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58 Cards in this Set

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1. What is culture?
Made up of three things:
1. what people have
2. what people think
3. what people do
2. Do national boundaries define culture?
3. Collective membership in a society or culture has 3 elements. What are they and define them?
1. Values: basic assumptions about how things should be in society
2. Belief: conscious assertions of what is right/wrong, good/bad
3. Attitudes: perceived ideas by people on appropriate behavior within the general
contexts of value/beliefs of group
4. What are limitations of Hofsteele’s Model?
1.they reflect European and American values
2.they ignore the fact that ethnic cultures don’t have borders
3.there is a western bias
5. What are the important values in Confucian dynamism?
2.relationships being ordered by status
4.having a sense of shame
6. What are the unimportant values in Confucian dynamism?
1.protecting your face: no confrontations
2.personal stability and steadiness
3.respect for tradition
7. What are the 6 categories of cultural information that might be considered in a profile analysis? (6 of them)
1.material culture: demand for economic goods and how material a society is
2.social institutions: government, education, commerce, families
3.man and the universe: beliefs and rituals
4.Aesthetics: all of the little artistic elements that make up culture
5.language: how it is used, patterns, how it is used to do business
8. What is the highest level of media richness in communication?
Face to face
9. 5 ways to look at culture & communication?
Communication in the ______ system.
1. political
2. economic
3. social
4. educational
5. family
10. 3 implications for effective communications
1.respect differences
2.avoid quick judgment
3.listen for implicit meaning
11. Cultures have different patterns of conversational behavior that result from their orientation in what 3 elements? (HARD)
1.Chromatics (times)
12. What is inductive reasoning/deductive reasoning?
inductive: solve problems by starting with details and factual observations, graudually building toward generalizations or conclusions

deductive: solve problems by starting with broad categories and then evaluate details and more specific information to reveal the nature of a problem and potential solutions
13. 3 levels of motivation. (Not in book)
1. Need
2. Want
3. Desire
14. Hertzberg’s 2 factor theory. 2 elements, name and define each.
-Relates to job context
-Nature of job
-Maslow’s 4-5
-Job context
-Maslow’s 1-3
15. What is diversity?
Textbook: encompasses differences in human characteristics that arise from national origin, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, language, age, socioeconomic statues, and cultural values

diversity is smart business, it is just being a good human being
1. What is culture?
Made up of three things:
1. what people have
2. what people think
3. what people do
2. Do national boundaries define culture?
3. Collective membership in a society or culture has 3 elements. What are they and define them?
1. Values: basic assumptions about how things should be in society
2. Belief: conscious assertions of what is right/wrong, good/bad
3. Attitudes: perceived ideas by people on appropriate behavior within the general
contexts of value/beliefs of group
4. What are limitations of Hofsteele’s Model?
1.they reflect European and American values
2.they ignore the fact that ethnic cultures don’t have borders
3.there is a western bias
5. What are the important values in Confucian dynamism?
2.relationships being ordered by status
4.having a sense of shame
6. What are the unimportant values in Confucian dynamism?
1.protecting your face: no confrontations
2.personal stability and steadiness
3.respect for tradition
7. What are the 6 categories of cultural information that might be considered in a profile analysis? (6 of them)
1.material culture: demand for economic goods and how material a society is
2.social institutions: government, education, commerce, families
3.man and the universe: beliefs and rituals
4.Aesthetics: all of the little artistic elements that make up culture
5.language: how it is used, patterns, how it is used to do business
8. What is the highest level of media richness in communication?
Face to face
9. 5 ways to look at culture & communication?
Communication in the ______ system.
1. political
2. economic
3. social
4. educational
5. family
10. 3 implications for effective communications
1.respect differences
2.avoid quick judgment
3.listen for implicit meaning
11. Cultures have different patterns of conversational behavior that result from their orientation in what 3 elements? (HARD)
1.Chromatics (times)
12. What is inductive reasoning/deductive reasoning?
inductive: solve problems by starting with details and factual observations, graudually building toward generalizations or conclusions

deductive: solve problems by starting with broad categories and then evaluate details and more specific information to reveal the nature of a problem and potential solutions
13. 3 levels of motivation. (Not in book)
1. Need
2. Want
3. Desire
14. Hertzberg’s 2 factor theory. 2 elements, name and define each.
-Relates to job context
-Nature of job
-Maslow’s 4-5
-Job context
-Maslow’s 1-3
15. What is diversity?
Textbook: encompasses differences in human characteristics that arise from national origin, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, language, age, socioeconomic statues, and cultural values

diversity is smart business, it is just being a good human being
16. Define job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment.
Job rotation:
- rotate an employee’s assignments among sever jobs
- “jack of all trades, master of none”

Job enlargement:
- giving you more to do
- incorporate multiple tasks within an individual job

Job enrichment: ad things to make job more rewarding
17. In negotiations, what should be the end result?
- win, win, win (you, other person, customer)
18. Define substantive motive and intrinsic motive in negotiations.
Substantive motive: the focal point of situation

Intrinsic motive: real/perceived benefits for reaching agreement
19. Define bargaining, negotiation and conflict
bargaining: more of an exchange, give and take

negotiations: formal agreement solution, business arrangement

conflict: interfering with bargain or negotiation
20. What are 5 stages of successful negotiations?
1.Planning: who, what, when, where, why, how
2.relationship building: establish trust
3.exchanging task-related information
4.persuasion: present sides, go back and forth
5.reaching agreement
21. What 5 issues merit consideration under planning circumstances?
1.Political & Legal system of foreign country
2.foreign government interventions
3.international finance
4.social stability
5.infrastructural consideration
22. What are the four types of agreements that can be reached and define them.
1.Agree to not agree: no common ground
2.formal agreement: sign contract
3.informal agreement: an understanding, no signature
4.agreement to continue
23. What are alternative approaches to managing conflict? (5 of them)
2.accommodate: give up, give in
3.competition: each party wants to win-lose
4.collaboration: focus on mutual benefit
5.compromise: mutual accepting agreement, both sides give up something
24. Define grievance, mediation, and (binding) arbitration.
Grievance: complaint against employer by individuals or unions

Mediation: get together with 3rd party to find mutually agreeable solution but not binding

Binding arbitration: whatever mediator decides, we must live up to
25. What is a maquiladora?
- Set aside areas where outside countries can set up plants and produce as long as they sell in Mexico

- helps fix unemployment with cheap wages
26. What is codetermination in Germany?
German worker/participation in management, 7 or more employees, must have work counsel
27. What are the 4 major constituents that influence how an organization operates in the People’s Republic of China?
1.Factory director: appointed by government as leader

2.enterprise party committee: communist Chinese party appoints

3.workers’ congress: makes recommendations to EPC

4.trade union (ACFTV)
28. In the People’s Republic of China, who/what is DanWei?
- semiofficial leader, not appointed
- run the city
- control over jobs, housing, # of children
29. List and define 3 types of people who can work for your company overseas.
1. Expatriate
2. third country national
3. local national
30. What are 4 advantages for hiring a local manager?
1. at one with culture and society, knows language

2. have connections politically, socially

3. gain recognition because locally managed

4. compensation is less
31. What are 4 disadvantages for hiring a local manager?
1. communication with parent company can be bad

2. language barrier

3. lack of experience with company’s strategy

4. lack of education technically

5. tick losing employee to competitors
32. What are 6 ways we can train cross-cultural pursuing integration?
1. Information training: facts, the way we do it
2. attribution training: understand why people do things
3. cultural awareness: sensitize managers to cultures
4. cognitive behavior modification
5. experiential training
6. cultural assimilator training
33. Name 4 ways to train local employees overseas
1. on the job: as you go
2. vestibule: off job, computer
3. off the job: self development
4. apprentice: used mostly for skilled jobs, get certified
34. What are the 4 steps to get an ex-patriot
1. recruit selections
2. predeparture orientation
3. adapt to being in new country
4. re-patriation, coming home
35. Other than technical capabilities, what are 3 major qualifications for someone to work overseas?
1. adaptability/personal characteristics
2. relational skills
3. spouse and family adaptability
36. What is the major cause for failure of overseas assignments for expatriates?
37. 15 pieces of expatriate overseas compensation. Know a “chunk”
1. base salary
2. dependant education
3. car allowance
4. bonus
5. hardship
6. passage allowance
7. household goods
8. medical coverage
9. contributions to retirement plans
10. home leave
11. home furnishing
12. income tax defraying cost
38. Define leadership in own words. (don’t give a BS answer, definitely on the test)
no formal answer
39. 3 cornerstones of leadership theory and define.
1.trait approach: born leader

2.style approach: how leaders influence behavior of others

3.contingency approach: base leadership on situation requirements
40. Define transformational leadership.
- Ability to make profound change

- new vision: inspire people to become part of leadership process and buy into

- all people become leaders, “ownership”
41. What are the three requirements transformational leadership must satisfy?
1. Create a vision for the future

2. clear understanding of vision and commitment to that vision

3. sustain process by inspiring and energizing people to make new visions
42. What are the 3 pillars to Japanese management success?
1. Developing employee loyalty
2. pursue continuing process improvement
3. improve productivity
43. Confucian management values of Chinese leadership
1. subordinate dependency
2. harmony
3. moral leadership
4. headship
5. acceptance and conformity
6. personalism
7. conflict avoidance
8. social distance
9. didactic role
10. proper dialogue
11. leadership is a social art, not a discipline
12. collectivism