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100 Cards in this Set

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discretionary parole is granted by:

parole board

who makes fed parole decisions

US parole commission

all of the following are advantages of using probation instead of imprisonment except:

increased risk to the community

which type of sentence requires that offenders serve time in a local jail before supervised probation

split sentence

who makes the release decision when an offender is sentenced to shock parole

parole board

which of the following is NOT one of the most frequent violations for which revocation occurs

committed a new crime

probation, parole,home confinement, electric monitoring

community based corrections

what is often described as the strictest form of probation for adults in the US

intensive prob supervision

mempa v. ray held that a probationer should have the opportunity for...


who is recognized as the world first prob officer


research has shown that shock incarceration programs...

can save money

virtually every person incarcerated in jail and 97%...

higher ed or private attorney

which of the following is NOT cited as a disadvantage of probation and parole

prob and parole programs are underused, enabling practitioners to adequately supervise

which of the following is NOT a finding from the 1995 study of the operation of shock incarceration in 8 states

the impact on recidivism is significant

what era was based on the medical model of corrections


the fed prison act of 1965 authorized...

work release

all death row inmates are in...

max security prisons

what early correctional leader developed a system of marks through which prisoners buy their freedom...

captain alexander maconochie

which of the following is a characteristic of jails

hold suspects following arrest and pending trial

which early punishment was primarily a strategy of specific deterrence because it...


according to a bureau of justice statistics study, about what percentage of people convicted are placed on probation


which of the following intermediate sanctions exposed offenders to a highly regimented...

shock incarceration

what kind of parole hearing determines whether the parolee has violated the conditions of...

the parole board

what type of probation might require face-to-face contacts between the officer and the...


what is often described as the strictest form of probation for adults in the US

intensive prob supervision

what is the most common method of release from prison

statutory release

the governors commission on criminal justice innovation in Massachusetts...


discretionary parole is granted by:

parole board

which type of sentence requires that offenders serve weekends in jail and receive prob during the week...

mixed sentence

which intermediate sanction resembles a military style boot camp...

shock incarceration

which of the following exposes offenders...physical training and hard labor....

shock incarceration

US supreme court has declined to extend the exclusionary rule to searches conducted by...


which of the following sentences is NOT an example of an intermediate sanction...

simple probation

bob is sentenced to probation. the conditions of his probation, and all probationers in this jurisdiction...


which model, describing the duties of probation and parole officers, see clients as "wards"

correctional model

which of the following statements about probation is false

convicted murderers and rapists cannot be sentenced to probation

which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of probation or parole

increased opportunities for rehab

probation is ordered by..

the court

which of the following sentences is a prisoner reentry strategy...


which of the following is not a function of probation or parole officers work...

assistance to prosecutors by conduction arrests and investigations

what is the most common form of criminal sentencing in the US


the ten years between 1970 and 1980

the explosive decade

according to national institute for corrections the profile for a female prisoner in america

survivor of physical or sexual abuse

rookie correctional officers learn through socialization...

the ideals of professionalism stressed in training are rarely translated into reality

civil death refers to...

inmates denied the opportunity to vote, hold public office, etc

researchers have described one type of prisoner who takes advantage of the positive...

an opportunist

the most radical form of islam


suits to formally request a hearing to determine the lawfulness

habeas corpus

which supreme court case signals hands-off doctrine

wilson v. seiter

the ____ model of prison culture suggests that inmates bring values...


while in prison american citizens can be introduced to a radical form of...


cruz v. beto, decided in 1972, held that inmates must be given....

reasonable opportunity to pursue their faith

historically, ____ was the most widely used physical punishment


the stocks and the pillory are examples of what type of punishment

public humiliation

the ______ is a control mechanism used by correctional administrators at regular...


the use of prison chain gangs, abolition of parole...

just deserts

the cali department of corrections had an unwritten policy...

was unconstitutional

what type of inmate labor system operates in the fed system

state-use system

a dorm like setting


ADMAX refers to...

ultra high security prisons

_______ capacity refers to the inmate population the institution was originally built to handle


the PA style of imprisonment was characterized by...

solitary confinement and individual cells

quakers, penance, and PA style are tied to what era...


nathaniel hawthorns the scarlet letter provides...


a private prison...

is operated by a private firm on behalf of gov

a product of inmate labor produced under the state-use-system would include...

license plates

largest growth group in jails nationwide...


auburn system of imprisionment became popular during which era

mass prison

fed prison rehab act of 1965...

work release

jail strategy that joins "pod architecture" with a participative, proactive....

direct supervision

what type of inmate labor system puts inmates tow rock cleaning public parks...

public works system

terms like convict bogey and lock psychosis

punitive era

what era was based on the medical model of corrections...


death row inmates are in...

max security prisons

bob has been to prison 6 times because of burglary...


jails built and run using combined resources...

regional jails

characteristics of jails...

hold suspects following arrests and pending trial

NOT a cause of prison riots..

multiple treatment opportunities for inmates

what fed law reduced the number of suits brought by state prisoners...

prison litigation reform act

which state had largest amount of female prisoners


national institute of corrections defines _____ as "creating an environment"....

gender responsiveness

______ % of women are mothers


wolf v. mcdonnell provided inmates with....

appropriate due process before sanctions could be levied

best & most viable strategy to reduce transmissions of AIDS...

prevention through education

streetwise young women with little respect for traditional prison values...

crack kids

block v. rutherford ruled that prisoners...

friends and relatives

courts have generally held that inmates going before disciplinary hearing...

notice of changes against them

in prison the primary threat of muslim radicalization comes from...


which type of prisoner thinks of prison of a home that is better than on the streets...


socialization of inmates into the prison subculture....


this group experiences the highest rate of physical illness in prison...


in regard to medical treatment the US supreme court protects prisoners from...

"deliberate indifference" on the part of the staff

prison slang for informant...


prison official may be held liable under the 8 Amen for acting with _______....

deliberate indifference

a _______ is a formalized arrangement, usually involving a neutral hearing board...

grievance procedure

correctional personnel have a role to play in preventing terrorist attacks on America by...

intelligence gathering

female offender, who is a career criminal and generally supportive of inmates...

a cool

when a woman is in prison her children will be cared for by...


prison language is also called...

prison argot

erving goffman used what term to describe places where some people work...

total institutions