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15 Cards in this Set

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Superficial vascularization and scarring of peripheral cornea due to inflammation: histologically, fibrovacular tissue between epithelium and bowman's layer-usually asymptomatic
bowman's layer destruction with inflammatory cells
inflammatory pannus
bowman's layer intact with areas of calcification
degenerative pannus
interpalpebral, subepithelial, patchy calcific changes in bowman's membrane; swill cheese pattern: seen in chronic ocular inflammation, hypercalcemia, gout, mercury vapors or hereditary
band keratopathy
single or multiple, flat, pigmented, benign lesions; pigment spots or freckles occur in 50% of population; rare before 12 years of age; nevus differentiated from melanoma by size (<3mm in diameter), thickness (<1mm thick), and abscence of vascularity, ectropion uveae, secondary cataract, secondary glaucoma and signs of growth.
Iris Nevus
a small white spot on the posterior lens capsule that represents a remnant of the posterior tunica vasculosa lentis where the former hyaloid artery attached
mittendorf dot
congenitcal, developmental, or acquired displacement of the crystalline lens; may be incomplete (subluxation) or complete (luxation) dislocation of the lens into the anterior chamber or vitreous
ectopic lentis
multiple, yellow-white, round, birefringent particles composed of calcium phosphate soaps attached to the vitreous framework-usually asymptomatic, does not cause floaters or interfere with vision-oes affect view of the fundus-usually unilateral (75%) and associated with diabetes mellitus (30%)
asteroid hyalosis
golden-brown, refractile crystals that are freely mobile within vitreous cavity; associated with liquid vitreous, so the crystals settle-rare syndrome that occurs after chronic vitreous hemorrhage, uveitis, or trauma; composed of cholesterol crystals
synchesis scintillans
superficial or buried hyaline-like material in the substance of the nerve anterior to the lamina cribrosa-may calcify-75% bilateral-may be hereditary
optic nerve drusen
benign, darkly pigmented tumor that lies over or adjacent to the optic disc, usually jet black with fuzzy borders; rarely increases in size-more common in blacks-malignant transformation is exceedingly rare
shrinkage of a damaged or diseased eyeball-associated with low intraocular pressure. usually occurs as end-result of sightless, degenerating eye when ciliary body ceases to produce aqueous fluid
phthisis bulbi
iris that flops loosely due to lack of normal support by lens-occurs after lens dislocation or removal
more than one papillary opening in iris-may be congenital or results from iris disease
retinal vein deflection at a crossing of an artery and vein. associated with hardening or stiff retinal arterioles, often as a result of high blood pressure
salus sign