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30 Cards in this Set

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CSS what is it and why is it called that
Cascading Style Sheets, cascading refers to how css applies one style on top of another
What is this called when the css is in this element and on the same page as the code <style> CSS code </style>
Internal Style Sheet
<style> CSS CODE </style>
how do you code for various font choices in the body style
font-family: helvetica, ariel, san-serif-serif;
What is it called when you add to individual tags <p style ="color: blue">
Inline-Style, where you change individual tags
What is a sheet called that is in it's own file
an External Style Sheet
What code do you use to link an External Style Sheet to a HTML file
<link rel="stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "main.css"/>
break this down: <link rel="stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "main.css"/>
rel = the relationship
type = the type of sheet
href = when the file is
What is the first thing you want to build
the base styles (sometimes called reset styles) how is the overall site going to look
.blue (with a dot in front of it)
a class selector
How do you create an inline Class Selector
<h1 class = "blue">CONTENT
Which tag is often used to define a division or a section in an HTML document.or to group block-elements to format them with styles.
<div> tag
How do you give an <div> element an ID selector and call it from the css file
<div id = "sidebar">

#sidebar { STYLES }
Two special elements for applying style to selected blocks of text
<div> and <span>
What do you use to format a piece of text within in a sentence or paragraph, etc
<span class = "highlight"> TEXT HERE</span.

.highlight {STYLE HERE}
Define what each section represents
div#content{backgroud-color: white}
div#content = Selector
background-color = property
white = value
How do you do comments
What is the Stuff inside the brackets called?
body {
Statement, or Statements
When is a semi colon optional at the end of a statement
If its the last statement before the end of the block (the curly brace) However, always use your semi-colon.
Can you make a multiple selection with Selectors?
Yes, like h1, h2, h3
#content {STATEMENTS}, what does the # represent and how do you insert it on the html side
Id Selector
#content {STATEMENTS}, what is technically not allowed
An id selector can only be used once in a document. It might work but technically you can only use it once. So you can't have
<div id="content"> and
<h1 id="content">
<h1 class = "blue">
What kind of statement is this and when is it used mainly
Class Statement is used on one or more tags, verses an ID Selector which technically you should only use on one tag
Create a class selector called blue
.blue {
There is a dot in front of blue!
When making Selectors what is a # used for and a .(dot)?
# is an id selector which should only be used on one tag
the . (dot) is an Class Selector
With Class Selectors is this allowed
.blue {Statement}
Yes, you can have multiple Class selectors that pertain to different tags or just as a class selector. With the ID Selector this is not allowed or at least recommended
What is the selector you use that just doesn't fall into any other category. Like states of things, properties of things, like hoover, or visited, etc
Pseudo Selector
What is the Pseudo Selector to make the underline go away on a link?
text-decoration:none or text-decoration: underline
Two Common units of Measurement
Absolute and Relative
What is Absolute Measurement
Fixed size and does not change. It is fxed
Relative Measurement
Looks for parent element or the user agent itself