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27 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following are the correct 5 kinetic change at points when utilizing kettle bells?






Which muscle functions as part of the global muscular system?

Erector spinae

Proprioception is best described as?

The body's ability to sense body position and limb movement.

Which statement about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is accurate?

It is not a curable disease.

Which group of hormones are released by the brain during exercise to help reduce pain?


Which muscle acts to increase intra-abdominal pressure?

Transverse abdominis

Which muscle is classified as a local muscle involved in stabilizing the spine?


What step cadence is used during the YMCA 3 minute step test.

96 steps per minute.

What surrounds the skeletal muscles and connects them to other surrounding muscles?


How many repetitions of each SAQ drill is appropriate for youth athletes?

3-5 reps

What are the recommended training variables for dynamic stretching?

1 set, 10 to 15 repetitions, 3 to 10 exercises.

When properly activated, which muscle of the core creates tension in the thoracolumbar fascia?

Transverse abdominis

What is sarcopenia?

Age-related loss of muscle tissue

Inadequate hydration and mild dehydration can have several negative effects on athletic performance, including which of the following.

Decreased blood flow

Which upper-body yoga stretch is considered controversial and may be a risk for injury?

Plow pose

Which of the following is a component of quickness training?

Assessment of visual stimuli

Which scheme would be the most ideal to achieve stabilization and muscular endurance adaptations?

2×20, 50% 1RM

Which is an example of an exercise that targets the local muscles of the core?

Side plank

The addition of balance training to a strengthening program can enhance what?


What percentage of alpha linoleic acid converts to a biologically available form called EPA


Which of these joint movements is part of backside mechanics

Hip extension

Which term best describes when someone has mixed feelings about exercise and can see both the pros and cons of participating.


During the standing cable chest press the resistance should be positioned to do what?

Resist shoulder horizontal adduction

During normal walking the pelvis rotates in what plane to facilitate the necessary momentum for the swing phase.


Which component of SAQ involves the ability to react to a stimulus and appropriately change the motion of the body in response to that stimulus.


What is it called when a legament is overstretched or torn?


Which skinful sites are measured in determining body composition via the durnin-womersley protocol?



Sub scap
