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38 Cards in this Set

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society is a group of people people who live in the same geographical location for a long period of time. with a common purpose


culture is the way people live; their way of life.

collective habits, practices and norms of behavior that form the way of life a particular people

marxist society view

superstructure (government, family, religion, education and culture )



Popular Culture

refers to the music, visual and performing arts, literature, festivals, cuisine, poetry, and artistic and designer creations promoted mainly through the efforts of the mass media

High Culture

is an elitist understanding of culture and was first put forward by Matthew Arnold in the nineteenth century. It refers to values that promote the best thoughts and ideas that human beings have developed and perfected.
ie. literature and classical music

culture diversity

a way if life that comprises habits and practices derived from more than one race or group of people.

social stratification

the ranking or grouping of different classes in society based on factors such as wealth, religion, race and color.


is a person's conception and personal expression affected by others' individuality or group affiliations

social identity

derives from identification and derives from a sense of belonging to a specific group or environment

social formation

derives from society and how it is historically constituted

cultural diversity

refers to different ethnic traditions based on race, language, religion, customs and family practices found in society or region.

ethnic group

category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural, or national experience.

a group that shares certain traits such as physical appearance.

social stratification: closed system

is a rigid system with clear demarcated boundaries, to determine social status to access opportunities. social mobility is not possible

social stratification: open system

they are based on economic criteria (income) ,social position is achieved by one's own effort, boundaries between classes are flexible, social mobility is possible.


refers to a group of people who have different and similarities in biological traits deemed by society to be socially significant.

a segment of the human population that is believed to be distinct in some way from other human beings, based on real or imagined differences.

upper class

this group usually inherits wealth and power


they are the owners of the means of production. wealthy middle class


educated members of society. professional middle class

working class

poorly educated and are referred to as causal laborers


group of unemployable or unemployed, individuals living in extreme poverty and exhibit deviant behaviors

social mobility

the movement of persons from one status position to another


is a society where social mobility is attained through achievement


the process by which two cultural forms are mixed to form a new culture


sexual unions between persons of different races resulting in mix race children


a person of fairer complexion were seen as superior to those of darker complexion

cultural hybridisation

the development of new cultural forms out of existing ones through a period of contact andinteraction

cultural erasure

practices that have died out or are dying out.

cultural retention

practices that have survived even when most other forms and symbols of culture are no longer evident

cultural renewal

occurs when a group goes through a conscious rejuvenation process and turns to some elements of its culture, which is believed has been ignored or suppressed


the process of socialization whereby a person becomes a part of another culture.


occurs when a dominant group makes a bid to enculturate another by attempting to convert all aspects of its culture and make it over into the image of the dominant group.


the adoption of english as the official language


the process whereby a culture changes drastically, actually overcoming itself and translating into something new.


the mixing of culture that goes on between groups who share space. the groups do not necessarily give up their own culture, but participate in various ways in each other's lives.

plural society

two or more ethnic groups share the same space but do not mix to any significant extent (not intermarry)


the language, beliefs etc is the adaptation of foreign culture to local origins


the mixing of africans and indians