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23 Cards in this Set

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Question 1
NOC is undergoing a comprehensive plan design to evaluate the appropriateness of its retirement plans.
(A) Summarize the risks that retirees face and how those risks can be mitigated
(B) Describe the two approaches to distributing/investing retirement income during retirement, as well as their advantages and disadvantages
(C) Summarize the risks a retirement plan sponsor should consider when designing a retirement plan and who bears them.
(D) Describe the different steps countries can take to protect pension benefits.
(A) - What risks do plan members and retirees face.
- Ways of addressing lack of financial literacy and trying to change employee behavior
- Ways housing can be used to finance retirement
- List some ways of mitigating longevity risk
- List some ways of mitigating financial risk from the loss of a spouse
- List some ways of mitigating general inflation risk
- List some ways of mitigating interest rate risk
- List some ways of mitigating stock market risk
- List some ways of mitigating business risk
- List some ways of mitigating employment risk
- List someways of mitigating public policy risk
- List some ways of mitigating unexpected health care needs and costs risk
- List some ways of mitigating inability to live independently
- List some ways of mitigating lack of appropriate consumer information for decision-making
- Method of mitigating both inflation and market risk
- Method of mitigating both longevity risk and risk of unexpected health expenses
- Way of addressing replacement rate inadequacy
- Degrees of longevity risk affected by
(B) - Two approaches (or a combination) to spending retirement savings
- Comparing the approaches
(C) - Types of Pension Risks and Who Bears Them
(D) - What are the different approaches countries take toward protecting pension benefits?
QBS 1: 1,2, and 3 of 31
What risks do plan members and retirees face?
(1,2, and 3 of 3)
1) Longevity
2) Death of spouse
3) General inflation
a) Risk further increased for women
b) Risk further increased for early retirees
4) Wage inflation
a) Devalues DC benefit
b) Creates DC benefit volatility
5) Interest rate risk
6) Stock market risk
7) Business risks
8) Employment risk
9) Public policy risk such as higher taxes or reduced benefit
10) Unexpected health care needs and costs
a) Difficult or costly to obtain coverage during retirement
11) Loss of ability to live independently
12) Change in housing needs
13) Change in marital status
14) Unforeseen needs of family members
15) Lack of available facilities or caregivers
16) Lack of appropriate consumer information for decision-making
17) Replacement rate inadequacy/maintaining standard of living
QBS 1: 4 of 31
Ways of addressing lack of financial literacy and trying to change employee behavior
1) Provide personal experiences
2) Education
QBS 1: 5 of 31
Ways housing can be used to finance retirement
1) Reverse annuity mortgage
2) Sell home and downsize
3) Home equity line of credit
QBS 1: 6 of 31
List some ways of mitigating longevity risk
1) Purchase a traditional annuity
2) Reverse mortgage
3) Longevity insurance
4) Managed payout
5) Investment strategies to preserve principal
QBS 1: 7 of 31
List some ways of mitigating financial risk from the loss of a spouse
1) Life insurance
2) Survivor income from government benefit
3) Long-term care insurance
4) Savings
5) Elect/purchase a joint and survivor annuity
6) Elect/purchase an annuity with a guarantee period
7) Investment strategies to produce income
QBS 1: 8 of 31
List some ways of mitigating general inflation risk
1) Common stock
2) Inflation indexed bonds
3) Purchase indexed
4) Commodities
5) Home ownership
QBS 1: 9 of 31
List some ways of mitigating interest rate risk
1) Purchase an immediate annuity
2) Invest in long-term bonds or mortgages
3) Invest in dividend paying stock
4) Multiple annuity purchases
QBS 1: 10 of 31
List some ways of mitigating stock market risk
1) Diversify portfolio
2) Hedge funds
3) Products with minimum return guarantee
QBS 1: 11 of 31
List some ways of mitigating business risk
1) Diversify retirement portfolio away from heavy concentration in company stock
QBS 1: 12 of 31
List some ways of mitigating employment risk
1) Retirement planning should not count heavily on income from bridge job
2) Postpone retirement
QBS 1: 13 of 31
List some ways of mitigating public policy risk
1) Municipal bonds
2) Roth IRAs
3) Roth 401(k)s
QBS 1: 14 of 31
List some ways of mitigating unexpected health care needs and costs risk
1) Purchase medical insurance
2) Live a health lifestyle
QBS 1: 15 of 31
List some ways of mitigating inability to live independently
1) Purchase long-term care insurance
QBS 1: 16 of 31
List some ways of mitigating lack of appropriate consumer information for decision-making
1) Use advisors
QBS 1: 17 of 31
Method of mitigating both inflation and market risk
1) Escalating life annuities
QBS 1: 18 of 31
Method of mitigating both longevity risk and risk of unexpected health expenses
1) Bundled risk annuities
QBS 1: 19 of 31
Way of addressing replacement rate inadequacy
1) Delay retirement
2) Save more
QBS 1: 20 of 31
Degree of longevity risk affected by
1) Standard of living desired
2) Employment opportunities
3) Personal savings
4) Social insurance
5) Inherited assets
6) Amount of pension benefit
7) Improvement sin life expectancy
8) Postretirement expenses
QBS 1: 21 of 31
Two approaches (or a combination) to spending retirement savings
1) Manage your own account
2) Buying an annuity
QBS 1: 22, 23 of 31
Comparing the approaches (1 and 2 of 2)
Advantages of managing your own money vs. buying an annuity
1) Immediate access to the money
2) Can withdraw more if the fund does better than expected
3) Death benefit
4) Can buy an annuity later
Disadvantages of managing your own money vs. buying an annuity
1) Less initial income
2) Retain investment risk
3) Retain longevity risk
4) Manage own money

Advantages of buying an annuity vs. managing your own money
1) Higher initial income
2) No longevity risk
3) No investment risk
4) No investment decisions to make
Disadvantages of buying an annuity vs. managing your own money
1) Less withdrawal flexibility
2) Lose out on higher asset returns
3) No death benefit
4) Locked into one insurance company
QBS 1: 24 to 30 of 31
Types of Pension Risks and Who Bears Them (1 to 7 of 7)
1) Job tenure and Wage Risk:
a) Workers: Back-loaded DB plans riskier for worker who changes jobs
b) Firms: Pension costs increases for long-tenure employee in final pay DB plan
2) Early Retirement Risk:
- DB ERF subsidy provides some protection if unable to work past early retirement
- DC plans can't offer this protection
3) Implicit Contract Risk:
- Workers at risk that implicit contracts will be broken (e.g. ad hoc COLA)
4) Longevity Risk:
- Risk of outliving assets if don't receive an annuity
5) Demographic Risk:
- Increasing old-age dependency ratio increases costs for gov't and companies
6) Financial Market Risks:
a) Workers: - Affects generosity of DB benefits and wages if large contributions required
- If DC asset performance poor then benefit reduced
b) Firms: - Long time horizon of pension allows DB sponsors to invest riskier than DC plan
c) Insurance Companies - Employer in DB and employee in DC can transfer risk to insurance company by purchasing an annuity
d) Government - Lower assets increase deductible contributions and reduce taxable DC benefits
7) Risk Due to Wrongdoing:
a) Workers and Firms: - Both at risk due to mishandling of plan assets
b) Government and Insurance Companies:
- Governments reduce risk with legislation, insurance and reporting requirements
8) Risk Due to the Financial Performance of the Plan Sponsor:
a) Workers: DB at risk of lower benefit due to plan termination
- Profit sharing plan passes risk onto employees
- DC members at risk when er contributions invested in er stock
b) Stockholders: Participants given top priority in bankruptcy vs. shareholders and bondholders
9) Interest Rate Risk:
- Ee faces risk if annuitize DC balance and Er bears risk in DB plan
10) Inflation Risk:
- Benefit accrued prior to retirement affected by job changes
- Postretirement recipients at risk if don't receive COLA
11) Risk of Political Change: - Firms face the risk that laws may change which increase pension costs
- Ees also face risk of reduced benefits
- Statutory limits may change and increase risk for top management
12) Replacement ratio risk
- Ee at risk (e.g. career avg. pay plan benefit may be inadequate)
QBS 1: 31 of 31
What are the different approaches countries take toward protecting pension benefits?
1) Many countries require pension insurance
a) Some run by government
b) Some through heavily regulated private-sector organization
c) May require that annuities be purchased through insurer
2) May have initial eligibility requirements
a) Require low probability of bankruptcy
b) Have profit for 3 preceding years, minimum size, and stable and growing workforce
3) Some base premium on past experience
a) Based on company's total liabilities and total claims against the insurance system for a given year
4) Some base premium on risk and/or flat premium