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67 Cards in this Set

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abstract (super) class
A class that cannot be instantiated, but can be extended (subclassed). Can be used to define methods and behaviors that subclasses use.
abstract data type
A data type that has a description of how it works, but not how it is implemented. Abstract data types such as Stacks and Queues can be implemented in multiple different ways.
anonymous inner class
A class that has no name which can be quickly created and used to perform small jobs. An example is using an anonymous inner class to be the ActionListener for GUI components.
A homogeneous linear collection of objects which are stored together in memory.
binary search tree
A Binary tree that is sorted so that items within it can be found quickly. Elements that are greater than a node are to the right of the node; elements that are smaller are to the left.
A section of code, typically enclosed with curly brackets {} that makes up the body of a loop, function, or conditional.
A data type that has only two possible values
Boolean Expression
A logical statement that evaluates to either True or False
The process of forcing Java to convert data from one data type to another
Child node
In a class hierarchy, they indicate that the class represented by the parent node is a superclass of the class represented by the child node
circular linked list
A linked list where the end points to the head. Can be used to store cyclical animations such as walking motion.
The blueprint or “framework” from which objects are instantiated. Classes define variables (fields) and behaviors (methods) that every object will have, and sometimes also define static fields/methods that are stored in the class (shared by all objects).
Class hierarchy
representing the inheritance relationship among classes
A method that is called when a new instance is created
Continuous simulation
all agents acting simultaneously
Data Encapsulation
The process of hiding internal state from direct access by outsiders, and instead requiring that all accesses to the internal state be done through methods that can act as gatekeepers
Definition vs implementation
By separating the definition of the data structure from the implementation, we can use the new data structure in programs without regard for Implementation. No matter how something is implemented, it should work as long as the definition is correct
Discrete simulation
stop and pause before calling the next
A data type that holds numbers with fractional components
dynamic data structure
A data structure that can grow and change. Examples include linked lists and trees.
These contain state within an object, sometimes called object variables
first in first out. A queue is an example of this
A keyword that means that a field will not change
final static variable
A constant variable that can't be changed
Generalization-specialization relation
we are saying that one class is a “kind of” another class
graph (directed, undirected, acyclic)
A data structure made up of nodes and connections between nodes (lines). Connections can be unidirectional or bidirectional and can sometimes have associated weights.
The process of extending a superclass, gaining its behaviors and state The process of inheriting behavior (methods) and data (fields/variables) from a superclass to a child or subclass. Inheritance is the main way that code reuse is achieved in OOP.
inorder traversal (of a tree)
Visiting all elements of a tree recursively: At each node, visit the left subtree, then visit the node itself, then visit the right subtree.
A data type that holds numbers without a fractional component
A list of method names (and signatures) that a class must implement to be said to “implement” the interface. Multiple interfaces can be implemented by the same class
To (potentially) repeat the execution a block of code multiple times, as with a for or while loop.
layout manager
In charge of controlling how GUI elements (widgets) are displayed/arranged/laid out in a panel. Examples include Border, Flow, and Box layout
leaf node
A node in a tree that has no children. (Located at the edges of the tree, hence the “leaf” name.)
An acronym that stands for Last In First Out. A Stack is LIFO
linked list
A data structure made up of a collection of nodes, where each node points to the next node in line.
linked list of lists
All nodes will have a next, and branches will also have a children link
a function that is associated with an object and implements behavior
method signature
The unique collection of method name and parameter number and type that define a method. Multiple methods may share the same name as long as the type or number of their parameters differ
A detailed description of structure and behavior.
An object is a collection of fields (variables) and behaviors (methods) that can be “instantiated” based upon a “blueprint” or “plan” from a class. The instantiation of a class, they have fields that store state and methods (functions) that encode behavior.
object oriented programming
you care about who (or what) does the process, and how the overall process emerges from the interaction of different objects
We override methods in order to define new, differentiated behavior... when a method in a subclass has the same name and type signature as a method in its superclass, then the method in the subclass is said to override the method in the superclass. When an overridden method is called from within a subclass, it will always refer to the version of that method defined by the subclass
parent node
There is a root at the top of the tree that everything is connected to. Each node has at most one parent node
A keyword that indicates that a field or method can only be accessed by the current class/object.
A keyword that means that anybody can see and manipulate a particular field or method.
abstract data type-FIFO
– When a method that calls itself. (Should have a terminating condition and work towards that terminating condition to be “good” recursion.)
refactor(ing) code
moving replicated code up in the class hierarchy, and making sure that everything still works afterward.
a pointer to a specific object
resursive traversal of a tree
traversing through a tree using recursion
root node
top most node in a tree
Sample sound
sounds made up of samples (thousands per second)
scene graph
A graph used to organize and lay out elements in a 2D or 3D animation. By manipulating a node in the scene graph, you can affect all of its child nodes at the same time
execution of a model
spanning tree
a graph without cycles
abstract data type- LIFO
A keyword that means a field or method belongs to the class, and not specific objects that are instantiated from it.
static field (variable)
A variable owned by the “class” instead of any particular (object) instance of the class. All instances of an object share one static class variable, although a static field can be accessed without creating even one instance of the class.
static method
A method owned by the class. See static field definition. Cannot access object variables.
a data type that holds sequences of characters
A class that inherits behaviors and state (methods and fields) from a superclass
The class that the current class inherited from (extended). Sometimes called the “Parent” class. A class that is extended by subclasses
A special keyword that always contains a reference to the object that “holds” the currently active code.
To move through a linear data structure (or a sequence) doing something to or with each individual element
type declaration
process of telling the compiler what type of data a variable will hold
user interface events
Event that is dispatched when the user does something to a GUI, like clicking a button, or moving the mouse.
A keyword that indicates that a method will not return anything