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17 Cards in this Set

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Solar System

Sun in the center and the planets and asteroids orbit it in an elliptical fashion

The closer to the sun a planet is the smaller the orbit is, ex. earth 365 days Neptune 165 years

Planets' orbits

They all travel around the sun in the same direction.

Follow elliptical, not circular, orbits around the sun.

Order of the planets from closest to furthest

My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Noodles.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus and Neptune.

Small dwarf pluto, used to be a planet.


between the orbits of mars and jupiter is where a majority of the asteroids in the solar system can be found in the asteroid belt.

made up of completely rock or metallic


have very large and eccentric elliptical orbits around the sun

made up of frozen water, methane, ammonia and some rocky materials

Time Zones

created to make the time of day when the sun is highest in the sky equal to noon.

The earth is divided into 24 different time zones. all situated in reference to the prime meridian.

Length of a day is equivalent to the earth turning by 15 degrees of longitude every hour.

Prime Meridian (Time Zones)

The longitudinal line that runs through Greenwich England (Greenwich Mean TIme, GMT)

The boundaries for time zones are set 15 degrees apart.

If it is noon in your time zone then 15 degrees to your east it is 1.

US has four time zones (Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific)

Eastern time is five hours behind GMT, Central is six, Mountain is seven and Pacific is eight.


Revolves around the earth with the same side always facing the earth.

Phase of the moon is dependent on where the moon is in relation to the earth and the sun

Full Moon

When the moon is completely opposite the sun

The entire surface of the side facing the earth is visible.

New Moon

the phases change until it is between the earth and the sun. At this time the phase is the new moon and the moon appears dark.

Tidal Variations in Ocean Levels

Moon is responsible for tidal variations. As the earth rotates, the side that is closest to the moon and the side directly opposite will experience high tide.

The rest of the earth's coastlines will experience low tide.

Seasonal Changes

Earth's axis of rotation is tilted 23 degrees from the plane of its orbit.

As the earth moves around the sun, the tilt causes some areas of the planet to face the sun more directly than other areas.

This uneven exposure results in our experience of seasonal change.

Seasonal Changes contd

In December the Northern Hemisphere of the earth is tilted away from the sun, and the Southern Hemisphere receives more sunlight (where it is summer) than the Northern Hemisphere (where its winter)


large balls of superheated gas. So massive that the gravity they generate causes the gas at their cores to undergo fusion.

Classified according the wavelengths they emit (O, B, A etc.) and their luminosity (from brighter to dimmer, I - V). The numbers 1 through 10 describe the range between each wavelength.

Sun is G2 V type star.


Fusion emits enormous amounts of radiation in the form of heat and light.


huge clusters of stars and nebulae are known as galaxies

Milky way contains three parts the disk, the bulge and the halo.


stars are created in huge clouds of superheated dust and gas called nebulae