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126 Cards in this Set

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How many people are in the correction system?
seven million
how many people are incarcerated?
2.3 million
When was the colonial period?
1600's to 1790's
What was the idea behind the Colonial Period?
Creating honest citizens. Morally and Religiously. Focused on retribution through pain and torture.
When was the Arrival of the Penitentiary?
1790's to 1860's
When and where was the first penitentiary?
Late 1790's in Pennsylvania
What was the New York System?
Criminals would be in solitary confinement at night but during the day they would work.
When and where was the first Wisconsin Prison?
Waupun 1851
What was a nickname for the New York System?
What was wrong with Quacer and Anglican ideas?
Didn't reform inmates at all.
When was the Reformatory Movement?
1870's to 1890's
What was the idea behind the arrival of the penitentiary?
Working criminals for what they have done
What is Classification and when was it started?
It is accepting the fact that different crimes, and personalities should be addressed
What is indeterminate sentence?
A range ex. 10-15 years, if your good 10 bad 15 and anywhere inbetween
When was the Rise of the Progressives?
1890's to 1930's
What did progressives think concerning free will and social society?
They felt that the society is to blame for their crimes not free will. Because of this, if society improves there will be less crime.
What were the two main strategies the progressives wanted?
Improve social conditions and rehabilitate individual offenders
What are the 4 programs progressives had?
Probation, Indeterminate Sentences, Parole, and Juvenile Courts
When was the Rise of the Medical Model?
1930's to 1960's
What was the idea behind the medical model?
Diagnose different individuals' problems and help them through education, medicine, and psychological care. (therapy,counseling,group interactions etc.)
When was the Community Model?
1960's to 1970's
What was the idea behind the community model?
Increase opportunities to become productive citizens in the community (did not work)
When did the crime control model take place?
1970's to present
What was the idea behind the crime control model?
Shift from rehabilitation to retribution.
What did Mortinson basically say?
"Nothing Worked" we need to keep citizens safe, and to do that we need to lock people up which takes a lot of money
When and how did the prison population change the most in the past 50 years?
during 1980 and 1995 the prison population increased drastically (235%)
Where was Angola Prison?
Are there private prisons in WI?
How many state prisons are there in WI
Whats the difference in probation and parole?
probation is usually for smaller crimes and before someone goes to prison. Parole is after a prison sentence.
What are the advantages to Probation and Parole
Since there are crimes that aren't bad enough to go to jail or prison, this gives people supervision instead of jails
Whats Probare?
to test, or prove
Who started probation and when?
John Augustus 1841
Who can be on probation indefinitely?
Who orders probation?
The judge
What are some rights that Probation Officers have?
they do not have the right to arrest but can get a warrant and search or force a drug test
What 2 roles do P.O's have?
Officer and social worker
What is the average caseload for each P.O's
about 150
Whats a caseworker in relation to a P.O?
Basically a Juvenille P.O.
Probation ends in one of two ways...
Successful completion (reached end of term) or Revocation (technical violation or new crime usually resulting in more jail time)
What are intermediate Sanctions?
Less than incarserations
How many types of Intermediate Sanctions are there?
10, Fines, Restitution, Forfeiture, House Arrest,Community Service, Day Reporting Centers, Intensive supervision probation, boot camp, Net-widening
Which country had that crazy fine set?
Whats forfeiture?
Anything you got illegaly can be seized
Difference between Jail and prison?
Jail is very short term Prison is usually longer than a year and after the trial
Ruffin v Commonwealth
Prisons have no rights, they are now slaves to the state
Cooper v pate
prisoners do have rights
4th amendment
Prisoners don't have this rights (unreasonable search and seizure)
8th amendment
Prisoners do have this right (cruel and unusual punishment)
14th amendment
They have this right (protection under the law)
Ruffin v Commonwealth
Prisons have no rights, they are now slaves to the state
Prison Reform Litigation Act
decreases lawsuits brought up by criminals becuase it takes longer and now costs a fee
Cooper v pate
prisoners do have rights
Custodial Model
Little flexability. Make sure stuff is safe, no escapes (most common)
4th amendment
Prisoners don't have this rights (unreasonable search and seizure)
rehabilitation model
more programs and training for criminals
8th amendment
Prisoners do have this right (cruel and unusual punishment)
reintegration model
preparing inmates for release
14th amendment
They have this right (protection under the law)
Gives criminals items ex TV, weightroom, computer access
Prison Reform Litigation Act
decreases lawsuits brought up by criminals becuase it takes longer and now costs a fee
Custodial Model
Little flexability. Make sure stuff is safe, no escapes (most common)
Ratio of prisoners to staff
Whats the name of the electric fenced in prison?
Boscobel WI`
rehabilitation model
more programs and training for criminals
How has the officers roles change in a prison?
They are more involved with the social aspect and in contact with prisoners
reintegration model
preparing inmates for release
Whats the percent of felons that wont repeat?
Gives criminals items ex TV, weightroom, computer access
6% of society do 50% of crime
Ratio of prisoners to staff
Whats the name of the electric fenced in prison?
Boscobel WI`
How has the officers roles change in a prison?
They are more involved with the social aspect and in contact with prisoners
Whats the percent of felons that wont repeat?
6% of society do 50% of crime
What is the amount of crimes under some sort of drug addiction?
Has the amount of prisoners with HIV/AIDS increased or decreased?
Whats 3 strikes policy?
3 felons and its life in prison
Long term offenders
usually not a control problem. They mostly have good behavior
Odds in going to prison
Men 1-10 Women 1-50 1-15 will serve some time in prison at some point in their life
Things that happen outside are still involved in prisons ex gangs or racism
These things aren't in prisons so this happens ex no women, homosexual acts
Prisoner Roles- Doing time
just want to do your time and leave
Prisoner Roles- Gleaning
take advantage of every program they can. Education, therapy, etc
Prisoner Roles- Jailing
Cuts himself off from the outside world. A leader in jail like Chris Rock or Morgan Freeman
Prisoner Roles- Disorganized criminal
no idea whats going on and usually end up a attempted escapes, suicides, and victimization
Blugold card of prison
Cigarettes in prison economy
not a currency anymore
Classifying Offenders- Probabilistic
people with these personalities act the same way
Classifying Offenders- Offense
violant offenders need more security
Classifying Offenders- Risk
some inmates have more risk
Classifying Offenders- Program
what programs benefit which prisoners
Comprehensive Crime Control Act
Gives prisoners a chance to get credits towards G.E.D., college and even graduate degress
Badger state industies is...
built by prisons, its office furnitures and are only at non profit organizations
Factors that contribute to prison violence
Not enough staff, architectural design (blind corners) weapons, violent and non violent people in the same area, over crowded, relations between inmates and staff
Do MN and WI have a parole board?
3 terms of parole
Grace, Contract, and Custody
Origins of Parole
Initially Captain Alexander Maconochie then Zebulon Brockway at Elmira NY 1876
Reasons for release with parole- Discretionary release
you are released by the PO's discretion
Reasons for release with parole- Mandatory Release
you have served your time
Reasons for release with parole- Other conditional release
Half way houses, community centers
Reasons for release with parole- Expiration release
served your time and now your free
Is WI mostly determinate sentences or indeterminant
Determinant, truth in sentence
Huber act was placed by which state and what does it do?
WI 1913. Once criminals get out they have chances for work and education
What are residential programs
Whats revocation
if you violate your parole
Reasons for Pardon
Governor or President, Miscarriage of justice, too harsh, additional punishment.
when was the puritan period? and what did it accomplish?
1646-1824. Figured out that when your 15 years old you are an adult according to law. If you are between 7-14 you need more proof to make sure that you had intent.
When was the Refuge Period?
What did the Refuge period do?
started up orphanages aka juvenile halls that taught kids work and study habits
When was the Juvenile Court period?
What did the Juvenile Courts do?
(progressives)this created the first seperated juvenile court. It focused on rehabilitation
what is a childs version of a criminal?
what is a juveniles version of a sentence
Kent vs US
assistance to council if juvenile admits guilty
In Re Gault
extended Kent, but applied to anyone child with a chance of going to jail
in re winship
changed "more likely than not" to proof beyond a reasonable doubt
Breed vs Jones
juvenile cannot be charged for the same crime in juvie and adult court
When was the Crime Control Model?
What did the Crime Control period consist of?
More punishment, increased juveniles into adult courts
Shall vs Martin
Juvies can be held in jail before a trial
What is the age at which you are an adult in WI and MN?
WI 17 MN 18
What is the Juvenile "Intake" decide
Whether or not to get the courts involved
what are the Big D's of Juvenile Justice?
Diversion, Decriminalization, Deinstitutionalization, and Due Process
Juvenile Justice- Diversion
trying to get jueveinles away from this system unless needed
Juvenile Justice- Deinstitutionalization
removing low level offenders in same place as violent ones