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26 Cards in this Set

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_ is Characterized by large, (often transient), irregularly shaped, pruritic, erythematous wheals.*
A hive can have an _ (wheal) compared to the _ (flare) surrounding area.
edematous, possibly pale central area

Angioedema appears as _, it may or may not have _.

It often involves what areas?
brawny, non pitting edema that is transient.
associated itching

lips, tongue, eyelids, genitalia
Symptoms of anaphylaxis include
hypotension or shock,
respiratory distress
_ is a good lab test that should be done for patients suffering from recurrent angioedema
C1-esterase inhibitor deficiency
Genetic inheritance of HAE is _.

This Usually involves extremities but may involve _
Frequently have attacks of _
Hereditary Angioedema (HAE)

-autosomal dominant
-any external body surface as well as mucosal surface
-severe abdominal pain
Hereditary Angioedema is associated with low levels of _

(T/F) Histamine also plays a role
C1 inhibitor (needed for dx)

False. Histamine has no role in this condition.
6 y/o adopted boy presents to your office with recurrent laryngeal edema. Lab results show C1 inhibitor levels to be at 28% of lower limit. Labs are reordered 6 weeks later, with similar results. What is your diagnosis?
hereditary angioedema

*HAE Lab criteria :C1 inhibitor levels less than 50 percent of the lower limit of normal at two separate determinations (at least one month apart) with the patient in their basal condition and after the first year of life. Usually family hx is helpful in dx but unavailable in this case
6 y/o adopted boy presents to your office with recurrent laryngeal edema. Lab results show C1 inhibitor levels to be at 28% of lower limit. Labs are reordered 6 weeks later, with similar results. How do you treat him
Fresh Frozen Plasma, IV fluids, and close monitoring of aiway

This patient has Hereditary Angioedema, in which case FFP is the quickest and easiest treatment in emergency situations
Violin spiders are AKA _.

They have _ venom
Brown Recluse Spiders

CYTOTOXIC (Cell destroying)...typical of a non web dwelling spider
Loxosceles Reclusa venom is Composed of a collection of _ .

This will lead to what reaction in a patient?
*This is the brown recluse spider.

hemolytic enzymes that destroy cell membranes

leads to the breakdown of skin, fat, and blood vessels. Necrosis of skin happens 10% of the time
(T/F) Brown recluse bites are painful and noticeable immediately.

How long does it take to heal from a bite?
False. Bites are usually painless and initially go unnoticed. Symptoms often begin 2-8 hours after bite, and do NOT cause serious systemic symptoms, only a small amount is injected

6-8 Weeks!
Brown recluse bites can have a _ surrounding the central area of necrosis.
Necrosis is more common in what areas?
Can the wound spread outward?
blue-white halo (Bull's eye)
Adipose areas
YES, They May develop severe destructive necrotic lesions with deep wide borders
The female _ spider is the most venomous spider in North America. This venom is _ (cytotoxic/neurotoxic), and can cause _ pain
black widow, neurotoxic,

abdominal, similar to appendicitis,** pancreatitis, or peptic ulcer....particularly following a bite to the LOWER extremities (It can also cause muscle spasms or pain to the sole of the feet)
_ is the controversial treatment to Brown Recluse bites.
Dapsone - Might reduce the local effects of the venom
-An antiinflammatory with bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects.
-To be effective, must use in first few hours
Patient presents with Chest pain, also states that she has a "dull, crampy" pain in her left arm. She is currently hypertensive and Upon examination, you notice her arm is slightly swollen and erythematous. You locate 2 small fang marks. What is the likely diagnosis?
Black Widow Bite
Symptoms such as a boardlike abdomen, leg cramps, restlessness, and hypertension are typical of what kind of bite?
Black Widow
_ antivenom is recommended for Black widow bites on patients under 16 or over 65.

Other symptomatic treatment includes...
Latrodectus Antivenom (May cause a placental abruption so should also be considered for pregos)

Diazepam or Lorazepam to help with muscle spasms
What is the one species of scorpion that is dangerous to humans in the US?

What is the most potent 'ingredient' in their venom, and what does it do?
Centruroides* Exilicauda –AKA the “Bark Scorpion”

Neurotoxin, results in repetitive firing and over-excitation symptoms
Most deaths occur during the first _ hours after a centuroides sting and are secondary to _

respiratory or cardiovascular failure

children and elderly at at greatest risk
Patient comes in complaing that "something bit" her. Says there is a sharp, burning pain on her foot and it feels like an electric current. Now the area is pruritic and erythematous. What do you suspect?

What are other signs she is most likely experiencing if the envenomation is serious?
Centruroides sting (scorpion)

Mydriasis (most common)* - dilated pupils; Nystagmus*,
Hypersalivation*, Restlessness*,Paresthesia (tingling)
If a patient dies from a scorpion sting, it is usually via _secondary to _, _ and/or _.

It could also induce _ which plays a large role in deaths as well
respiratory failure*

anaphylaxis*, ronchoconstriction*,
diaphragmatic paralysis.**

mutliorgan failure
What is the initial sumptom of a rattlesnake bite?
Other symptoms include _
_ and _ may develop later
severe pain

swelling that extends proximally,bloody wound drainage, numbness around mouth, rapid pulse, muscle fasciculations, visual disturbances, erythema, necrosis and subQ may develop later

Death is due to the coagulation mechanism leading to hemorrhage
Death from a rattlesnake bite is often associated with _ leading to _
a disruption of the coagulation mechanism, leading to hemorrhage*
In rattlesnake bites, there is usually _, and therefore _.

Because of these symptoms you should avoid _ as treatment
Edema and compartment syndrome

constricting bandages. Apply a mildly constricting bandage about 2 inches above bite unles antivenom is given
When deciding to use antivenin or not or a rattlesnake bite, look at _ (3) effects

The antivenin is _. Is it the same for pediatric patients?
1-Local effects
2-Coagulation effects
3-Systemic Effects (hypotension)

CroFab Antivenom, Yes, it's the same (dose and everything) . There is No adjustment for pediatric patients. It should be started early