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45 Cards in this Set

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"The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God; and however generally this maxim has been quoted and believed, it is not true in fact. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right."
Hamilton or Jefferson
"Voting rights, should be extended to more people"
Hamilton or Jefferson
"I have great confidence in the common sense of mankind in general."
Hamilton or Jefferson
Ordinary men should not be given too much power; rather, intelligent men of the country should have the power to govern."
Hamilton or Jefferson
"I would like to see the power to govern left in the capable hands of the states."
Hamilton or Jefferson
List 3 issues of major national concern after the signing of the
Constitution (1787-1814)..
1. how to settle conflicts with European powers
2, how to implement (enforce and organize) the new Constitution
3. how to deal with Native American in the Ohio River Valley
List 3 characteristics of America during the years between 1787 and 1814...
1. The power of the central government increased
2. The U.S. stood up to its European challengers and started being recognized and respected
3. The U.S. physically expanded its borders
What was a precedent (unofficial tradition) set by the Washington administration?
creating an executive cabinet
List 3 issues that divided Americans into political parties..
1. the interpretation of the Constitution
2. the power of state governments vs. national government
3. foreign relations with Britain or France
The Whiskey Rebellion was citizens' response to
a federal excise tax on whiskey
The central government's response to the Whiskey Rebellion is significant in that it.....
it showed that the central government meant to enforce the Constitution
According to Alexander Hamilton, how should the Constitution be interpreted?
implied that the government could use powers NOT specifically listed
"Manufacturing has positive benefits to offer society and therefore should be encouraged by the government"
Hamilton or Jefferson
"The rich and well born should have a distinct, permanent share in government"
Hamilton or Jefferson
How did Alexander Hamilton want to handle America's Revolutionary War debt?
. assumption of state debt by the federal government
List 3 ideas Hamilton favored..
1. creation of a national bank
2. assumption of state debt by the federal government
3. an excise tax on whiskey
What resolutions best illustrates the struggle between national and state governments?
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (nullification)
The XYZ Affair resulted in
strong anti-French feelings in the United States and fears of sedition (spying against the government)
The Alien and Sedition Acts were a Federalist attempt to
stop anti-government speech and limit the number of new voters
The Alien and Sedition Acts, although never heard by the Supreme Court, were
criticized by its opponents for
restricting First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and press
Faced with an outbreak of war between France and England, President Washington
issued the Proclamation of Neutrality
What did The Sedition Act state
Stated that anyone who publicly spoke out against the government official
could be punished or imprisoned
What did The Federalists hope that the Alien Act would do?
Reduce immigration to the United States thus reducing the number of Republican voters
What did The Sedition Act state?
Stated that anyone who publicly spoke out against the government official could be punished or imprisoned
The Federalists hoped that the Alien Act would
Reduce immigration to the United States
The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions illustrate a conflict between
State governments and national governments
Democratic-Republicans tried to stop enforcement of the Alien and Sedition Acts by
Asking states to "nullify" them or declare them invalid
How did the American public react to the French Revolution?
many Democratic-Republicans were pro-French and many Federalists were anti-French
. How was the principle of judicial review established in the US?
. the decision in the Marbury vs. Madison case
The United States bought the Louisiana Territory from
. the French
The Louisiana Purchase was significant because it
doubled the size of the U.S.
3 reasons why the Lewis and Clark expedition was important
1. it eventually opened up transcontinental (across the continent) travel from the East to the West
2. it gave the opportunity to study new plant and animal species
3. it demonstrated the determination of early Americans
Which actions taken by Jefferson expanded the power of the federal government
purchase of the Louisiana Territory
Why was the election of 1800 very important?
. it was the first time where power peacefully transferred from one party to another
List Three causes of the War of 1812
1. Britain seized ships headed to France
2. the British attack on the ship Chesapeake
3. American sailors being impressed (kidnapped) into the British navy
If a politician is described as being a "hawk," what does the politician support?
war as an important instrument of foreign policy
List three results of the War of 1812.
. 1. Andrew Jackson become a war hero and household (familiar) name
2. Washington, D.C. was attacked (only time in US History)
3. Americans came together collectively as Americans (single political party and national a anthem)
The Sedition Acts were passed to stop criticism of this President.
John Adams
Founder of the Democratic-Republican Party Purchased the Louisiana territory. Instituted and Embargo before the War of 1812
Thomas Jefferson
Cautioned the United States against forming "permanent alliances" with foreign countries or forming political parties. First President of the United Sates.
George Washington
Tied with Jefferson during the election of 1800. Killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel.
Aaron Burr
The first secretary of the treasury who helped formed the Federalist Party. He wanted a strong federal government and a national bank
Alexander Hamilton
1. Were the Alien and Sedition Acts true to American ideals? Explain your answer.

Think about …..
the purpose of these acts
how they were put to use
and the First Amendment to the Constitution.
-Violated the 1st Amendment
-motivated by the political concerns of the party in power (Federalists)
-Acts were used against political opponents and supporters
-Were the acts needed to protect the govt. from within?
Good answers will expand upon these general ideas
2. Compare and contrast the presidencies of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
How did their main actions as president reflect their different ideas about the role of federal government?

Think about …..
the Supreme Court
the Alien and Sedition Acts
economic programs
the Louisiana Purchase.
Adams (Federalist) Supported
-strong central govt.
-packed supreme court with Federalist Judges
-Supported national bank
-Supported Alien Sedition Acts

-reduced the size of the govt
-reduced the army
-eliminated internal taxes
-proposed nullification
-purchased Louisiana Territory (inconsistent b/c he didn't think the govt had the right to buy land

Good answers will expand upon these general ideas
. Identify the causes of the War of 1812. Do you think the war was justified?
Evaluate its effects on the developing nation.

Think about …
The blockade of Napoleon’s Europe,
Britain’s policy of impressment,
and Tecumseh’s confederacy.
_1800s war resumed between France + Britain
-Britain seized U.S. ships to inforce its blocade of French ports
-Britain supplied arms to Native Americans fighting American settlers
-Britain's impressed american saliors
Good answers will expand upon these general ideas