer of the kidney is known as the
The portion of the male urethra that passes through the pelvic floor is called the
membranous portion
A lack of voluntary control over micturition is called
Urine empties from the bladder through a tube called the
Fertilization occurs in the
fallopian tubes
The perineum is
the area between the vagina and the anus
The kidneys are positioned
The kidney structure that filtures blood, returns useful sustances to blood, and removes substances form blood that are not needed
Blood is supplied to the kidney by means of the renal artery, which arises from the
abdominal aorta
The indentation in the kidney through which all structures must pass as they enter or leave the kidney is the
The outer layer of the kidney is known as the
The portion of the male urethra that passes through the pelvic floor is called the
membranous portion
A lack of voluntary control over micturition is called
Urine empties from the bladder through a tube called the
Fertilization occurs in the
fallopian tubes
The perineum is
the area between the vagina and the anus
The small, sensitive structure of the female homologous to the male penis is the
Ova are swept into the fallopian tubes by small, fringelike extensions of the distal ends of the tubes called
The inner lining of the uterus is called the
The ligament that attaches the overies to the pelvic wall is the
The supporting structure of the male reproductive system is the
spermatic cord
The loose skin covering the glans penis like a sheath is called the
In a male, the structure surrounding the entrance to the urethra just below the urinary bladder is
the prostate gland
The following are structures of the male urethra
membranous, prostatic, penile
This structure stores sperm and propels them toward the urethra during ejaculation
vas deferens
The long, coiled tue in which sperm mature is the
The English surgeon who began the age of chemical control of the atmosphere was
Passage of fluid through a cell membrane is called
Oxygen-dependent bacteria are said to be
The destruction of bacteria by white cells during the inflammatory process is called
Bacteriostatic means
to inhibit growth of microorganisms
Staphylococcus aureus would most likely be transmitted by
nose and mouth
Microbial death occurs when an organisms is
no longer capable of reproduction
What immune protection is available to the fetus
natural passive
The clinical syndrome characterized by microbial invasion of the bloodstream is
A toxoid is
an inactivated toxin
Inflammatory exudate that is thick and yellow is termed
The body's first line of defense against the invasion of pathogens is
skin and mucous membrane linings
Rodlike shaped bacteria are identified microscopically as
A procedure used to remove damaged tissue that provides growth conditions for pathogens is called
Herpes simplex is commonly called
cold sore
All of the following descriptors refer to the inflammatory process EXCEPT:
Clostridium tetani causes
A laboratory procedure useful in classifying bacteria using a staining procedure is
Gram stain
A dulminating infection arising from necrotic tissue and spreading rapidly is
gas gangrene
Which bacteria is commonly found in soil?
Clostridium tetani
The bacteria that causes rheumatic fever is
A severe allergic reaction possibly resulting in death is called
anaphylactic shock
What organism is responsible for a boil?
Staphylococcus aureus
The organism most frequently found in burns is
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A bacterial pathogen most frequenly invading damaged skin is
Staphlococcus aureus
Which type of wound would favor the development of gas gangrene?
Gas gangrene is caused by
Clostridium perfringens
The bacteria highly resistant to sterilization and disinfection is
A bacteria found in the intestinal tract is
Escherichia coli
The burn classification that is characterized by a dry, pearly white, or charred-appearing surface is
OSHA is a governmental regulating agency whose aim is to
execute requirements designed to prevent transmission of blood-borne pathogens in the work environment
Inflammation is characterized by pain, redness, heat, swelling, and loss of function. The redness can be attributed to
vasodilation bringing more blood to the area
Removal of contaminated debris from a wound is called
The space caused by separation of wound edges is called
dead space
If tissue is approximated too tightly it can cause
Tensile strength of a wound refers to
ability of tissue to resist rupture
The substance that unites with thrombin to form fibrin, the basic structural material of blood clots is
A cicatrix is
a scar
Keloids are
a raised, thickened scar
supraspinatous function
abduction, external rotation, most commonly torn
A CDC guidleline that addresses the care of "sharps" includes ALL of the following EXCEPT:
a. needles should always be recapped
b. needles should not e bent or broken by hand
c. needles should not be removed from disposable syringes
d. needles should be discarded in puncture-resistant containers for disposal
The type of wound healing that requires debridement is
To promot healing, a surgical wound must have all of the following requisites EXCEPT
a. suture closure of dead space
b. drains to removed fluid or air
c. a moderately tight dressing
d. tight sutures to create tension
Wound healing that employs a technique allowing the wound to heal from the bottom up is called
second intention
Which body fluid is least likely to transmit HIV?
A band of scar tissue that binds together two anatomical surfaces that are normally separate from each other is called
A drug that interferes with the blood-clotting mechanism is
A mg is a measurement of
The solutions used IV to replace plasma when plasma is not available is
An inch equals how many cm?
How many millilters are in 1 ounce?
One gram equals
A drug used to increase blood pressure is
The action of an anticholinergic drug is to reduce
The total volume in a 30cc syringe is
1 ounce
Naloxone (Narcan) is an example of a/an na
narcotic antagonist
Avitene is a
An absorbable gelatin hemostatic agent that is often soaked in thrombin or opinephrine solution is
Each of the following agents must be applied using dry gloves or instruments EXCEPT
a. gelfoam
b. collastat
c. avitene
d. helistat
An anticoagulant given subcutaneously, intravenously, or as a flush is
A drug that decreases the tendency of blood platelets to clot is
warfarin sodium
An antibiotic used intraoperatively is
A topical antibiotic is
Which item is used on cut edges of bone to seal off oozing of blood?
a. electrocautery
b. silver nitrate
c. bone wax
d. epinephrine
bone wax
The most common diurectic is
An osmotic diurectic agent used to decrease cerebral edema and intraocular edema is
A systemic agent used to control uterine hemorrhage is
Steroids are used for
reduction of tissue inflammation and swelling
Solu-Medrol is an
Tubal patency may be tested by the installation of ______ into the uterine cavity
methylene blue
A mydriatic drug., Neo-Synephrine, is used to
dilate the pupil
Immobility of the eye, along with lowered intra-ocular pressure is facilitated by the use of
Retrobulbar block
Miochol is a
An agent that keeps the cornea moist during surgery and is used for irrigation as well is
An artificial plasma-volume expander is
An anticoagulant used in vascular surgery is
Heparin effects are reversed by
protamine sulfate
The universal donor blood that may be fiven in extreme emergencies until the patient can be typed and crossmatched is
Normal saline is used for laparotomy pack moistening and for intraperitoneal irrigation because it is
restores and maintains blood pressure
A drug used to treat metabolic acidosis is
sodium bicarbonate
The last sensation to leave the patient during general anesthesia induction is
An ultrashort acting drug useful during intubation to produce paralysis and also to produce muscle relaxation when used in a dilute solution is
Neuroleptoanalgesia combines
a tranquilizer and narcotic
A sedative-tranquilizer used to reduce anxiety and apprehension of the pre-op patient and as an adjunct to general anesthesia to reduce the amount and concentration of other more potent agents is
An antimuscarinic
limits salivation
Anesthesia given in combination of several agents to obtain optimum results is called
balanced anesthesia
A bolus is
a dose injected all at once, IV
A drug used to soothe and relieve anxiety is
A Bier block provides
anesthesia to a distal portion of an extremity
Which inhalation agent is used for short procedures requiring no muscle relaxation?
nitrous oxide
The most frequently used barbiturate for IV anesthesia is
Halothan is also called
A method of anesthesia in which medication is injected into the subarachnoid space, affecting a portion of the spinal cord, is called a
spinal block
The indication for an epidural would be
anorectal, vaginal, perineal, and obstetric procedures
Compazine is
an antiemetic
Pontocaine is
tetracaine HCL
Which technique can be employed to prevent pain during an operative procedure or to relieve chronic pain
nerve block
The most widely used local anesthetic is
Another name for adrenalin is
A vasocontrictor that, when added to a local anesthetic agent, extends its life is
The purpose of an LMA is
to establish and maintain a patent airway
A drug used to reverse hypotension is
Blood or fluid can be quickly delivered to a patient via
rapid infusion pump
Blood oxygenation can be monitored during surgery by means of a
pulse oximeter
A drug that could be used to reverse the effect of muscle relaxants is
Arterial blood gases (ABGs) are commonly obtained by accesssing the
radial artery
Which piece of equipment is of extreme importance when anesthesia induction begins?
The minimum distance a nonsterile person should remain from a sterile field is
1 foot
Identify whoch of the following is NOT safe practice
a. discard opened sterile bottles
b. sterile persons drape first toward themselves, than away
c. sterile persons face sterile areas
d. sterile tables may be covered for later used
d. NOT safe to covere sterile tables for later use
Tables are considered sterile
only of the top
At the end of the case, drapes should be
check for instruments, rolled off, and placed in a hamper
If a solution soaks through a sterile drape
cover wet area with impervious sterile drape or towel
The pounds of pressure necessary in a steam sterilizer set at 250F is
Positive assurance that sterilization conditions have been achieved can only be obtained through
biologic control test
A wrapped tray of instruments is sterilized in a gravity displacement sterilizer at 250F for
30 min
The minimum exposure time for unwrapped instruments in a flash sterilizer that is set at 270F is
3 min
When steam is used to sterilized a rubber tubing or catheter
a residual of distilled water should be left inside the lumen
To be sterilized effectively, a linen pack must not weigh more than
12 pounds
Gravity displacement utilizes _____ to destroy microorganisms
The process called cavitation occurs in the
ultrasonic cleaner
All of the following statments regarding instrument sets are true EXCEPT
a. instruments must be placed in perforated trays
b. heavy instruments are placed on the bottom
c. all instruments must be close
d. all detachable parts must be disassembled
c is false because all instruments must be OPEN
All of the following statements regarding steam sterilization are true EXCEPT
a. flat packages are placed on the shelf on edge
b. small packages, placed one on top of the other, are criss-crossed
c. basins are placed on their sides
d. solutions may be autoclaved along with other itmes as long as they are on a shelf alone
d is false because solutions are sterilized alone on a slow-exhaust cycle to prevent them from boiling over. The pressure gauge must read 0F before opening the door. This is so the caps will not pop off
Wrapped basin sets may be sterilized by steam under pressure at 250F for a minimum of
20 min
Which of the following statements regarding the sterilization of basin sets is true?
basins must be separated by a porous material if they are nested
Why would gas sterilization be chosen over steam sterilization
it is less damaging to items
The chemical agent used in gas sterilization is
ethylene oxide
What chemical system uses peracetic acid as the sterilant?
The lumen of a tubing undergoing ethylene oxide (EO) sterilization is
dried thoroughly
Why is thylene oxide diluted with an inert gas such as chlorofluorocarbon?
it provides flame retardation
The commerical name for glutaradehyde is
A 30 min, single use, sterilization system useful for endoscopes is
Which of the following is essential when using activated glutardehyde for sterilization?
items must be rinsed thoroughly in sterile water before use
What is the shelf life of Cidex?
between 14-28 days
In which procedure would the use of a high-level disinfectant be acceptable instrument preparation
In a high-speed flash sterilizer, unwrapped instruments are exposed for a minimum of
3 min
To kill spores, an item must be immersed in a 2% aqueous solution of glutaraldehyde for
10 hours
When placing tubing in an activated glutaraldehyde solution, one should
be certain that the interior of the tubing is completely filled
What is the role of moisture in EO sterilization?
dried spores are resistant to the gas, so they must be hydrated
"Slow exhaust" in a gravity displacement steam sterilizer is used for
Oil is best sterilized by
convection hot air
What is the function of an aerator in EO sterilization?
it is a separate unit used to decrease the aeration time
Ethylene oxide destroys cells by
interfering with the normal metabolism of the protein and reproductive processes
Activated glutaraldehyde is used to disinfect endoscopes for
20 minutes
When using a high-level disinfectant, always
rinse items with sterile distilled water before using
The chemical sterilant used in the STERIS method of sterilizing is
peracetic acid
The Endoflush ststem
initially cleans reusable channeled instruments
Which of the following is not an acceptable wrapper for gas sterilization?
a. nylon
b. muslin
c. paper
d. plastic
a. nylon is not acceptable because of inadequate permeability; however, muslin, nonwoven fabric, paper, and plastic are safely used. Items wrapped for gas sterilization should be tagged to avoid inadvertent steam sterilization
Which of the following is the only acceptable plastic taht can be used for a steam sterilization wrapper?
a. polyethylene
b. polypropylene
c. polyamide
d. polyvinyl chloride
b. polypropylene
- polypropylene film of 1-3mm thickness is the only plastic acceptable for steam sterilization. It is used in the form f pouches presealed on two or three sides. The open sides are then heat sealed
All of the foloowing statments regarding muslin wrapper are true EXCEPT
a. muslin must be laundered, even if unused, in order to rehydrate it
b. a 140-thread count of unbleached muslin is used for wrappers
c. muslin is flexible and easy to handle
d. small holes can be repaired by stitching on a patch
d. is false because small holes can only be heat sealed with double-vulcanized patches, they never can be stitched bc they will leave needle holes in the muslin
Packages wrapped in muslin must have
four thicknesses
The maximum storage life for a muslin-wrapped item in a closed cabinet is
30 days
An item dropped on the floor is considered safe only if
it is enclosed in an impervious material
When using a pour solution
the contents must be used or discarded after the bottle is opened
What is the standard safety margin on package wrappers
1 inch or more
When opening a wrapper, the circulator should open the top flap
away from self
When the scrub nurse opens an inner sterile wrapper
the side nearest the body is opened first
When flipping a sterile item onto the field, the circulator may
project item without reaching over the sterile field
The room temperature in an operating room OR should
between 68 and 76F
If an OR staff member wears eyeglasses
the glasses should be wiped with an antiseptic solution before each operation
Each statement regarding OR attire is true EXCEPT
a. lab coats worn out of the OR suite should be clean, closed, and knee length
b. scrub suits are always changed upon re-entry to the OR suite
c. scrub suits may be worn out of the OR uncovered, if they are changed upon OR re-entry
d. nonprofessional personnel and visitors must wear approved attire in the OR
c. is false
The most effective protection from the radiation of x-rays is a
lead apron
It is considered good technique to
handle the mask only by the strings
Sterile gloves
should be wiped off after donning to remove lubricant
Electrical cords should be
removed from pathways so equipment is not rolloed over them
Scatter radiation effects are directly related to
amount of radiation and length of exposure time
When using a patient roller, how many people are necessary to move the patient safely and efficiently?
When moving the patient from the OR table, who is responsible for guarding the head and neck from injury?
To move the patient from the transport stretcher to the OR table
one person stands next to the stretcher, one adjacent to the OR table, while the patient moves over
When moving a patient with a fx in the OR, all of the following are true EXCEPT
a. extra personnel are necessary
b. support of the extremity should always be from below the site of fracture
c. lifters on the affected side support the fx
d. the surgeon should be present
b. is false, because, fx should be supported from both above and below the fx site when moving the patient
The safety strap is ____ inches above the knee, not too tight but secure
2 inches
A patient with a fractured femur is being moved to the OR table. Who is responsible for supporting and protecting the fx site?
The physician
Crossing the patient's arms across his or her chest may cause
interference with respiration
A precaution always taken when the patient is in the supine position is to
protect the heels from pressure on the OR table
During lateral positioning, a
pillow is placed between the legs
To prevent strain to the lumbosacral muscles and ligaments when the patient is in the lithotomy position
The buttocks must not extend beyong the table edge
The lithotomy position requires each of the following
1. Legs raised simultaneously by two people who grasp the sole of a foot in one hand and support the knee area with the other
2. sturrups must be of equal height and approprate for the size of the patient's leg
3. patient's buttocks rest along the break between the body and leg sections of the table
All off the following are requirements of the Kraske position
1. patient is prone with hips over the break of the table
2. a pillow is placed under lower lefs and ankles
3. a padded knee strap is applied 2 inches above the knees
4. table is flexed to acute angle and small rolled towel is under each shoulder
When using an armboard, the most important measure is to
avoid hyperextension of the arm
Anesthetized patients should be moved slowly to
allow the circulatory system to adjust
If the patient is in a supine position, the circulator must always
see the that ankles and legs are not crossed
Extreme positions of the head and arm can cause injury to the
brachial plexus
Ulnar nerve damage could result from
placing an arm on an unpadded table egde
In the prone position, the thorax must be elevated from the OR table to prevent
compromised respiration
The anesthesiologist closes the eyelids of a general anesthetic patient for all of the following reasons
1. prevent drying of the eye
2. prevent eye trauma
3. protect the eye from anesthetic agents
- they may remain open if protected with opthalmic ointment
Diastolic blood pressure refers to
the relaxation phase between heartbeats
Systolic blood pressure represents
the greatest force caused by contraction of the left ventricle of the heart
Tachycardia is a
heartbeat over 100 beats per minute
The most common artery used to feel the pulse is the
radial artery
The body temp in 98.6F, what is it in Celsuis?
Which term indicated low or decreased blood volume?
If the surgeon wants to assess the patient's ability to void voluntarily via the urethra, yet sees the need for urinary drainage, he could use a
Bonanno suprapublic catheter
When catheterizing a patient
the tip of the catheter must be kept sterile
In which burn classification are the skin and subcutaneous tissue destroyed?
Uncontrolled increased positive pressure in one side of the thorax causes collapse of the opposite side, which is called
mediastinal shift
Why is the obese patient at greater surgical risk than one of normal weight?
because fat has poor vascularity
The patient has received preop meds. The action to be taken when this patient complains of dry mouth and request water would be to
restrict fluids completely and explain the reason for action of medication
When drawing a blood sample for arterial blood gases (ABGs), what is considered a safe time lapse between blood drawing and analysis?
10 minutes
A patient is on anticoagulant drugs. Which of the following tests may be done to check the clotting time of his or her blood?
prothrombin time
The preoperative UA done on a patient indicates that the specific gravity is 1.050. This is
above normal range and he or she is dehydrated
A type and crossmatch is done
if the surgeon anticipates in advance of the operation that blood loss replacement may be necessary
A patient scheduled for surgery has a hematocrit reading of 40% of whole blood volume. This is
within normal range
Inherited deficiencies of coagulation in which bleeding occurs spontaneously after minor trauma is
Preoperative chest x-rays
should be done on all surgical patients
An electrocardiogram is
an electrical recording of heart activity
After being scheduled in the OR for a routine tonsilectomy, the nurse checking the chart of a patient notes that the hemoglobin is 9.0g. This reading is
below te normal range
A microscopic blood exam that estimates the percentages of each type of white cell is called a
differential blood count
Which procedure is NOT absolutely necessary in patient identification?
identification by the scrub before the procedure begins
Operative records documenting all aspects of perioperative care are required by
Except for endotracheal tube installation, basic life support cannot be interrupted for more than
5 seconds (and CPR should not be suspended for more than 30 seconds)
External cardiac compression
provides oxygen to vital tissues
During intraoperative CPR effort the scrub's role is to
remain sterile, keep track of counted items, and assist as necessary
A patient was burned on the lip with a hot mouth gag. Which of the following actions would have prevented this incident?
the scrub nurse cooled the itme in a basin with sterile water
A patient signs a permission form for surgery, but because of a language barrier he or she does not fully understand what she or he has signed. This could constitute a liability case for
assault and battery
If a patient falls because he or she was left unattended, the OR team member could be cited in a lawsuit for
Which is NOT considered a safe procedure when caring for dentures inadvertently sent to the OR?
wraping in a plastic bad and atch to the patient's chart
A lack of care or skill that any nurse or technician in the same situation would be expected to use is the legal definition of
The lefal doctrine that mandates every professional nurse and technician to carry out their duties according to national standards of care practiced throughout the country is the
doctrine of Reasonable Man
The doctrine of Respondeat Superior refers to
employer liability for employee's negligent conduct
Liability is a legal rule that
holds each individual responsible for his or her own acts
A criteria that identifies, measures, monitors, and evaluates patient care is
quality assurane programs
Each of the following applies to an incident report EXCEPT:
a. notation is made on the patient's OR record
b. statement should be factual and non-interpretive
c. description includes action taken
d. details are complete and accurate
a. is false bc you would NOT make a record on the chart
In which way could a patient's response to impending surgery exhibit itself?
tension, axiety, fear, suspicion, anger and hostility
Excessive exposure to radiation can affect the
reproductive organs
Radiation exposure of the staff is monitored with
film badges
Ionizing radiation protection is afforded by the use of
A potential safety hazard associated with laster sugery is
eye injury
An OR hazard that has been linked to incrased risk of spontaneous abortion is female OR employees is exposure to
waste anesthetic gas
Which virus can be trasmitted by a needle puncture or splash in the eye
Hep B
While usuing this mixture, a scavenging system is used to collect and exhaust or absorb its vapors. It is called
methyl methacrylate