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22 Cards in this Set

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Define Media.

All situations involving a medium or a channel. Magazines, TV shows area media vehicle e.g. home & away.

Define Taget Audience.

Media planners must understandthe target audience. The target audience should bedefined in terms of consumption patterns, buying behaviour and attitudes. The target audience definitionshould integrate all perspectives of the consumer including media consumption

Define the reach objective.

A campaign’s success is partlydue to its ability to reach as many of the target audience as possible

High-reach strategies may be used

Or an impact schedule thatconcentrates the adverts for a period of time

•Triple spotting

•Road blocking

Define the frequency objective.

Generally it takes three to four‘opportunities to see’ for a message to have an impact

This varies with the type ofproduct and marketing situation

Low-frequency strategies are usedwith well-known brands and simple messages

High-frequency strategies mightbe used for building excitement

Define the impact objective.

Media proliferation has made itharder for advertisers

Some people reject certain media

A media mix comprises varioustypes of media that are strategically selected and combined to achieve impact

Planners try to create asynergistic effect between messages in different media – ‘image transfer’

Computer optimisation modellingis a technique used to predict the impact of the media plan and optimiseefficiency of the media mix

Define the coverage objective.

Media weighting expresses how thebudget has finally been allocated

Define the scheduling strategies.

Timing strategies (seasons,holidays, days of week, time of day)

Lead time refers to the timerequired to book advertising space

How is advertising spread across a campaign

Through continuity using strategies such as:

Continuous Strategy - continual avertising

Pulsing strategy - small and then large

Flighting strategy - a lot then nothing

Define the media schedule

Meeting time and durationrequirements calls for a balance between available money and length of campaign

Define budget breakdown

Budget is allocated amongst thechosen media

Define the seven (7) best practice principles for developing media plans

1.Media strategy should beconsidered an investment in the brand

2.The role of media should beclearly defined in the context of other activities within the marketing mixi.e. direct mail, public relations, sampling etc.

3.The media budgets should berealistic – reflecting the desired market share

4.Target audience should be definedin terms of consumption, behaviour and attitudes – not just demographics.

5.All elements of the creative andmedia should be designed around the target audience.

6.Media should be select for thedirect target audience not just a demographic proxy

7.Performance should be evaluatedin terms of the creative and the media.

When should you use Newspaper media?

1. you are a local business

2. you want extensive local market coverage

3. you sell a product that has a news element

4. you want to reach an upscale, well- educated audience

5. you have a moderate budget

6. you need to explain how something works, but it doesn’t need to be demonstrated

7. the quality of the image is not a factor.

8. you are creating a news element through a sale or another event

When should you use Magazine media?

1. you have a product that needs to be shown accurately and beautifully

2. a high-quality image is important

3. you need to explain how something works,but it doesn’t need to be demonstrated

4. you have a moderate-to-large budget.

5. you need to create or reinforce brand personality

When should you use Out-of-home media?

1. you are a local business and want to sell to a local market

2. you are a regional or national business that wants to remind or reinforce

3. you need a directional message

4. you need a situational, place-basedmessage5. your product requires little information

6. you have a small-to-medium budget.

When should you use search or directory media?

1. you are a local business or can serve local customers

2. you want to create action

3. you need to provide basic inquiry andpurchase information

4. you need to provide maps and locational information

5. you have a small-to-moderate budget.

When should you use radio media?

1. you are a local business and want to reach a local market

2. you want to build frequency

3. you have a reminder message

4. you know the timing when your audience is considering the purchase

5. your audience’s interests align with certain types of music or talk shows

6. you have a personal message that benefits from the power of the human voice

7. you have a message that works well in a musical form or one that is strong in mental imagery

8. you have a relatively small budget.

When should you use national television or online video media?

1. you have a product that needs both sight and sound

2. you need to reach a wide audience

3. your message calls for action or drama

4. you audience’s interests align with a certain type of program (particularly on cable TV)

5. you want to prove something so people in your audience can see it with their own eyes

6. you want the halo effect of a video ad to impress other stakeholders, such as dealers and franchisees

7. you have a large budget.

When should you use regional television?

1. your product is not distributed nationally

2. you want to ‘heavy up’ in certain cities or regions where sales are higher

3. you have a moderate budget.

When should you use movie media?

1. you are advertising a national brand

2. you want your brand to be associatedwith a movie’s story and stars

3. the people in the audience match your brand’s target audience

4. your commercial has enough visual impact and quality production that it will look good next to the movie previews

5. you have a moderate-to-high budget.

When should you use product placement?

1. you want your brand to be associated with a movie or program’s story and stars

2. the people in the audience match your brand’s target audience

3. there is a natural fit between the product and the movie’s storyline

4. there is an opportunity in the storyline for the brand to be a star

5. the placement will appeal to the brand’s stakeholders

6. you have the budget for a campaign to support the placement.

When should you use the internet?

1. your target audience is difficult to reach with traditional media

2. you want to create buzz

3. you want your target audience to engage in dialogue with others

4. you want to provide information

5. you want to collect customer information

6. you want to engage your audience in an online activity, such as a game

7. you want to reach people on their own time.

When should you use alternative media?

1. your target audience is difficult to reach with traditional media

2. you want to create buzz

3. you want to engage your target audiencein brand experiences

4. reach is not a major objective.