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20 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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what are cranial nerves
cranial nerves (PNS)
What is the function of the Olfactory nerve I
How do you test the Olfactory nerve I
1 occulude vision
2 block one nostril
3 present one odor at a time
4 have pt detect odor
What is the dysfunction of the Olfactory nerve I
Anosmia (can't smell)
(unilateral-no symptoms; bilateral loose sense of smell)
What is the function of the Optic nerve II
-Visual acuity
*awareness of light and dark
How do you test the
Optic nerve II
Snellen Chart
What are the dysfunctions of the Optic nerve II
Unilateral- ipsilaterl blindness
Bilateral- Bilateral blindness
What is the function of the Oculomotor nerve III
-extraocular eye movements
-eyeball (up/down/medially/laterally)
How do you test the
Oculomotor nerve III
Visually scanning a moving stimulus in H pattern
What are the dysfunctions of the Oculomotor nerve III
-Exotropia (eyeball deviates outward)
-Diplopia (double vision)
-Ptosis (eyelid droops)
-Nystagmus (involuntary eyeball jerking
What is the function of the Trochlear nerve IV
Extraocular eye movements (down & lateral)
What is the function of the Abducens nerve VI
Extraocular eye movements (lateral deviation)
How do you test for abducens deficit
H pattern
What are the dysfunctions of the abducens nerve
What is the function of the vestibulocochlear nerve VIII?
What are the dysfunctions of the vestibuolocochlear nerve VIII
Decreased balance
Decreased protective responses
What are the functions of the Glossopharyngeal nerve IX?
Posterior tongue taste
What are the dysfunctions of the Glossopharyngeal nerve IX?
-Loss of gag reflex
What are the functions of the Hypoglossal nerve XII?
Movement of tongue
What are the dysfunctions of the Hypoglossal nerve XII?
-Tongue deviation to ipsilateral side