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51 Cards in this Set

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APA's 6 guidelines of multicultural education
1. You may hold detrimental attitudes and beliefs
2. recognize the importance of multicultural understanding
3. Employ multiculturalism and diversity in teaching
4. Recognize the importance of ethical culturally centered research
5. Apply culturally appropriate skills in clinical practices
6. Use org change processes to support culutrally competent org change.
Learning D.O. intervention steps
1. Intellectual and academic eval
2. Refer for medical, neurological, hearing and vision
3. Refer for special education services
4. refer for educational therapy
5. treat associated d.o.
ADHD interventions
1. Self Instruction therapy, 2. parent training,
3. contingency contracting
4. Help parents design a daily routine
5. design home environment to optimize functioning
6. teach effective study and test taking strategies
7. Individual therapy
8. Encourage activities to facilitate positive peer group activities
9. insure coordination among the various systems
ODD Goals
1. recognize innapropriateness
2. provide coping skills training
3. develop alternative behaviors
4. eliminate illegal cruel behavior
5. demonstrate appropriate behavior
6. decrease behavior increase self esteeem
7. mobilize surrounding support system
ODD interventions for children, meaning..what are the names of the therapies?
Parent training for children with oppositional behavior, which is a combination of behavior mod and family therapy
Elimination Disorder Goals
1. decrease punitive reactions
2. decrease shame
3. evaluate for comorbidity and other stressors
4. eliminate enuresis/encompresis
5. resolve underlying conflicts
Elimination Disorder Interventions
1. Behavior mod for enuresis or encompresis
Dementia Goals
1. clarify nature of deficits
2. provide family and patient with coping strategies
3. Manage other psychiatric do
4. help pt to attain highest level of autonomy
Dementia interventions
1. Support for pt and family
2. consistent environment
3. provide family and pt with coping strategies
4. help identify with additional support is needed
5. med management
Alcohol Abuse/dependence interventions
1. Community Reinforcement approach
2. Cue Exposure treatment
3. Project CALM
Cocaine Abuse and Dependence Interventions
Behavior Therapy and CBT relapse prevention
tranquilizer abuse and dependence
nictoine tx
schizophrenia goals
- stabilize the pt on meds
-establish a plan for psychosocial rehabilitation
- get family support
Schizophrenia interventions
1. Family intervention
2. Social Skills Training
3. Supported Employment
4. Relapse Prevention
BiPolar I and II goals
1. Stabilization
2. increase awareness
3. manage episodes through medication and therapy
4. increase awareness of consequences
5. improve impulse control
6. deal with psychosocial problems
7. Maximize functioning
What are treatments for OCD, meaning what are the names of the exact therapies
1. Exposure and Response Prevention
2. Cognitive Therapy
3. Thought stopping or aversion therapy
4. relaxation skills
Panic D.o interventions
1. CBT
2. Applied Relaxation
Agoraphobia interventions
1. Exposure with guided mastery
2. systematic desensitization
specific phobia interventions
1. Exposure with guided mastery
2. CBT
3. systematic densensitization
PTSD interventions
1. Stress Innoculation Training
3. Cognitive Processing Therapy
Pain Disorders goals
1. teach coping skills
2. increase non-somatic focused activities
3. decrease somatic focus and sick role behavior
4. decrease somatic sxs
5. maximize functioning
Pain Disorder interventions. What is the name of the therapies
1. Stress Innoculation Training
2. behavior therapy for headaches
3. CBT
4. thermal feedback
Somatoform d.o. goals
1. identify psychological conflicts
2. discuss feelings
3. teach coping skills
4. increase non somatic focused activities
5. decrease sick behavior
Somatoform interventions
What kinds of therapies and/or skills
1. educate about mind body connection
2. teach relaxation skills
3. increase non somatic focused activities
4. hypnosis to deal with symptoms
5. family therapy
6. individual psychotherapy
Dissociative d.o.goals

What things do you want to increase or decrease and what other steps need to occur?
1. coping strategies
2. identify trauma that may have led to dissociation
3. decrease frequency and severity of episodes
4. establish reintegration
5. process and resolve traumas
Dissociate d.o. intervention
1. identify amd alter personalities and learn their stories
2. identify triggers for the dissociate state
3. coping strategies
4. process underlying trauma
5. Utilize hypnosis to uncover forgotten information
6. medication management
Sexual Disorders interventions
1. masters and johnson's sex therapy for female orgasmic dysfunction
2. zimmer's combined sex and martial therapy
3. Hulbert's combined treatment approach for female hypoactive sexual desire
Eating Disorder goals
- pt recognizes inappropriateness of weight goal
- explore attitudes and beliefs
- restore normal eating patterns
- restore normal body weight
- restore realistic body appraisal
- deal with underlying feelings of shame
- assess for comorbidity
Eating D.O. interventions
- CBT for bullimia
- Interpersonal therapy for binge eating
- CBT for binge eating
- hypnosis for obesity
Sleep Disorder goals
-clarify whether it is due to another condition
-improve ability to fall asleep
-improve sleep quality
Sleep Disorder interventions
1. sleep hygiene
2. relaxation techniques
3. restructuring cognitions about sleep and to deal with worry
impulse control disorders goals
1. increase ability to connect impulsive behavior to emotional and other life difficulties
2. teach coping skills
3. decrease impulsive behavior
Impulse control disorders - interventions

What types of therapies are efficacious?
- self monitoring
- relapse prevention strategies
- plan to deal with triggers
- individual psychotherapy
- coping skills training
- flooding with response prevention
- medication
paranoid personality d.o.
increase trust, improve reality testing
schizoid personality d.o.
increase awareness and experience of various emotions, exhibit interest in social relationships
schizotypal personality d.o.
1. increase comfort in social relationships,
2. diminish magical thinking and odd beliefs,
3. display fewer marked oddities in appearance and behavior.
antisocial personality d.o.
1. increase empathy for others,
2. increase respect for others,
3. improve the ability to forsee consequences of actions
Histrionic personality d.o.
1. modulating affect,
2. decrease attention seeking bheavior
avoidant personality d.o.
1. decrease social discomfort
Meichenbaum's Stress Innoculation Training
bolstering a patient's repetoire of coping responses to milder can decrease suseptibility to more severe stress
3 parts of Stress Innoculation Therapy
1. education
2. coping skills acquisition
3. application of skills in imagination and in vivo
Meichenbaum's self-instruction therapy
modeling and graduated practice

1. therapist modeling of task
2. Therapist verbalization of task
2. patient verbalization of task
3. patient silent talks through the task
4. independent task performance
What are the components of Cognitive processing therapy (PTSD)
1. educated about PTSD
2. engages in cognitive restructuring
3. exposure through writing
4. labelling feelings
5. identifies and resolves conflicts
Contingency contracting
What type of conditioning is it based on?
Based on operant conditioning

1. identifying behaviors to increase or decrease
2. Contract is set up that defines clearly the specific consequences of various target behaviors
3. Contract implemented
Dialectic Behavioral Therapy 3 requirements
1. To work in therapy for a specified time and to attend all sessions.
2. If suicidal behavior is present to work on reduces these and other similar behaviors
3. to attend skills training
4 primary modes of DBT treatment
1. individual therapy
2. telephone contact
3. skills training
4. therapists recieve DBT from each other
interoceptive exposure (part of flooding)
- experiencing some of the panic sxs through other means (like exercise) and having to tolerate the feeling for at least 30 seconds
passive muscle relaxation
an alternative to progressive muscle relaxation, when you simply notice the tension and release it.
disable the fight or flight response during anxiety through a series of structured exercises that can induce a hypnotic trance.
problem solving skills
breaking down an unsolvable problem into steps