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35 Cards in this Set

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What percent of police work is on the scene?


T/F: Police work is now requiring more educational backgrounds

True, better at writing reports

T/F: You don't need to be a patrol officer before becoming a detective

False, detectives are required to be patrol officers beforehand, helps with knowing the ropes and the area

Define Probation

A punishment that avoids a jail sentence, helps build stable roots in the community

Define Parole

Early release from jail

Define Recidivism

Repeat offenders, 40-50% of all criminal offenders

Which police detail has the highest firearm qualification standards in the law enforcement community

Federal Air Marshals or FAMs

T/F: U.S. Customs & Border Protection protect more of our border with Mexico than with Canada

False, Border patrol protects 1900 miles of land with Mexico and 5000 miles of land with Canada

Why and when was the U.S. Secret Service established and what do they also do today

In 1865 to suppress the counterfeiting of U.S. Currency, today they also protect national and international leaders

What is the oldest and most versatile law enforcement agency

The U.S. Marshals

- Serve as the enforcement arm of the federal courts

- Apprehend more than half of all federal fugitives

- Protect the federal judiciary

- Opperate the Witness Protection Program

- Seize criminal property

What were the 3 groups of the Kansas City Preventative Control Experiment

1. Reactive - in which routine preventive patrol was eliminated and officers were instructed to respond only to calls for service

2. Proactive - patrol visibility was increased by two to three times its usual level, both by the assignment of additional marked patrol vehicles and the presence of units from adjacent “reactive” beats

3. Control - Patrol was maintained at one marked car per shift

What was the conclusion of the Kansas City Preventative Control Experiment

Level of police patrol had no effect on the crime rate

Define Demonic Perspective of crime

Crime was said to be the result of supernatural events

What was the Age of Enlightenment?

Cultural movement aimed at providing rational thought while opposing superstitions, major influence on the American Revolution and Bill of Rights

T/F: Classical Criminology was the first attempt to explain crime through scientific terms


What is Cesare Beccaria linked to

Classical criminology, wrote an essay on crime and punishments in 1764

Explain the difference between general and specific deterrence

General deterrence looks at the general public where as specific deterrence looks to target individuals that have already been involved in the criminal justice system at one point, for example: beyond scared straight

What are the 3 elements of the criminology system

1. Swiftness of punishment - "speedy trial"

2. Certainty of punishment - "if you do the crime you do the time"

3. Severity of punishment - proportionate

T/F: Blind justice equates to equal justice


What did Ceasar Lombroso believe

-Criminals were genetic throwbacks

-Usually people stuck in modern society

- Criminals are different from non criminals

What was the Sociological Theory?

Forces outside individual control result in criminal behavior (Environmental factors)

Social damages were implicated on the rise of crime

What was the U of Chicago research?

Focused on traits of neighborhoods in Chicago

What is the Differential Association theory?

Criminal behavior is learned through interactions with others engaging in crime

T/F: The MAOA Gene "Warrior Gene" was/is believed to be linked to aggressive and violent behavior


T/F: Research showed that boys with high amounts of lead in their bones had less reports of aggressive and delinquent behavior

False, they had higher reports of aggressive and delinquent behavior

Behavioral issues can stem from deformities in:

1. Omega 3 fatty acids

2. Magnesium

3. ZMC

What is the PCLR?

A clinical test used to determine psychopathy created by Robert Hare. Ranges from 0-40, 30-40 being psychopathic

What is the MMPI

A widely used personality rest in the criminal justice system

Define Psychopathology

The study of pathological abnormal traits

What is the Dark Triad

1. Narcissism

2. Machiavellanism

3. Psychopathy

& Interpersonally aversive or distant from intimate interpersonal relationships

Narcissism is

Grandiose Self View

- Viewing others as inferior

- Lack of empathy

- Denial of weaknesses

Machiavellanism is

- Manipulation and exploitation of others

- Cynical disregard for morality

- Focus of self interest and deception

- The end justifies the means

Psychopathy is

- Selfishness

- Callousness

- Superficial charm

- Remorselessness

Define the Broken Windows theory

Apathy vs. Upkeep - Communities thatdemonstrate apathy over time are going to have crime rates go up over time,communities that display upkeep are going to have crime rates diminish

Rapid expansion of industries and cities causes...

Social disorganization