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131 Cards in this Set

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If your 73-year-old client's money is being stolen out of her account, what would be your initial steps?
1. Consider it possible Elder Abuse (Financial)
2. Make a Report (w/n 2 working days)
Which is a more appropriate solution for an agitated client in your office:
A. Momentarily leaving an agitated client in your office to calm down
B. Encouraging Voluntary Psychiatric Commitment
A. Allowing the client a few minutes to calm him/herself down.
When completing a Psychological Report, should the main emphasis be on the test data?
The reader of the NO:
Psychological report is not interested in the test data itself, but in what the data signify about the client.

Conclusions should be based on integration of
- background info
- behavioral observations
- test data
When completing a Psychological Report, should what is avg about the client be emphasized or his/her uniqueness?
What is unique about the client.
When completing a Psychological Report, if you can NOT explain the inconsistencies of the data, what is the approp action?
You should indicate that
- inconsistencies exist
- suggest ways to resolve them
ie., addt'l testing
When treating PTSD, which initial interventions is considered the most effective and/or less controversial (Psycheducation or
Psychological Debriefing) and why?
Psychoeducation is preferred (in this scenario);about the nature and treatment of PTSD is the primary focus of initial interventions

Psychological Debriefing as an initial interventions may be considered an intervention that exacerbates the symptoms of PTSD
Intervention: Panic Control Treatment
List 3-4 interventions/strategies
1. Psychoeducation
2. Cognitive Restructuring
3. Breathing Restraining
4. Interception Exposure
PCT is aka?
Panic Control Treatment
Explain all 3-4 components of PCT (Panic Control Treatment)
1. Cognitive Restructuring (of Maladaptive Thoughts)
-- identify
-- challenge
-- replace

2. Breathing Restraining
-- to eliminate hyperventilation

3. Interception Exposure
-- reduce fear of bodily sensations assoc'd w/anxiety
What does "S.I.T"stand for and
For what is it used?
Stress Inoculation Treatment
- Comprehensive Cog-B approach for coping with stress
What are the @ least 3 best predictors of future violent and/or aggressive behavior?
1. History of aggression
2. Substance Abuse
3. Access to a Lethal Weapon
Can a child's acting-out behaviors in classroom be assoc'd with either
1. discriminative stimulus?
2. primary gain?
3. secondary gain?
Secondary gain via:
- attention from peers or
- escape from a undesirable task/assignment
Compare contrast/compare
1. Discrimination Stimulus
2. Functional Stimulus
3. Primary Gain
4. Secondary Gain
1.Discr Stim: Environmental event/condition that signals what behavior is expected or what consequence will follow the behavior

2. Functional Stimulus: Attributes of the discrim stimulus that exert control over the indv's behav.
e.g., Color of a traffic light determines whether a driver stops @ or continues through an intersection

3. Primary Gain:Reduction of anxiety that a behavior/symptom produces by keep'g a conflict out conscious awareness

4. Secondary Gain: the external benefit recv'd by engaging in a bx
- acting-out and other problematic bx's
- a child might act-out b/c doing so provides attention from peers or an adult or b/c it allows the child to avoid/escape an undesirable task/activity
Well-established Tx's for Adults:
Cog-B is used for what disorders?
- panic disorder
- generalized anxiety disorder
- social phobia


Eating Disorders
- bulimia
- binge eating

Health Problems
- chronic pain
Well-established Tx's for Adults:
Behavior Therapy is used for what disorders?
1. Health Problems: Headaches
2. Marital Discord (Behavioral Marital therapy)
Well-established Tx's for Adults:
Exposure is used for what disorders?
OCD anxiety (response prevention)
Specific Phobia
Well-established Tx's for Adults:
Dialectical Behavior Tx for what disorders?
Well-established Tx's for Adults:
Community Reinforcement for what disorders?
Substance Abuse & Dependence
Well-established Tx's for Adults:
Environmental Behavioral Interv for what disorders?
Dementia (for behavioral problems)
Well-established Tx's for Adults:
Multicomponent Cog-B + Relapse Prevention for what disorders?
Smoking cessation
Well-established Tx's for Adults:
Social Skills Train'g for what disorders?
Avoidant Personality Dis
Well-established Tx's for Adults:
Social Skills Learning for what disorders?
Well-established Tx's for Adults:
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for what disorders?
Well-established Tx's for Children/Adolescents uses
Behavioral Mod for what disorders?
Well-established Tx's for Children/Adolescents uses
Behavioral Parent Train'g for what disorders?
Conduct Dis
Oppositional DD
Well-established Tx's for Children/Adolescents uses
Cognitive Problem-Solving for what disorders?
Conduct Dis
Oppositional DD
Well-established Tx's for Children/Adolescents uses
Behavioral Mod in the Classroom for what disorder(s)?
Well-established Tx's for Children/Adolescents uses
Multisystemic Therapy for what disorders?
Conduct Disorder
Oppositional DD
Well-established Tx's for Children/Adolescents uses
Participant Modeling for what disorders?
Well-established Tx's for Children/Adolescents uses
Reinforced Practice for what disorders?
What type of treatment might be more appropriate for a client with
- An Externalized Coping Style
- An Internalized Coping Style
Externalized Coping Style: from techniques that focus on
- group interventions
- social skills train'g
- anger management
- contingency contracting
- practice alternative think'g
- stimulus control

Internalized Coping Style:
- interpersonal oriented tech
- insight oriented tech's
ie., catharsis
ie., interpretation of transferences and resistances
- direct instruction
What is the purpose of a "Thought Record?"
Used to help clients identify and examine dysfunctional thoughts as an initial step in cognitive restructuring
What other terms refer to a "Thought Record?"
* Automatic Thought Record
* Daily Record of Dysfunctional Thoughts
What is the initial step in Cognitive Restructuring?
Keeping a "Thought" Record
What is the purpose of "Covert Rehearsal?"
Used to try out new skills
e.g., Person engaging in appropriately assertive behaviors in a specific situation
What types of therapists usually incorporate the "Empty Chair Technique?"
Gestalt Therapist
In what type of therapy is "Prescribing the Symptom?"
Family Therapy as a Paradoxical Strategy
Which is an indication of a Test Security violation...
Showing and discussing with a client the Test Data or Test Materials and Why?
Showing the client the Test Materials.
Test Security Includes: Test Materials
* Manuals
* Instruments
* Protocols
* Test Questions
Distinguish b/w Test "Data" and "Materials."
Test Data:
* Client's actual responses to test items
* Raw or Scaled scores the responses receive
* Psychologist's written notes/recordings of Clients specific responses or behaviors during testing

Test Security Includes: Test Materials
* Manuals
* Instruments
* Protocols
* Test Questions
What is Othmer's 5-step Process for Maximizing Reliability and Validity of Unstructured Diagnostic Interviews?
1. Listen and Observe to get diagnostic clues while asking "open-ended" questions
2. Primarily ask "closed-ended" questions relating to diagnostic criteria
3. Get Psychiatric and Family History
4. Arrive at diagnosis via condensation of collected data
5. Arrive at a prognosis using DSM 5 axes & other info gathered during the interview
How long must one wait before petitioning for reinstatement of a revoked license?
3 years
When testing premorbid functioning, what WAIS sub-tests are relatively resistant to neurological impairments?
Picture Completion
What WAIS subtest is most sensitive to brain damage?
Digit Symbol-Coding is the most brain-sensitive of WAIS subtests
What type of brain damage is the Block Design WAIS subtest most sensitive?
Brain Damage
* parietal lobe
What type of brain damage is the Picture Completion WAIS subtest most sensitive?
Frontal Lobes
What type of brain damage is the Processing Speed WAIS subtest most sensitive?
Diffuse Brain Damage:
Most forms of Cognitive Impairment
What might be empirically validated treatments for a 75-year-old depressed client?
What does "Minimum Nec'y" mean?
HIPPA's Privacy Rule generally requires covered entities to take reasonable steps to limit the use or disclosure of, and requests for, PHI to the minimum necessary to accomplish the intended purpose.
For the purposes of involuntary hospitalization, is "mental disorder" specifically defined?
It is NOT specifically defined. But it is interpreted as any significant mental disorder identified in the current edition of the DSM.
Does Grave Disability include mental retardation alone
Not for involuntary hospitalization
Distinguish b/w "Hazardous Event" and "Precipitating Factor"
Hazardous Event:
Initially disrupts the indvl's normal state of equilibrium

Precipitating Factor:
The final straw
The final stressful event in a series of events that moves a person from a state of vulnerability into a state of crisis
License Renewal Cycle:
How many CE hours may be accrued via Indep Learning?
27 (75%) of 36 hours
Schizophreniform Dis vs Schizotypal PD
Insert Answer
When are Family vs Multisystemic Therapies most beneficial regard'g Conduct Dis?
Family Therapy
- recent onset
- problems are not severe

Multisystemic (MST)
- mid to late adolescence
- more serious symptoms of Conduct Dis
- may be @ risk for institutionalization
California Law requires the Primary Supervisor of Psych Intern must complete ___ hrs of ______ coursework every ___ year(s).
6 hrs
supervision casework
2 years
What is the current dx?
Original dx Alcohol Dep (8 mo ago)
* sober for 7 mo
Alcohol Dependence:
Distinguish Levels of Remission:
Remission and Sustained
Full and Partial
Early Full Remission
1-12 mo
does NOT meet criteria for Dep

Early Partial Remission:
- 1-12 mo
- @ least one criteria for dep was met

Sustained Full Remission:
+12 mon
has NOT met criteria for dep

Sustained Partial Remission:
met @ least one criteria
Which Lobe is affected by
* Automatisms(lip-smacking, chewing)
* mood & personality alterations
* language impairments
* deja vu or jamais vu
* learning and memory deficits
Temporal Lobe
You must ensure requested records are transmitted w/n ____ days after receipt of the request.
15 days
You must ensure requested summary of records are transmitted w/n ____ days after receipt of the request.
10 business days & no longer than 30 days b/w request and delivery.
When are Family vs Multisystemic Therapies most beneficial regard'g Conduct Dis?
Family Therapy
- recent onset
- problems are not severe

Multisystemic (MST)
- mid to late adolescence
- more serious symptoms of Conduct Dis
- may be @ risk for institutionalization
What is the MAJOR goal of psych treatment for chronic pain
Insert Answer
Code 5150 Criteria of Days
3 Days
* Suicide-related
* Grave Disability
* Homicidal
Code 5250 Criteria of Days
14 Days
* Suicide-related
* Grave Disability
* Homicidal
How long do you hold a
Suicidal, Gravely, and Homicidal person - maximum?
Maximum Day-Holds:
* Suicidal (3+14+14) 31
* Grave Disability (3+14+30) 47
* Homicidal (3+14+180) 197
Codes 5260 Criteria
Welfare and Institutions Code Sections: A person may be confined for up to 14 days for FURTHER intensive tx
2. a person has already been held for 72 hrs or 14 days as a result of a mental disorder or impairment by CHRONIC ALCOHOLISM
3. Threatened or Attempted to take his/her own life AND
4. Continues to present an imminent threat of taking his/her own life
Distinguish b/w 5260, 5270 and 5300
5260: Suicide-related (a 2nd) 14-day hold (goes beyond the 5250)
5270: Gravely disabled 30-day hold (goes beyond the 5250)
5300: Serious Danger to Others 180-day hold (goes beyond the 5250)
Similarities b/w 5150 & 5250
Differences b/s 5150 & 5250
5150 & 5250 are both holds that are related to
Suicide risk/attempts
Grave Disability

5150 = 72 hours
5250 = 14 days
For the purpose of research:
What type of authorization is required in order to release a patient's PHI?
Authorization has to come from:
1. Patient or...
2. Institutional Review Board or
3. Privacy Board
When it comes to Privacy Rules:
Are there any inconsistencies?
Which is more stringent (protects the patient more)?
HIPAA Privacy & California Civil Code are inconsistent

HIPPA is more stringent in that is provides the patient with more protection
Regarding Research:
When can a person's PHI be released w/o their consent?
1. Approval is granted by:
* The Patient (Pre-approval)
* An Institutional Review Board
* A Privacy Board

2. The patient is deceased

3. Data excludes direct identifiers
With Schizoaffective Dis, can the mood dominate the other symptoms associated with Schizophrenia? Why or Why Not?
A Schizoaffective Disorder (Schizophrenia + a prominent
mood Disorder) requires the person be withOUT mood symptoms for @ least weeks.
Comorbidity (% of frequency) for ADHD
ODD @ 60%
Anxiety @ 30%
Mood @ 30%
Tic Dis < Mood
Is S.I.T. most empirically validated for OCD or PTSD
S.I.T. (Stress Inoculation Train'g)
for PTSD
Match 1 Empirically Validated Tx for Each Disorder:
Panic Dis
Generalized Anxiety Dis
Specific Phobia
Cog-B for Panic Dis
Cog-B for Gen Anx Dis
Exposure or Guided Mastery for Specific Phobia
S.I.T. (Stress Inoculation Tx) for PTSD
Exposure & Response Prev for OCD
Name Empirically Validated Tx's for OCD
1. Cog-B
2. Exposure & Response Prev
3. Relapse Prevention (well-established or probably efficacious)
S.I.T. (Stress Inoculation Train'g)
most empirically validated for which Anxiety Disorder?
Treatment For a Widow/Widower:
* Spouse died 10 mo ago
* Symptoms occurred 2 mo ago
- unexpected crying spells
- sadness
Grief Therapy
Retardation & Grade Equivalence:
Mild MR
Mod MR
6th grade: Mild MR
2nd grade: Mod MR
What might S.I.T. mean?
What symptoms/disorder(s)?
Stress Inoculation Therapy: Anxiety
Sensory Interception Therapy:
Self-Instructional Training: ADHD
Which treatment is more efficacious for Panic?
PCT: Panic Control Tx > Sensory Interception Tx
What are the Primary objectives:
1. Gain Control over eat'g
2. Modifying dysfunctional blfs about eating, weight and shape
Bulimia: What is the objective of the SSRI?
1. Reduce Binge Eating
2. Reduce Purging
3. Alleviate Dysphoria
What is the difference b/w: "mutual affray" b/w minors
child abuse
Child abuse may not be reported if it involves mutual affray b/w minors.
TESTS & Populations:
Halstead-Reitan Neuro-Psych Battery ( 4 Main Areas of Functioning)
Assessed t/impact of head trauma/brain damage/cerebral function'g

1. Cognitive function'g
2. Language function'g
3. Perceptual function'g
4. Sensorimotor function'g
TESTS & Populations:
Leiter International Performance Scale, Revised (Leiter-R)
1. Non-verbal Measurement of Intelligence
2. Ages 2-20.11
3. Non-English Speak'g
4. Hearing Impaired
5. Speech Impaired
6. Cognitive Delays
7. Autistic
TESTS & Population:
WAIS-lll (Chinese Version)
1. Assessing intelligence
2. Recent Chinese Immigrant
3. Graduate Student
4. Fluent in English & Chinese
TESTS & Population:
Mini Mental State Exam MMSE)
1. Monitors the cognitive deficits
2. Senior Citizen
3. Recent diagnosis of Alzheimer's
TESTS & Population:
Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test
1. Evaluates Visual-Motor Skills
TEST: What type for a...
1. 7-year-old
2. Visual-motor skills are evaluated
3. Has developmental delays
Gonsalves, Psychological stages of the refugee process:
Sadness & Guilt (1-6 months)
Hostility & Resistance (6mo - 3 yrs)
Isolation (3-5 years)
Delayed Grief & Depression (5-7 years)
Distinguish Implementation Specifications:
Addressable v Required
May Choose NOT to encrypt electronically stored/transmitted PHI when it is NOT reasonable or approp to do so

MUST encrypt all electronically stores or transmitted PHI
List 3 Links to Suicide Risks:
1. Psychic Anxiety (fearfulness or apprehension)

2. Panic Attacks

3. Severe Insomnia
MMPI: 6-7-8 "V" Profile
6 Paranoia
7 Anxiety / Psychoschemia

Result: Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type
MMPI: 1-2-3 "V" Profile
1. Bodily
2. Depression
3. Somatic / Bodily / Emotionality

Results: Somatization and Conversion Symptoms
MMPI: 2-4-7 Profile
2. Depression
4. Psychopathic
7. Anxiety / Psychoschemia

Results/Suggests: Passive-Aggressive tendencies w/Substance Abuse
MMPI: 1-2-8 Profile
1. Bodily
2. Depression
8. Schizophrenia

Suggests: Depression with Psychiatric features + Physical Complaints

Suggests: Depression with Psychiatric features + Physical Complaints
MMPI 1-2-8
Anxiety / Psychoschemia

Results/Suggests: Passive-Aggressive tendencies w/Substance Abuse
MMPI 2-4-7
Somatic / Bodily / Emotionality

Results: Somatization and Conversion Symptoms
MMPI: 1-2-3 "V"
Anxiety / Psychoschemia

Result: Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type
MMPI: 6-7-8 "V" Profile
Psychiatric Diagnoses Assoc'd With a High Risk for Violence (Name 6-11)
Alcohol/Drug Intoxication or Withdrawal
Antisocial PD
Catatonic Schizophrenia
Delusional Disorder
Dissociative Disorder
Epilepsy (Temporal Lobe)
Impulsive Control Disorder
Paranoid PD
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Psychic Anxiety: What are the types of feelings?
BSI aka
Brief Symptom Inventory
MMSE addresses what areas of Cognition?
Schizophrenia + Comorbidity (Name 5)
Panic Dis
MMPI-2 scales that indicate functional impairment
Place Answer Here
EBPP integreates....
...The best available
1. Research with
2. Clinical expertise in the context of
*** patient characteristics,
*** patient culture and
*** patient preferences
Effects of PTSD?
Insert Answer Here
Cultural-bound Syndrome
More common among American-Indian Tribes
Appropriate Consultations:
--- Family
--- Folk Healer
What are the 3 broad exceptions to parents having access to their child's records?
1. The minor has access to records
2. Release to parent would have detrimental effect Clinician-Minor professional rlsp
3. Detrimental effect on minor's safety or psychological well-being
Which is more ideal for PTSD
1. Exposure + Supportive Psychotherapy
2. Exposure + Stress Inoculation Therapy
Exposure + Stress Inoculation Tx
What does Stress Inoculation Tx include?
Anxiety Mgt
What are generally the most useful treatments for PTSD
1. Stress Inoculation
2. Exposure Therapy
3. Cognitive Therapy
4. Psychoeducation
Differential Dx:
1. Schizophrenia w/Mood
2. Schizoaffective Dis
3. Major Dep Dis w/ Psychotic feat
1. Mood doesn't occur w/ psychosis
2. Mood occurs w/psychosis but has @ least a 2wk period w/out mood
3. Mood occurs ONLY during psychosis
Differential Dx:
1. Schizophrenia
2. Schizphreniform
3. Delusional Dis
4. Brief Psychotic Dis
1. > 6 mo
2. < 6 mo
3. > 1 mo (non-bizarre ONLY)
4. < 1 mo
Differential Dx
1. Somatoform Undifferentiated
2. Somatoform NOS
3. Conversion Dis
1. Only reqr's 1 or > symptoms
1. For @ least 6 months

2. Doesn't meet other criteria

3. Specifiers
-- Involves voluntary MOTOR or
-- SENSORY function'g +
-- NEUROLOGICAL seizures/convulsions or
-- Mixed Presentation/other medical
3. Triggered by Psych/Stress factors
Differential Dx
1. Conversion Dis
2. Pain dis
1. Has four specifiers
-- Motor, Sensory, Neuro, Mixed
2. Preoccupation w/Pain
1. What does it asses?
2. How many Questions
3. How many domains of function'g
4. Names domains of function'g
5. Maximum score + Cutoff
1. Cognitive Function'g
2. 11 questions
3. 6 domains/aspects of function'g
4. -- Orientation
-- Registration/ Immediate Recall
-- Attention + Calculation
-- Recall
-- Language (name objects+ a 3-stage command)
-- Visual Construction (copy simple form)
5. Max score of 30 with 23/24 cutoff
Differential Dis:
1. Major Depr Dis (criteria & duration)
2. Adjustment Dis w/Depr Mood
1. MUST have 5 core sx's
1. MUST be for @ least 2 wks
1. MUST be for most of the day
1. Nearly every day

2. MUST - identifiable stressor
2. MUST - occur w/n 3 mo of
2. Remission w/n 6 mo after stressor remits
Differential Dis:
1. Major Depr Dis w/Psychotic feat
2. Schizoaffective Dis
1. MUST have 5 core sx's
1. MUST be for @ least 2 wks
1. MUST be for most of the day
1. Nearly every day

2. UNINTERRUPTED period of symptoms
2. At least 2 wks w/out mood sx's
Differential Dis:
1. Mania (dur., # of core features)
2. Hypomania
1. For @ least 7 days
1. At least 3 core symptoms
1. Significant --> Hospitalization
1. May present w/psychotic feat.

2. For @ least 4 days
2. At least 3 core symptoms
2. Does NOT warrant hospitalization
2. No Psychosis
What is the LONGEST one can be symptom-free?
Dysthymia & Cyclothymia
Can NEVER be symptom-free for > 2 months @ a time
Bereavement includes what 2 core factors?
Grief = experiencing loss ; psychologically, physically & behaviorally

Mourning = A Cultural expression of grief
GAD: Comorbidity & Duration
For @ LEAST 6 months
- Major Depressive Dis
- Dysthymia
- Substance Abuse
- Simple Phobia
- Social Phobia
Panic Dis w/Agoraphobia: Comorbidity
Major Depr Dis
Social Phobia or Specific Phobia
Differential Diagnosis:
1. Panic Dis
2. Social Phobia
1. Generally Unexpected
1. Prefer to be w/a Trusted Companion in social situations
1. Can occur in context; even sleep

2. Generally Expected
2. Perf NOT to be w/a Companion
2. Social context
Differential Diagnosis:
1. Acute Stress Dis
1. From 2 days to < 4 wks
1. MUST Have...
--- 3 or > Dissociative Symptoms

2. For @ least 1 month
2. Acute, Chronic, Delayed
Differential Dis:
1. Acute Stress Dis
2. PTSD; Acute
1. Onset must occur w/n 30 days
1. Symptoms must be b/w 2-30 dys

2. Onset <3 months
Duration of Symptoms:
specific Phobia (< age 18)
6 months
Schizotypal & Schizoid disorders are similar how?
Schizotypal & Schizoid disorders are NOT similar how?
Restricted emotions and detachment from social relationships.

Schizotypal - Odd Thinking and delusions of reference