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23 Cards in this Set

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CN I - Olfactory: Function
Special Sensory - smell
CN II - Optic: Function
Special Sensory - vision
CN III - Oculomotor: Function
Somatic Motor - eye movement
-Levator palpebrae m.
-Superior rectus m.
-Inferior rectus m.
-Medial rectus m.
-Inferior oblique m.
CN IV - Trochlear: Function
Somatic Motor - eye movement
-Superior oblique
CN V - Trigeminal
Ophthalmic (V1) - Purely Sensory:
Somatic Sensory - sensory from skin of forehead, scalp, mucous membranes (nasal)
CN V - Trigeminal
Maxillary (V2) - Purely Sensory: Function
Somatic Sensory - sensory form skin of upper lip, skin over prominence of cheek, palate, maxillary sinus
CN V - Trigeminal
Mandibular (V3) - Sensory: Function
Somatic Sensory - sensory from skin of lower jaw, from mucosa on anterior 2/3rds of the tongue
CN V - Trigeminal
Mandibular (V3) - Motor: Function
Branchial Motor - chewing and swallowing
-Muscles of mastication
-Termporalis m.
-Lateral pterygoid m.
-Medial pterygoid m.
-Masseter m.
-Tensor veli palatini
-Tensor tympani
-Digastric (anterior belly)
CN VI - Abducent: Function
Somatic Motor - eye movement
-Lateral rectus m.
CN VII - Facial - Somatic Sensory: Function
Somatic Sensory - sensory from skin behind ear, external acoustic meatus, tympanic membrane (external surface)
CN VII - Facial - Special Sensory: Function
Special Sensory - taste from anterior 2/3rds of tongue and taste from palate
CN VII - Facial - Motor: Function
Branchial Motor - facial expression
-Muscles of facial expression
-Platysma m.
-Buccinator m.
-Frontalis m.
-Occipitalis m.
-Orbicularis oculi m.
-Orbicularis oris m.
-Stapedius m.
-Digastric (posterior belly)
CN VIII - Vestibulocochlear: Function
Special Sensory - hearing and balance
CN IX - Glossopharyngeal - Somatic Sensory: Function
Somatic Sensory - sensory from mucosa of posterior 1/3rds of tongue, tonsils, soft palate, pharynx, middle ear, auditory tube, and mastoid air cells
CN IX - Glossopharyngeal - Visceral Sensory: Function
Visceral Sensory - chemoreceptors in carotid body monitor O2 tension, baroreceptors in carotid sinus monitor arterial blood pressure
CN IX - Glossopharyngeal - Special Sensory: Function
Special Sensory - taste from posterior 1/3rd of tongue
CN IX - Glossopharyngeal - Motor: Function
Branchial Motor - elevates pharynx in speech and swallowing
-Stylopharyngeus m.
CN X - Vagus - Somatic Sensory: Function
Somatic Sensory - sensory from pharynx, larynx, external auditory canal, tympanic membrane (external surface), meninges in posterior cranial fossa
CN X - Vagus - Visceral Sensory: Function
Visceral Sensory - sensory from
-Muscles and mucous membranes in pharynx, larynx, thoracic, and abdominal viscera
-Chemoreceptors in aortic body adjacent to aortic arch
-Stretch receptors in walls of aortic arch
CN X - Vagus - Special Sensory: Function
Special Sensory - taste from epiglottis
CN X - Vagus - Motor: Function
Branchial Motor - speech
-Skeletal m. of the soft palate except stylopharyngeus (IX) and tensor veli palatini (V3)
-Pharyngeal constrictor m.'s
-Levator veli palatini m.
-Salpingopharyngeus m.
-Palatopharyngeus m.
-Cricothyroid (external laryngeal n.)
-Muscles of the larynx (recurrent laryngeal n.)
CN XI - Accessory: Function
Branchial Motor - head and neck movement
-Sternocleidomastoid m.
-Trapezius m.
CN XII - Hypoglossal: Function
Somatic Motor - swallowing, sucking, chewing, and tongue protrusion
-All intrinsic tongue m.'s
-3 of 4 extrinsic tongue m.'s (palatoglossus - CN X - 1 of 4)