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24 Cards in this Set

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ability to perform work
# flow of energy in a biological system
* conversion of food into usable energy
breakdown of large molecules into smaller ones associate with the release of energy
synthesis of large molecule from small ones (using energy from catabolic reactions)
exergonic reaction
energy releasing reaction (generally catabolic)
endergonic reaction
require energy, include anabolic processes and the contraction of muscle
total of all catabolic/exergonic and anabolic/endergonic reactions in a biological system
Adenosine triphosphate
-allows transfer of energy from exergonic to endergonic reactions
Phosphagen system
anaerobic, occurs in absense of oxygen
* provides ATP for the short term, high intensity activity
* active at start of all exercises
* Myosin ATPase catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + P
o creatine kinase catalyzes the creation of ATP from ADP and creatine phosphate
* fast energy
* Myokinase reaction - 2 ADP molecules interact with Myokinase and an ATP and AMP are created
o AMP stimulus of glycolysis
* breakdown of carbs (glycogen from muscle or glucose from blood) to make ATP
* high intensity muscular activity
fast glycolysis
* Fast Glycolysis
o occurs with reduced oxygen availability
o pyruvate is converted to lactic acid providing ATP
o results in end product of lactic acid
+ also hydrogen ion buildup
+ interfers with glycolitic reactions and muscle excitation-contraction coupling
+ results in decrease in in available energy
# Fatigue
o lactic acid converted to salt - lactate
+ not fatigue producing
+ normally .5-2.2 mmol/L of blood and.5 - 2.2mmol/kilo of wet muscle
o blood lactate levels reflect lactic acid buildup and clearance
+ clearance is a return to homeostasis - ability to recover
# can be done by oxidiagtion
# or transported in blood to other muscle fibers to be oxidized
* also can be moved in blood to liver and converted to glucose
o Cori cycle

Reaction for fast glycolysis
Glucose + 2Pi + 2ADP ---> 2Lactate + 2ATP + H2O
slow glycolysis
* if there is oxygen in the mitochondria the product of glycolysis (pyruvate) is not turned to lactic acid but transported to mitochondria, along with 2 NADH (nicotinamid adenine dinucleotide) which were produced during glycolysis
* when pyruvate enters the mitochondria it is turned to Acetyl CoA
o happen by pyruvate byhydrogenase complex
* Acetyl CoA can enter krebs cycle for more ATP production
* NADH enters electron transport chain to pruduce more ATP

reaction for slow glycolysis
glucose + 2Pi + 2ADP + 2NAD ---> 2Pyruvate + 2ATP + 2NADH + 2H2O
energy yield of glycolysis
* produces net of 2 ATP from 1 glucose
o if glycogen (storage form of glucose) then 3 ATP produced
+ happens as result of phosphorylation (adding a phosphate to glucose) being skipped
How is glycolysis controlled?
* stimulated by intense activity by ADP
o Inorg. P, ammonia, decrease in pH and AMP
o low pH from lack of O2 and high ATP inhibits it
+ creatine phosphate, citrate, free fatty acids
* rate limiting step
o slowest reaction in a series
+ in glycolysis - conversion of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-biphosphate
# catalyzed by phosphofrutokinase (PFK)
* AMP from Phosphagen system (myokinase react.) stimulates PFK
* also ammonia fron deamina-tion (removing amino grop from amino acid)
lactate threshold
ex. intensity at which lactate begins an abrupt increase above baseline
* around 50-60% of max O2 uptake in untrained 70-80% in trained
2nd increase at higher relative intensities

# onset of blood lactate accumultion
# concentrations neainr 4 mm0l/L blood

* happens during more muscle recruitment
o type II - suited for aanaerobic - lactic acid producing
-training near or above LT and OBLA push both to the right (increase the baseline)
oxidative system
* Primary source of ATP at rest and during low-intensity activities
o uses primaily carbs and fats as substrates
o at rest 70% of ATP derived from fat - 30% from carbs
+ after onset of exercise, switch to preference for carbs
# during high-intensity aerobic exercise almost 100% of energy from carbs
* however, during prolonged sub-max, steady work, shift back to fats and protein
Glucose and Glycogen Oxidation
# oxidative metab. of blood glucose and muscle glycogen begins with glycolysis

* if O2 present, end product of glycolysis, pyruvate, is not converted to lactic acid
o pyruvate then trasported to mitochondria and enters Krebs cycle
krebs cycle
# reactions that continue oxidation of substrate begun in glycolysis - produces 2 ATP from GTP (guinine triphosphate) for each glucose

* from each glucose, 6 NADH and 2 FADH2 (flavin adenine dinucleotide)
o molecule transport Hydrogen to ETC (electron transport chain)
+ Produce ATP from ADP ----> rephosphorylation
# uses NADH and FADH2
+ H atoms passed down chain
# using cytochromes - electron carriers
+ forms a proton gradient - provides energy for ATP production
# O2 serves as final electron acceptor (H20 as product)
o NADH and FADH2 enter ETC at different times - differ in ATP production
+ NADH makes 3 ATP
+ FADH2 makes 2 ATP
o production of ATP during axidation called Oxidative Phosphorylation
+ 1 glucose molecule make 38 ATP with Oxidative system
Fat oxidation
# Triglcerides broke down for energy by Lipase

* relase fatty acids in blood
* free fatty acides enter mitochondria and undergo beta oxidation
o Acetyl CoA and H atoms is product
+ Acetyl CoA enter krebs directly
+ H taken by NADH and FADH2 to ETC
protein oxidation
* Not a significant source of energy
* can be broken down into its costituent amino acids
o then converted to glucose, pyruvate, or other krebs intermediate products
* during long term activity used more for energy
* mostly bcaa that are used in oxidation
o leucine, isoleucine, valine
o waste products of amino acids eleminated through urea and amonia
how is oxidation controlled?
* rate limiting step
o conversion of isocitrate to alpha-ketogluterate
+ stimulated by catalyst isocitrate dehydrogenase, which is stimulated by ADP
o reactions that produce NADH and FADH2
+ if not enough NAD+ and FAD2+ then krebs slowed
energy substrates
# molecules that provide starting materials for bioenergetics reactions

* can be depleted during exercise
o phosphagens and glycogen usually
glycogen de/repletion
* 300-400 g in whole of muscle and 70-100g in liver
o anaerobic training can increase resting glycogen stores
* rate of depletion related to ex. intensity
o muscle glyc. more important than liver glyc. during moderat-high intensity
o liver more important during lower intensity
* Repletion
o .7 - 3.0 g of carbs/kg of body weight every 2 hrs
o aids in glycogen repletion