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84 Cards in this Set

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Before I can begin, I will need to speak to (name) privately for a moment.
Antes de empezar, voy a tener que hablar con (nombre) un momento en privado.
There are a couple of very important technical legal issues which I am only allowed to talk with him about first.
Hay unas cuestiones legales que son muy importantes. Eso me obliga ha hablar con el/ella al pincipio en privado.
Any time that you come to my office, everything that you and I tlak about is completely confidential.
Cada vez que viene a mi bufete, todo lo que discutimos es totalimente confidencial.
The US Legal system calls this the Attorney-Client privilege.
Esto se donomina secreto profesional entre abogado y cliente en el sistema judicial estadounudense.
If you tell me everything that you know I can give you the best help I am capable of.
Si usted me da cuenta de todo lo que sabe acerca de su caso, entonces le puedo dar el mejor consejo posible.
The same sort of privilege of secrecy exists between married people.
El mismo tipo de privilegio existe entre un matrimonio.
The best way to keep secret matters private is to strictly limit the number of people who know them.
El mejor modo de mantenar los secretos privados es limitar el numero de personas que sepan de ellos.
I leave it up to you to decide whether or not you want your spouse in the room when we talk.
Se le dejo a usted la eleccion de decidir si quiere que su conjuge asista nuestras reuniones o no.
It is usually not a problem to allow them into the room.
No suele ser problema que asistan a la reunion.
If you have broken the law, a lawyer may be able to help you avoid being charged.
Si usted ha violado la ley, quiza un abogado pueda ayudarle a que lo acusen solamente por los crimenes que usted de hecho ha cometido.
Before I can begin, I will need to speak to (name) privately for a moment.
Antes de empezar, voy a tener que hablar con (nombre) un momento en privado.
There are a couple of very important technical legal issues which I am only allowed to talk with him about first.
Hay unas cuestiones legales que son muy importantes. Eso me obliga ha hablar con el/ella al pincipio en privado.
Any time that you come to my office, everything that you and I tlak about is completely confidential.
Cada vez que viene a mi bufete, todo lo que discutimos es totalimente confidencial.
The US Legal system calls this the Attorney-Client privilege.
Esto se donomina secreto profesional entre abogado y cliente en el sistema judicial estadounudense.
If you tell me everything that you know I can give you the best help I am capable of.
Si usted me da cuenta de todo lo que sabe acerca de su caso, entonces le puedo dar el mejor consejo posible.
The same sort of privilege of secrecy exists between married people.
El mismo tipo de privilegio existe entre un matrimonio.
The best way to keep secret matters private is to strictly limit the number of people who know them.
El mejor modo de mantenar los secretos privados es limitar el numero de personas que sepan de ellos.
I leave it up to you to decide whether or not you want your spouse in the room when we talk.
Se le dejo a usted la eleccion de decidir si quiere que su conjuge asista nuestras reuniones o no.
It is usually not a problem to allow them into the room.
No suele ser problema que asistan a la reunion.
If you have broken the law, a lawyer may be able to help you avoid being charged.
Si usted ha violado la ley, quiza un abogado pueda ayudarle a que lo acusen solamente por los crimenes que usted de hecho ha cometido.
A lawyer can help you avoid any potential police traps.
Un abogado puede ayudarle a prevenir cualquier trampa policial.
Please answer the questions I am about to ask you simply and honestly.
Favor de contestar lo que le voy a preguntar de manera sencilla y honesta.
As you may have noticed, I am not fluent in Spanish.
Como usted pueda haber notado, no domino en espanol.q
What crimes were you charged with?
De que delito lo acusaron?
Why do you think you might get arrested or be charged with a crime?
Por que cree que lo puedan arrestar o lo puedan acusar de un delito?
Sometimes if you do something but it was unintentional, you may not have committed an actual crime.
A veces uno hace algo sin intencion de hacerlo, en tal caso puede resultar que la persona no cometio un delito.
Was it your intention to do the thing that the police accused you of?
Fue su intencion de hacer lo que la policia lo acusa de hacer?
Was the incident merely an accident?
Fue lo que ocurrio un accidente?
Did the officer tell you why he stopped you, or what he thought he did wrong?
Le dijo el policia por que lo paro o que pensaba que usted hizo mal?
Did the officer search the car?
Registro el policia el coche?
What were you doing when the officer approached you?
Que hacia usted cuando el policia se le acerco?
Did the officer ask you if he could search you?
Le pidio el policia hacer un cacheo?
Did the police officer say that he had a warrant from the court?
Dijo el policia que tenia un orden de registro emitido por la corte?
Did the officer pat your clothing down and search you?
Lo cacheo el policia?
Did an officer ask you if he could search your home?
Le pidio un policia si pudiera registras su domicilio?
Did the officer claim to have a warrant to search your home?
Dijo el policia que tenia un orden de registro para su domicilio?
Were you placed in handcuffs?
Lo esposaron?
Were you arrested?
Lo detuvieron?
Were you taken to jail at all?
Lo llevaron a la carcel?
Before he asked you any questions, did the officer tell you that you had the right to not say a single word to the police?
Antes de hacerle cualquier pregunta a usted, le explico el agente de policia que usted tiene el derecho de no decir nada a la policia?
Did you notice any people standing around watching?
Se dio cuenta de que otras personas estaban alli mirando?
When the crime that you were arrested for happened, had you been drinking?
Estaba usted tomando al tiempo que el delito del cual usted fue arrestado, ocurrio.
How many drinks did you have?
Cuantas bebidas habia tomado?
When the crime that you were arrested for happened, had you been taking any drugs, either legal or illegal? This includes smoking marijuana.
Al tiempo que el delito ocurrio, del cual usted fue arrestado, habia tomado usted drogas, legales o ilegales? Esto incluye fumando marihuana.
Do the police think that you took something that belongs to someone else?
Cree la policia que usted se llevo algo que le pertenece a otra persona?
Did you intend to keep it?
Intento quedarse con articulo?
Did you intend to sell it?
Intento venderlo?
Did you intend to return the item to the owner? When?
Intento devolver el articulo al dueno? Cuando?
Do the police say that you were in some place where you should not have been?
Lo acusa la policia de encontrarse en un lugar donde no debia estar?
Did you feel that you had the right to be in that place?
Le parecia que usted tenia el derecho de estar en ese lugar?
Were there signs telling you not to enter, or NO TRESPASSING signs?
Habia sen(~)ales inidcando que no entrara o senales de PROHIBIDO EL PASO?
Were you involved in an accident?
Estuvo involucrado en un accidente?
Was anybody hurt?
Resulto alguien herido?
Do the police say that you tried to hire a prostitute?
Lo acusaron de tratar de solicitar los servicios de una prostituta?
Did they catch you having sex with someone?
Lo pillaron teniendo relaciones sexuales con alguien?
Did they have a police officer pretend to be a prostitute/client?
Prentendio un agente de policia ser una prostituta/un cliente?
Do the police say that you threatened to hurt someone?
Lo acusaron de amenazar a alguien?
As for the accusation, did you intend to scare the victim?
En cuanto a la acusacion, pretendio usted espantar la victima?
Are you divorced from the child's mother/father?
Esta usted divorciado de la madre/padre de la victima?
Who was granted physical custody of the child?
A quien le otorgaron la custodia fisica del nino?
Do you believe that, in order to protect the victim, you had to take him with you?
Cree usted que, para poder proteger a la victima, usted tuvo que llevarlo consigo?
Did you have any kind of sexual contact with the victim?
Tuvo cualquier tipo de contacto sexual con la supuesta victima?
Did she say that it was okay to have sex with her?
Afirmo ella que usted podia tener relaciones sexuales con ella?
How old was the alleged victim at the time this is supposed to have occurred?
Cuantos anos tenia la supuesta victima al tiempo que esto supuestamente occurrio?
Do you know the victim?
Conoce usted a la victima?
How long have you known him/her?
Desde cuando lo/la conoce?
Have you ever been arrested for a crime?
Ha sido arrestado por un delito?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime, either in this state or any other? How many times?
Ha sido declarado culpable de un delito, en este estado o en cualquier otro? Cuantas veces?
What was the conviction for?
Por que lo/la condenaron?
Has the victim ever had a restraining order against you in the past?
Ha solicitado la victima una orden de interdicto contra usted en el pasado?
Do you have any documents, like photographs or receipts that back up your story?
Posee usted documentos, como fotografias o recibos que apoya su historia?
Do you have any witnesses who will swear in court that you were with them at the time you were supposed to have been committing the crime?
Hay testigos que pueden jurar en la corte que usted estabe con ellos al momento que se alega que usted cometio este delito?
At the time this happened, did you feel that if you failed to act immediately, either you or someone else would have been hurt?
Cuando esto ocurrio, le parecia que usted u otra persona seria lastimada si usted no actuaba de inmediato?
Were you defending yourself from an attack at the time this occurred?
Cuando esto ocurrio, se defendia usted de un ataque?
You will definitely need to have an attorney help you with this.
Usted va a necesitar la ayuda de un abogado con el asunto.
You may wish to hire an attorney.
Probablemente le convendria contratar a un abogado?
At this time, I don't think you need a lawyer.
En este momento, no creo que usted necesita el servicio de un abogado.
I believe that you will eventually be charged with a felony/misdemeanor.
Yo creo que eventualmente lo van acusar de cometer un delitor mayor/menor.
I do not believe that you have committed any crime.
No considero que usted ha cometido un delito.
Remember that you have the right to remain silent.
Recuerde que usted tiene el derecho de quedarse callardo.
You are presumed by the courts to be innocent and are to be treated accordingly.
La corte debe suponer que usted es inocente y obrar en consecuencia.
You have the right to have a lawyer represent you at all times.
Usted tiene el derecho de ser representado por un abogado todo el tiempo.
It is my opinion that, based upon everything that you have told me and everything I have seen, that you are probably going to be convicted of this charge.
Es mi opinion, basado en lo que usted me ha dicho y en lo que yo he observado, que lo van a declarar culpable del cargo.
I do not believe that the government can prove all of the elements of the crime you are charged with.
No creo que el gobierno puede probar todos los elementos del delito que le acusan de cometer.