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51 Cards in this Set

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machine language
binary ones and zeroes
low-level assembly languages
characterized by mnemonic codes
high-level languages
very-high level languages
results instead of procedural oriented
natural languages
data and operations are packaged in a single unit called an object
James Gosling, Sun Microsystems, 1990s
compatible with older versions
strongly typed, incorruptible data
protection against misuse of code
java compiler
converts code into bytecode
the Java Virtual Machine
contains an interpreter to execute the bytecode
the Java API
the standard set of packages available in Java
the Java Applet Viewer
mini browser which displays java applets
JIT compiler
takes bytecode and converts it into machine code
console applications
stand-alone programs using a command-line interface (Command Prompt)
windowed applications
stand-alone programs using a graphical user interface (GUI)
client-side programs executed as part of a displayed web page
server-side programs hosted and run on a web server
used in conjunction with Java Server Pages (JSP) to provide sophisticated server-side logic
enable connections to server databases through Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
web services
recieve information requests over the web and return the requested data
reusable software components
step by step procedure for solving a problem in a finite amount of time
testing your algorithm into a programming language
object oriented programming looks at...
what the object is
the object's data members
the object's behavior
it describes a general type of object and then creates many of the objects of that same type
displays text that the user cannot change or an image that the user cannot change. Represents a java class
title property
contains the text that is shown in the Jframe's title bar. Use book-title capitalization
title bar
top portion of the window that contains the window's title
book-title capitalization
the first letter of each significant word in the text is capitalized, and the title does not end with any punctuation
performs an action, ends in a semicolon
String or String literal
enclosed in double quotes. Is a class in Java.
Case sensitive
upper case and lower case letters are treated differently
picture elements. A tiny point on your screen that displays a color.
size property
specifies the Jframe's width and height
RGB values
screen color created by combining red, greed, and blue values
content pane
container object which every Jframe has. Purpose is to provide a visual area in which to place GUI components like Jlabels.
background property
controls the color that will appear in the background of the window
text property
property which displays text (within the Jframe on the Jlabel)
location property
specifies the position of the upper-left corner of the component in the content pane. Upper left corner is 0,0. Set according to a component's distance from the corner. First number = moves right, second = moves down
font property
allows you to set the font name, font style, and font size in points
1 point =
1/72 inch
horizontalAlignment property
used to align text within a JLabel; right, center, or left
icon property
displays an image in the JLabel
bounds property
controls both the size and the location of the JLabel
process of fixing errors in an application
two types of errors
syntax and logic
syntax errors
compilation errors; compile-time errors; occur when code statements violate the grammatical rules of the programming language
logic errors
allow the program to compile, but cause it to produce erroneous results when it runs
software which allows you to analyze the behavior of your application to locate logic errors
use short, descriptive titles; use title-book capitalization
use to display text that users cannot change; ensure all components are large enough to display the text; add images to create graphics users cannot change; ensure that all components are large enough to display the images