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60 Cards in this Set

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Unlawful sexual intercourse by force or without legal or factual consent


Taking or attempting to take anything of value from another person by force, threat of violence or putting the victim in fear



Unlawful taking of life by another human


Unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of injury inflicting sever or aggravated bodily injury

Violence Trends

- Decreasing over some decades

- 4.7 murders per 100,000 people

- US has highest homicide rate among first world countries

First Degree Murder

Homicide with intention and planning

Second Degree Murder

Impulsive murder

Voluntary Manslaughter

Killing of another person where emotions are clouded

Involuntary Manslaughter

Death is neither deliberate nor premeditated

Firearm Statistics

- 68% of homicides caused by firearms

- Most homicides happen after an argument

- USA homicide rate by firearms is 5-10x higher

- 2-3x more likely to murder w/o firearms

Explaining Americas High Homicide Rate

- Firearm avalibility

- Economic Inequality

- Frontier culture/ legacy of violence

- US household handgun ownership is 30%

- Little evidence guns reduce homicide

Mass Shootings

- Public places with 4x more deaths

- 78 Public mass shootings since 1983, more than any other country

Rape Facts

- One of the most unreported crimes

- 18% of women and 3% of men experience over their lifetime

- 20-25% of women over college career encounter rape

Reporting Issues- Rape

- Not wanting others to know

- Not thinking the rape was a crime

- Having concerns of how they'll be treated

Date Rape, Marital Rape

- One of the most underreported rapes

- 8-23% of rapes

Motivation for Rape

Sex, violence, dominance


- 30% of all serious violent crimes recorded

- Decreasing since early 90's

Robber Characteristics

- Perpetrated by stranger

- May involve multiple offenders
- Interracial crime

- Majority young, black males

- Street, stores/ restaurant, residences

Robbery Victims

Low income neighborhoods


Unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft


Willful or malicious burning or attempting to burn, with or w/o intent to defraud property

Larceny- Theft

- Unlawful taking or attempted taking of property from another person

- Most common property crime

Motor Vehicle Theft

Theft or attempted crime theft of a motor vehicle


- NCVS only measures personal so estimates differ

- Low clearance rated for most property crimes

Most Common Property Crimes

Burglary, arson, larceny, motor theft


Way to sell stolen items

(i.e, eBay, Amazon, Pawn Shops, ect.)

Public Order Offences

"Victimless Crimes"

Prostitution, gambling, drug use, disorderly conduct, cyber crime, porn

NYC prostitution study (dank and curtis)

- 95% youth said they exchanges sex for money because it was a sure way of getting money

- 45% were boys

- 10% were affiliated with a pimp

- 45% got into it through friends

- Most sex isn't trafficing but voluntary

Blue law

law prohibitting certain activities

law and order perspective

disturbance to the public

morality perspective

harm to oneself

History of drug use

- 4,000 years ago used opium

- Stone age drank alc

- south american indians chewed coca leaves since time before incas

drug panics

- MJ in the 40s and 50s

- synthetics, heroin now

Drug crimes

- 2/3 of those jailed test positive for illicit drugs

- posession and sales

- drug induced rage = assault

- robbery to feed drug habit


- caving vs/ dealing with the problem

- medical vs recreational

where info is coming from

- self reporting drug surveys

- drug related crimes

Americans and drugs

- 44% of americans used MJ in their lifetime

- usually less than 7% of hard drugs in lifetime


terrorism #1

use of violence to influence to influence political, social, or religous attitudes and/or behaviors of others

terrorism #2

premeditated, politcally motivated violence, designed to spread fear and perpetrated against civilians

start data

- terrorism events have declined substantially since the 1970s

- terrorist events that have occured have been much larger in magnitude

- 1/3 in USA unsolved

types of terrorism

- International terrorism

- 9/11

-domestic terrorism

- US political

- state terrorism

- against domestic or foreign enemies

Facts on terrorism

- Terrorists depend on media

- Media is a natural venue for terrorism

white collar crime

a crime committed by a person of respectablility and high social status in the course of his occupation

stats on wcc

980 law violations in 70 largest corporations

occupational crime

crime committed by individuals in the course of their occupation for personal gain

coporate organizational crime

crimes committed by corporations or organizatinons for the benefit off the coperations

organized crime

- Criminal activity committed by groups with some manner of formalized structure

- primary goal of money or power

alien conspiracy model

-foreign criminals

-ethnic group model

-strong family ties related to kinship and ethnicity

types of organized crime

- illegal industries

- legitimate industry

- political

law enforcement methods

- headhunting

- target heads of organized crime families

- organized crime control act

- ability to provide witness protection

types of cybercrime

-underage pornography

-cyber fraud



minimal skill with some serious risks

- 1/2 americans report pirating

- file sharing websites


phishing and pharming scams, hacking, idenity theft

idenity theft

unlawful use of anothers indenifying information

freeze laws

stops access to credit reports

hacking motivations

fun/ thrill/ rep/ challenge. fraud scams

hacking methods

accessing files/ records

law enforcement

- Punishment was public, corpral or capital

william penn

revised criminal code in pennslyvania to forbid torture and mutilation

- ordered new houses of correction

walnut street prision 1790

one of the first correction facilities