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53 Cards in this Set

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dialogical approach
focuses on importance of dialogue in developing and maintaining relationships between individuals and communities
(1) the territories that are surrounded by another country's territory;
(2) cultural minority groups that live within a larger cultural group's territory
assembly plants or factories established on the US-Mexican border and using mainly Mexican labor
the splitting of the individual psychologically into multiple selves
the tendency to focus on the goals, needs, and views of the ingroup rather than individuals' own goals, needs, and views
communication accommodation theory
the view that individuals adjust their verbal communication to facilitate understanding
conversational constraints theory
the view the cultural groups vary in their fundamental concerns regarding how conversational message should be constructed
critical approach
a metatheoretical approach that includes many assumptions of the interpretive approach but that focuses more on macro-contexts, such as teh political and social structures that influence communication
dialectical approach
an approach to intercutlrual communication that integrates 3 approaches - functionalist, interpretive, and critical - in understanding culture and communication
a term stemming from ponemic. The emic way of inquiry focuses on understanding communication patterns from inside a particular cultural community or context
intercultural competence
the ability to behave effectively and appropriately in interacting across cultures
interpretive approach
an approach to intercultural communication that aims to understand and describe human behavior within specific cultural groups based on the assumptions that (1) human experience is subjective, (2) human behavior is creative rather than determined or easily predicted, and (3) culture is created and maintained through communication
the study of how people use personal space
rhetorical approach
a research method, dating back to ancient Greece, in which scholars try to interpret the meanings or persuasion used in texts or oral discourses in contexts in which they occur
social science approach
a study of intercultural communication based on the assumptions that (1) there is a describable, external reality, (2) human behaviors are predictable, and (3) culture is a variable that can be measured. This approach aims to identify and explain cultural variations in communication and to predict future communication
textual analysis
examination of cultural texts such as media - television, movies, journalistic essays, and so on
absent history
any part of history that was not recorded or that is missing. Not everything that happened in the past is accesible to us today because only some voices were documented and only some perspectives were recorded
a policy that segregated people racially in South Africa
colonial histories
the histories that legitimate international invasions and annexations
contact hypothesis
the notion that better communication between groups is facilitated simply by putting people together in the smae place and allowing them to interact
diasporic histories
the histories of the ways in which international cultural groups were created through transational migrations, slavery, religious crusades, or other historical forces
grand narrative
a unified history and view of humankind
hidden histories
the histories that are hidden from or forgotten by the mainstream represenation of past events
intellectual histories
written histories that focus on teh development of ideas
modernist identity
the identity that is grounded in the Western tradition of scientific and political beleifs and assumptions - for example, the belief in external relaity, democratic representation, etc
the process by which an individual portrays himself or herself
the process by which others attribute identities to an individual
core symbols
the fundamental beliefs that are shared by the members of a cultural group. labels, a category of core symbols, are names or markers used to classify individual, social, or cultural groups
culture brokers
individuals who act as bridges betwen cultures, facilitating cross-cultural interaction and conflict
global nomads
people who grow up in may different cultural contexts because their parents relocated
hyphenated americans
US Americans who identify not only with being US citizens but also as members of ethnic groups
the communication process by which one is pulled into the social forces that place people inot a specific identity
model minority
a stereotype that characterizes all Asians and Asian Americans as hardworking and serious and so a "good" minority
an attitude (usually negative) toward a cultural group based on little or no evidence
widely held beliefs about a group of people
code switching
a technical term in communication that refers to the phenomenon of changing languages, dialects, or even accents
the ways in which langauge is actually used by particular communities of people, in particular contexts, for particular purposes
a term of expression that shows respect
a kind of communication that emerges when speakers of one language are speaking in another language. The native language's semantics, syntactics, pragmatics, phonetics, and language styles often overlap and create a third way of communicating
low-context communication
a style of communication in which much of the information is conveyed in words rather than in nonverbal cues and contexts
the meaning of a message that tells others how they should respond to the content of our communication based on our relationship to them
nominalist position
the view that perception is not shaped by the particular language one speaks
the study of how meaning is constructed in relation to receivers and how language is actually used in particular contexts in language communities
the study of words and meanings
in semiotics, anything that is expressed in arbitrary words, or signifiers
the concept of time and the rules that govern its use
cultural space
the particular configuration of the communication that constructs meanings of various places
an orientation to time that assumes it is linear and is a commodity that can be lost or gained
an orientation to time that sees it as circular and more holistic
postmodern cultural spaces
places that are defined by cultural practices - langauges spoken, identities enacted, rituals performed - and that often change as new people move in and out of these spaces
loyalty to a particular region that holds significant cultural meaning for that person
relational messages
messages (verbal and nonverbal) that communicate how we feel about others
the relative position an individual holds in social or organizational settings