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24 Cards in this Set

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Status offenses

illegal behavior that only persons with certain characteristics or status can commit (usually juveniles running away from home, violating curfew)

Child delinquent

children between the ages of 7 and 12 who have committed or are accused of committing or are accused of committing a criminal act

Life course persistent

(lip offenders) a term introduced by Terrie Moffit to represent offenders who demonstrate a life-long pattern of antisocial behavior and who are resistant to treatment or rehabilitation.

Adolescent limited

(AL OFFENDER) individual who usually demonstrates delinquent or antisocial behavior only during his or her teen years and then stops offending during his or her young adult years

Primary prevention

an intervention program designed to prevent behavior or disorders before any signs of the behavioral pattern develops. (Universal prevention)

Secondary prevention

intervention program designed for individuals who demonstrate early signs or indications or behavioral problems or antisocial behavior ( selective prevention)

Tertiary prevention

(treatment) intervention strategy designed to reduce or eliminate behavioral problems for antisocial behavior that is fully developed in individuals (treatment or counseling of convicted felons)

Primary psychopathy

Robert Hare's classification of the "true" psychopath. Individual who demonstrates those psychological and behavioral features that represent psychopathy

Dyssocial psychopath

individual with psychopathic characteristics who is antisocial because of social learning and does not possess the features of the primary psychopath

Secondary psychopath

individual with psychopathic characteristics but who commits antisocial acts because of severe emotional problems or inner conflicts

Developmental disability

status that's is attributed to a cognitive or physical impairment

Insanity defense

law designed to make it more difficult for defendants using the insanity defense in federal courts to be acquitted

Delusional disorders

(paranoid) mental disorder characterized by a system of false beliefs

Incompetent to stand trial

judicial determination that a defendant lacks sufficient lacks sufficient ability to understand the legal process against him or her and/ or to assist a lawyer in the preparation of a defense.

Not guilty by reason of insanity

legal determination that a defendant was so mentally disordered at the time of the crime that he or she cannot be held criminally responsible for his or her actions

Negligent manslaughter

unlawful killing of another through reckless or negligent behavior, without intention to kill

Weapons effect

suggestion that the mere presence of a weapon leads a witness or victim to concentrate on the weapon itself rather than other features of the crime

Munchausen by proxy

unusual form of child abuse in which the parent consistently bring the child for medical attention with symptoms falsified or directly induced by the parents


killing of ones child older than one year


killing of s newborn under 48 hrs

dynamic cascade model

statistical and theoretical model that sees the many risk factors in a youths early development as affecting subsequent factors, having a snowballing effects that leads to use them effectively in the real world

Multiassaultive families

nuclear family characterized by multiple incidents of violence involving more than one perpetrator

Intimate partner violence crimes

committed against persons by their current or former spouses, boyfriends, or girlfriends


Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders