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34 Cards in this Set

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What do the cranial nerves and ganglia do?

Supply most of the peripheral nerve functions associated with the head

Where do the true cranial nerves connect


Connect to the brain stem essentially within the cranial cavity

Where do the olfactory and optic nerve connect?

Ventral and forebrain and thalamus respectively

Why are the olfactory and optic nerves not true cranial nerves?

Do not attach to the brainstem

Describe Cranial Nerve 1

Olfactory nerves

Arise from sensory neurons in the olfactory epithelium in the nasal cavity --> cribiform plate

Synapse with olfactory bulb and establish with the brain in the olfactory tracts

What is the functional component of the olfactory nerve?

Carry sense of smell which is often associated with taste

What is Cranial nerve 2

Optic nerve which carries visual function.

Describe how images are processed by the eye/brain

Patterns of light are detected in the photoreceptors of the retina and processed into AP

Signals are then sent to retinal ganglion --> optic nerve and sent to the brain

Where is the Optic Nerve?

between eye and optic chasm

Enters the cranial cavity and cross the chasm

Optic Tracts connect the chiasm and brain at the thalamus (Lat Geniculate Nucleus)

-Projects to the occipital lobes of the brain

What are the cranial nerves of the midbrain?

Includes oculomotor (CN3) and trochear (CN4)

What is Cranial Nerve 3

Oculomotor nerve (Somatic and visceral) exists ventrally from the brainstem above the pons at the interpeduncular fossa

What does the Oculomotor nerve innervate?

Most of theextra ocular muscles

Also contains autonomic parasympathetic axons going to the eye

What are the functional components of the oculomotor nerve?

Somatic: Medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique, levator palpebrae muscles

Parasympathetic: Sphincter pupillae (light reflex) Ciliary muscles (Focus)

What is Crainial Nerve 4

Trochlear Nerve (Motor)

Exits at the junction of the pons and mid brain at the colliculus

Only cranial nerve to exit dorsally on the brain stem

What is the functional component of the Trochlear nerve?

Somatic: innervates the superior oblique muscle of the eye

-Intorts and depresses the eye

-Directly opposed by the Inferior Oblique

What are the cranial nerve of the pons?

Cranial Nerve 5 - Trigeminal exits through the pons

What is Cranial Nerve 5

Trigeminal nerve

Motor and Sensory root

Three peripheral branches: Opthalmic, Maxillary, Mandibular

What are the Functional Components of the Trigeminal Nerve?

Motor: Mastication muscles, tensor tympani, tensor palatini, mylohyoid, and ant digastric

General Sensory: Afferents from face, etes, sinuses, nasal and oral cavities. part of external tympanic membrane.

General Sensory: light touch and temperature, discrimminative touch and pressure, Proprioception to muscles of mastication

What are the Cranial Nerves of the Pontomedullary junction?

Between the Pons and Medulla - CN 6,7,8

What is Cranial Nerve 6?


Enters brainstem in the inferior pontine sulcus nearest the midline

Has long intra cranial course and is one of the most frequently injured of cranial nerves

What are the funcitonal components of the Abducens nerve?

Motor: innervates the ipsilateral - lateral rectus muscle of the eye (abduction of the eye)

What is Cranial nerve 7?

Facial Nerve

2 components: Primary motor root and the nervous intermedius

Both exit in the lateral aspect of the inferior pontine sulcus

What are the Functional components of the Facial Nerve?

Somatic Motor: Pharyngeal arch, muscles of facial expression, stapedius muscle

Parasympathetic Autonomic: Superior salivatory nucleus - Lacrimal glands, Salivary glands, Muscous membranes (nose had and soft palates)

Taste: From anterior 2/3 of tongue and hard and soft palates. Info is carried to the brainstem in the intermediate nerve

General Sensory: Skin of ear wall of acoustic meatus and external tympanic membrane

What is Cranial Nerve 8?

Vestibulocochlear nerve

Enters brainstem in the lateral border of the inferior pontine sulcus (cerebellopontine angle)

What are the Functional Components of the Vestibulocochlear nerve?

Auditory: Spiral ganglia in the inner ear carry auditory info into the brain stem then sent to primary auditory cortex

Vestibular: Carries afferent info from the vestibular apparatus

-Project to the vestibular nuclear complex in the brainstem

What are the Cranial Nerves of the Medulla?

Cranial Nerve 9, 10, 11, 12

What is Cranial nerve 9

Glossopharyngeal nerve

Exits postolivary fissue of the upper medulla, just above the vagus nerve

What are the functional components of the Glossopharyngeal nerve?

Somatic Motor: stylopharyngeus muscle. it elevates pharynx during swallowing and speech

Visceral Motor: Carries parasympathetic motor axons going to the parotid gland (Salivary function)

Visceral Sensory: Axons carry afferent information from the carotid body and carotid sinus

-Middle ear, eustachian tube, upper part of the pharynx and posterior 1/3 of tonuge

-Pharynx (Gag reflex)

Special Sensory: taste sensation from the posterio 1/3 of tongue

General Sensory: Sensory to parts of the external auditory meatus and ear

What is Cranial Nerve 10?

Vagus Nerve

exits in the postolivary fissue of the brain stem as a series of rootlets

Innervation to outside of the head and neck

What are the functional components of vagus nerve?

Motor: constrictor muscles od the pharynx, palatine muscles, laryngeal muscles, upper half of esophagus

Visceral Motor: Parasympathetic visceral information to thoracic and abdominal viscera to the level of the splenic flexure of the colon

Special Sensory: Taste and sensation from epiglottis and base of tongue.

Visceral Sensation: Thoracic and abdominal viscera, larynx, lower pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and esophagus

Somatic sensory: Pain, touch, temp skin of external ear external auditory canal, external surface of tympanic membrane and meninges of posterior cranial fossa

What is cranial nerve 11?

Spinal Accessory nerve

Exits as a series of rootlets dorsal to the denticulate ligaments and ascends to join the caudal portions of CN 10 near the foramen magnum

What are the functional components of the Spinal Accessory nerve?

Innervates the scm and trapezius muscles

Cranial portion that innervates pharyngeal musculature along with CNX

What is Cranial Nerve 12

Hypoglossal Nerve

Originates from the hypoglossal nucleus in the medulla.

Exits in front of the medulalry olivary complex in the preolivary fissure

What are the functional Components of the hypoglossal nerve?

Innervates all the intrinsic muscles of the tongue and most of the extrinsic tongue muscles.