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86 Cards in this Set

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According to Cornish and Clarke's Rational Choice Theory, which factors have a large effect of whether a person decides to break the law and an actual criminal event?
Situational Factors
For Stafford and Warr's deterrence theory, what did they bring their attention to?
Punishment Avoidance
What does the classical perspective assume about offender motivation?
All individuals are motivated to commit crime through the pursuit of self-interests.
From the Routine Activity Theory, who is the least likely to be a victim?
Someone who is married and has children
In regards to environmental theories, when crime is not really reduced but is simply changed in some way (time, place, method, type) what has occurred?
What type of human nature does Rational Choice Theory have? and why..
Nature & Nurture- individual is making their own choice but friends can influence their behavior
What is the concept that unites the various perspectives under "environmental criminology"?
Figure OUT
What view on devience considers that criminal acts are bad because they are forbidden by the law (mala prohibita)
According to Classical Theory what is the most important element of punishment?
From a gene-based evolutionary theory what does the spousal and romantic triangle assault hypothesize?
Males are the main offenders in the act of spousal assault in both humans and other species
What crime-reduction policy was criticized from Lombroso's Positivist School?
selective breeding
According to Personality and Crime, what 2 personality traits are predictors of criminal delinquent behavior?
Negative emotionality and Low constraint.
According to Development of Antisocial Behavior Theory, what can temperament effect?
Parenting Styles
What does brain imaging research from (does the body tell) suggest criminal predisposition can be positively related to?
Fewer nerve cells in the prefrontal area.
What type of Social order (and why) does Gene-based evolutionary theories have?
Consensus- humans evolved to be altruistic giving way to a social contract.
According to Cognitive development theories, individuals understand their role in society in a selfish way, and their behavior is mostly guided by pain/pleasure considerations from what stage of moral reasoning development?
Name one policy implication of modern biosocial theories
having teachers be trained to look and report severe antisocial behavior
Which structure in the mind (freud) is most involved in the development of antisocial behavior by adulthood?
Super Ego
From the Development of Antisocial Behavior Theory, When are peer influences a stronger factor than parental factors?
During adolescence
Durkheim believes societies whose bonds are based on kinship instead of the division of labor and where the use of the penal law prevails are said to have what type of solidarity?
Mechanical Solidarity
According to the Concentric zone theory, which zone of the city presents the most social problem including high crime rates?
Transitional Zone
What is the main thesis of the Race, Crime, and Urban inequality Theory?
Disadvantaged, isolated neighborhoods develop a tolerance for deviance seeing it as unavoidable given the structural circumstances.
What characterizes inner-city neighborhoods with high rates of crime from the Social Disorganization Theory?
high levels of poverty+ heterogeneity+ mobility
What term refers to mutual trust and support among residents as well as willingness to interven on the communitys' behalf?
Collective efficacy
What was one social change according to early 20th century sociologists, that led to an increase in poverty and crime in American cities?
What are Durkheims three main-characteristics of crime?
1.) crime is normal
2.) crime is inevitable
3.) crime is necessary
Name a reason why massive incarceration of young minority men is detrimental for their communities
Children grow up without a father figure, and see incarceration as inevitable/ a right of passage
Name a post WWII policy that had a long-term detrimental consequence for African American families
public housing projects
According to the systemic model of crime control what level of social control do communities with the ability to secure external resources (ex. jobs, public investment) have?
What do Differential Associations vary by?
Frequency, Duration, priority, and intensity
What is the main concept of Code of the Street theory?
In Social Learning theory, what concept refers to the balance of anticipated or actual rewards or punishments that follow behavior?
Differential reinforcement
What is the main thesis of the Differential Association Theory?
It argues that people become criminal when there is an excess of definitions favorable to violation of law over definitions that are unfavorable to violate the law
In Social Learning theory what is removing an aversive stimulus referred to?
Indirect Punishment
What are peoples attitudes towards the CJ system in accordance with the code of the streets theory?
Individuals see getting prison-time as a respect status.
What type of definition goes along with "I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing"
Neutralizing definitions, Justification/Excuses
What would a policy implication for Social Learning Theory be?
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
What is one research finding(empirical evidence) for Code of Streets Theory?
Blacks in general US population are no more likely
than Whites to embrace values favorable to violence
What is the social order (and why) of Differential Association Theory?
pluralistic- not everybody upholds same Values and views regarding the law
From General Strain Theory what type of strain would be considered from this example "John got into a fight because of all the strain he was feeling after he lost his job and his gf broke up with hm"
removal of a positively valued stimulus
Why does Merton believe US has a high crime rate?
There is a gap between the want for economic success and the means to achieve it
What theory states that 'rates of crime are lower in countries with stronger families, schools and political systems?'
Institutional-anomie theory
What adaptation to strain is associated with property crime or drug dealing?
What is the main thesis of Cohen's "Theory of status frustration"
status frustration is the main reason why delinquent subcultures arise in lower-class neighborhoods rather than middle-class neighborhoods
If an individuals "baby brother was killed during a drive by shooting by the creeps, and she decided then to join the bloods" what way was the strain experienced
Indirectly experienced
According to Institutional ANomie theory which economic dominance process explains why a stock broker with a BA is considered more succesful than a professor with a PhD?
Devaluation of Education
"Ashley started using drugs after her boyfriend sexually abused her" what type of strain from General Strain Theory is this?
Presentation of a negative stimuli
Give an example of how families accommodate to the economy in the US in accordance of Institutional anomie Theory
Figure this out
What is the main difference between Merton and Choen, for the reason for strain in the working class?
Merton thinks strain is caused by fauilure to achieve monetary success and cohen thinks it's caused by failure to achieve status
What question do control theories seek to answer?
Why do people not commit crime?
What technique of neutralization is being used if an individual justifies their delinquent actions by saying they acted due to circumstances beyond their control?
Denial of Responsibility
"Idle hands are the devil's worship" is an idea most consistent with what element of social bond?
According to Self-Control Theory, what is a criminal predisposition?
A result of ineffective parenting
"I didn't take drugs cause my parents would kill me", what type of social bond example is this?
Attachment to parents
If an individual justifies their actions by saying they acted in response to demands from peer groups what technique of neutralization have they used?
Appear to higher loyalties
If a girl does not want to commit a crime because she is a straight A student and if she was arrested she might lose all her hard work, what social bond explains this?
What are 2 conditions of good parenting according to the self-control theory?
Parent supervision
Teach mainstream values/morals
All Control Theories have a ________ view of social order because...
Consensus. even delinquents believe in social norms
A man kicked out of school for looking at porn kicked out a bunch of windows on the way home, what type of defiance did he engage in?
Specific indirect
From Criminality and Economic Conditions what is the mental state caused by capitalism?
What is the main thesis of Reintegrative Shaming?
Stigmatizing and rejecting offenders will cause them to be more criminal
From Crime in a market society theory what is the solution of crime in the US?
Financing healthcare, childcare, and job training
What is the peacemaking perspective?
crime is suffering
Name a policy implication of labeling theories
"Patting down a black man wearing baggy pants" due to what trait?
Auxilirary Trait
Name 2 characteristics using American market society as a reason why the US has such high crime rates
1.) high level of inequality
2.) cut-backs on social programs
According to Crime and Coercion Theory, what type of control leads to a predisposition for sensation seeking delinquency and white collar crime?
eratic non-coersive
Name a research finding that critical criminologists would argue supports their theories
Poor criminal cannot afford a lawyer, so they stay in prison until trial
What is the main thesis of Masculinity and Crime?
Men portray the ideal of hegemonic masculinity differently, depending on social structural position
What happened before the rise of feminist criminology?
The social experience of gender was given little or no importance
What was the main thesis of the Sisters in Crime Theory?
Social equality caused women to commit more crime and commit crimes previously committed mostly by men
What's the main thesis of Gendered Theory of Female Offending?
Female offenders are less likely to use weapons against their victims in common delinquency than are male offenders
What is the major reason females offend according to A Feminist Theory of Female Delinquency?
sexual victimization
Name an empirical evidence that supports feminist theories of crime
Women learn their criminal behavior from men
What is one area from Gendered Theory of Female offending that inhibits female crime and encourages male crime
Gender Norms- women are seen as weak, men as strong
According to (Gendering of Violent Delinquency) what role do definitions of gender play in discouraging girls' violent delinquency?
Girls are doubly sanctioned by going against gender roles and the law
What are two criticisms of Mainstream Criminology?
-didn't explain gender gap
-wrong methodology
What group of boys (according to Masculinities and Crime) is most at risk for displaying masculinity through hate crime?
white, working class
What is the most important cause of a person becoming a "life-course-persistent" offender.
Neuropsychological deficits that evoke poor early parenting and cause youth to have difficult in other social settings
What does Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency conclude
Biological and Psychological factors, as opposed to social factors
What are the two pathways in the Life-course theory?
Life-Course Persistent

Continuity or Change
From the Persistent Offending and Desistance Theory what can be a transition out of crime?
Being in a quality marriage or having a stable job can be a transition out of crime
Theory of Cognitive Transformation and Desistance from crime's main thesis
emphasizes the individuals own role in entering environments that can lead to desistance and accepting different views of crime.
What are the two additional groups of offenders from the Health and Development Study?
Name a policy implication of Development and Life-Course Theories
Coming into the home and teaching parents
Name 2 cognitive transformations in regards to the Cognitive Transformation and Desistance Theory.
1.) Readiness for Change
2.) Accepting a hook for change