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27 Cards in this Set

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Diastole is the period of time in the cardiac cycle that the heart fills with blood. This phase of the cardiac cycle is the lowest measured pressure taken during blood pressure. It represents as the final or lower number in the annotation 120/80


Systole is the contractile phase of the cardiac cycle. This phase of the cardiac cycle causes the forceful ejection of blood out into the rest of the body, either delivering oxygen-rich blood to working tissues or sending blood into the lunges to be oxygenated. Systole is the highest pressure value measured top of 120/80

Sinoatrial node

Serves as the electrical impulse-generating tissue of the heart, and is commonly referred to was the pace-maker, and is located in the right atrium. The sinoatrial node establishes the normal heart rhythm, which is referred to as the sinus rhythm.

Atrioventricular node

Is responsible for delaying the initial signal from the sinoatrial node. This delay allows for the complete ejection of blood from the atria into the ventricles prior to the contraction of the ventricles that sends the blood from the heart to either the rest of the body or lungs

Atrioventricular bundle


This bundle conducts an electrical signal initially sent from the atrioventricular node. Once the atrioventricular bundle has received the signal fro the atrioventricular node, the signal is then transmitted to the left and right bundle branches. This signal is significant as this is point in conduction that occurs between the atria and ventricles, and is crucial in maintaining the constant cardiac rhythm.

Lef and right bundle branches

These branches move away from the AV bundle and toward the ventricles.

-Have different characteristics from AV fibers because they transmit electrical impulses at a much faster rate.

-They communicate directly with Purkinje fibers

-Responsible for contraction of left and right ventricles, which eject the blood into the rest of the body or lungs.

Purkinje fibers

Purkinje Fibers are essential for the maintenance of constant cardiac rhythm.

-Located in the subendocardium, within the ventricular walls.

-Conduct action more quickly than another cells in heart because of muscle cells "Cardiomyocytes" they allow for cardiac signals to be conducted quickly and consistently for constant rhythm.



Is used to assess the electrical signals generated during polarization and depolarization of cardiac tissue.

-Provides insight to function and health of heart.

-Testing procedure is used to assess the rate and frequency of the heartbeats while also assessing the size and position of the hearts chambers.

-Helps with issues like left ventricular hypertrophy, congenital heart defects, or other cardiac rhythm distortions.


Represents atrial depolarization, which involves the electrical signal from the sinoatrial node to the atrioventricular node and spreading from the right to left atrium. This can lead to atrial contraction.

QRS complex

Represents the rapid depolarization of the left and right ventricles. This signal segment is much larger in amplitude than the P-wave because of the larger mass of ventricles of the hearts in comparison to the atria.

T wave

Represents the depolarization of the left and right Ventricles of the heart. When EKG tests are completed T wave is on primary interest because the electrical impulses, both positive and negative, that occur in this phase and can be used as leading indicators for early detection.

-Hyper acute T-wave = acute myocardial infraction (heart attack)

-Inverted T-wave indicator for coronary ischemia

Arterial system

Delivers blood from the heart to the rest of the tissues in the body.

-2 divisions the pulmonary and systemic arteries.

-Pulmonary arteries responsible from delivering deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs and returing oxygenated blood back to heart.

-Systemic arteries are responsible for carrying oxygenated blood away from the heart and returning

Venous system

Serves to bring blood toward the heart.

-Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart

-Systemic veins are responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood from the various tissues of the body


Arteries are thick muscular blood vessels that function to take blood away from the heart or to the lungs, which are delineated into systemic and pulmonary arteries.

-Operate under varying rates of pressure due to cardiac cycle Systole/diastole.

-determine blood pressure.


Arterioles serve as the controlling factor of blood flow into and out of capillary beds.

-Vasoconstriction=muscular walls have the capacity to reduce blood flow.

-Vasodilation- have that capacity to increase their diameter in order to allow greater blood flow to capillary beds


Capillaries are the smaller division of the blood vessel and serve as part of the microvasculature. The role of the capillary is to exchange fluids, gases, nutrients, hormones, electrolytes, and other substances with the interstitial fluids from various tissues throughout the body


The primary bronchi are part of the conducting zone in the respiratory system. The primary bronchi are formed from the trachea and are divided into left and right branches. No gas exchange takes place in the primary bronchi as they serve as the primary conductor for air passages into the bronchioles


Server in both the conduction and respiratory zones of respiration. They are formed from the tertiary bronchi and have three distinct divisions:

-Lesser bronchioles

-Terminal bronchioles

-Respiratory bronchioles.

Lesser bronchioles

Are formed from the tertiary bronchi and as the diameter of the bronchioles decreases the terminal bronchioles begin.

Terminal bronchioles

The division of the terminal bronchioles represents the end of the conduction zone in human respiration and can be identified with the occurrence of alveoli, which represents the beginning of the respiration zone

Respiratory bronchioles

Respiratory bronchioles are responsible for approximately 10 percent of gas exchange during respiration


Alveoli are the terminal ends of the respiratory tree. They are located in the alveolar sacs and alveolar ducts and are the primary sites for gas exchange. Alveolar membrane serves as the gas exchange surface. The system circulation returns deoxygenated blood from the rest of the body, via the alveolar blood vessels and through passive diffusion, the carbon dioxide that has been carried from the body tissue is unloaded. At the same time that the unloading of CO2 is taking place the oxygen is being diffused into the red blood cells, and will be carried to the working tissues via pulmonary circulation.

Alveolar pressure

Is the pressure when the glottis is open and there is no air movement into or out of the lungs

-For this to change the pressure must drop below atmospheric pressure during inspiration and above atmospheric pressure during expiration


Is an essential structure in lung anatomy that is involved in reducing surface tension, via a small amount of pleural fluid which makes breathing easier, and helps to inflate alveoli to potential gas exchange.

-Provides flexibility in all various breathing patterns during activity

Pleural pressure

Is significant because it maintains the tension between the chest wall and the pleura of the lungs allowing for inspiration and expiration. This pressure is slightly negative in order to compensate for the expansion of lungs, while allowing the lungs to maintain pressure below atmospheric levels.

*If pleural pressure becomes equal or exceeds atmospheric pressure the lungs will collapse= 'Pneumothorax


Diffusion of CO2 and O2 through the alveoli in the lungs occurs according to the concentration gradient.

This is a passive process that is driven by the motion of the molecules as they transition from region of higher and lower concentration

Concentration gradient

The concentration gradient is formed by molecules from a higher concentration region into a region with a lower concentration of molecules which is dictated by the partial pressure of the gases as will as the concentrations in the capillaries and alveoli. This is a passive process that is driven by the motion of the molecules as they transition from region of higher and lower concentration