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72 Cards in this Set

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1) a Java reserved word used to define a class
2) the blueprint of an object- the model that defines the variables and methods an object will contain when instantiated
-an object created from a class
-multiple objects can be instantiated from a single class
instance method
-a method that must be invoked through a particular instance of a class, as opposed to a class method
instance variable
-a variable that must be referenced through a particular instance of a class, as opposed to a class variable
class method
-a method that can be invoked using only a class name
-an instantiated object in not required as it is with instance methods
the reserved word in java which is used to define a class method and a class variable
class variable
-a variable that is shared among all objects of a class
-it can also be referenced through the class name, w/o instantiating any object of that class
1) primary software construct in the object-oriented paradigm
2) an encapsulated collection of data variables and methods
3) an instance of a class
an identifier in a program that represents a memory location in which a data value is stored
a program that translates code from one language to equivalent code in another language
-Java compiler translates Java source code into Java bytecode
-a program that translates and executes code on a particular machine
-the Java interpreter translates and executes Java bytecode
what does each object have?
each ___ has a state, defined by its attributes, and a set of behaviors, defined by its methods
carriage return
double quote
single quote
escape sequence
used to represent a character that would otherwise cause compilation problems
identifiers which hold a particular value for the duration of their existence
the eight primitive data types
the following are what?
1)four subsets of integers- byte, short, int, long
2)two subsets of floating point- float, double
3)a character data type- char
4)a boolean data type- boolean
8 bits of storage space (min value: -128, max value: 127)
-two byte integer
-16 bits
-min value: -32,768
-max value: 32, 767
-32 bits
-min value: -2,150,000,000
-max value: 2, 150,000,000
-Java assumes all integer literals are of this type
-64 bits
-min val: -9,200,000,000,000,000,000
-max val: 9,200,000,000,000,000,000
-integer is recognized as not "int" if it has an "L" or "l" appended to end
-32 bits
-min val: approx -3.4E+38, w 7 sig digit
-max val: approx 3.4e+38 w 7 sig digits
-point literals with "F" or "f" attached to end
-64 bits
-min val: apprx -1.7E+308 w 15 sig digit
-max val: apprx 1.7E+308 w 15 sig digit
-point literals with "D" or "d" attached to end
-American Standard Code for Information Interchange uses 7 bits per character, providing room for 128 characters
-uppercase letters
-lowercase letters
-punctuation (.,;)
-digits 0-9
-special symbols (&|\)
-control characters (carriage return, null, end-of-text marks)
-only two valid values: "true" and "false"
-used to indicate if a particular condition is true
-can be used to represent any situation that has two states
divides, returning the whole number
divides, returning the remainder
operator precedence
2)multiplication, division, remainder operator
3)addition, subtraction
-unary plus and unary minus
(precedence associates)
Right to Left
-multiplication, division, remainder
-addition, subtraction, string concatenation
(precedence associates)
Left to Right
"count++;" and "++count;" is same as
"count=count+1;" is same as
"total += 5;" is same as
"total = total + 5;" is same as
"result *= count1 + count2;" is same as
"result = result * (count1+count2);" is same as
Scanner (InputStream source)
Scanner (File source)
Scanner (String source)
constructors: sets up the new scanner to scan values from the specified source
String next()
returns the next input token as a character string
String nextLine()
returns all input remaining on the current line as a character string
boolean nextBoolean()
byte nextByte()
double nextDouble()
float nextFloat()
int nextInt()
long nextLong()
short nextShort()
-returns the next input token as the indicated type
-throws "InputMismatchException" if the the next token is inconsistent with the type
boolean hasNext()
returns true if the scanner has another token in its input
Scanner useDelimiter(String pattern)
Scanner useDelimiter(Pattern pattern)
sets the scanner's delimiting pattern
Pattern delimiter()
returns the pattern the scanner is currently using to match the delimiters
String findInLine (String pattern)
String findInLine (Pattern pattern)
attempts to find the next occurenc of the specified pattern, ignoring delimiters
"new" operator
returns a reference to a newly created object
"String" object
-once created, cannot be lengthened or shortened, and is ergo considered immutable
-the first character is numbered 0
String (String str)
constructor: creates a new string object with the same characters as "str"
char charAt (int index)
returns the character at the specified index
int compareTo (String str)
returns an integer indicating if this string is lexically before (a negative return value), equal to (a zero return value), or lexically after (a positive return value), the string "str"
String concat (String str)
returns a new string consisting of this string concatenated with "str"
boolean equals (String str)
returns true if this string contains the same characters as str (including case) and false otherwise
boolean equalsIgnoreCase (String str)
returns true if this string contains the same characters as str (w/o regards to case) and false otherwise
int length()
returns the number of characters in this string
String replace (char oldChar, char newChar)
returns a new string that is identical with this string except that every occurance of oldChar is replaced by newChar.
String substring (int offset, int endIndex)
returns a new string that is a subset of this string starting at index offset and extending through endIndex-1.
String toLowercase()
returns a new string identical to this string except all uppercase letters are converted to their lowercase equivalent
String toUppercase()
returns a new string identical to this string except all lowercase letters are converted to their uppercase equivalent
in order to use a method of a class you must ___
to ___ you must invoke it with the form variable._____
java.applet package
provides support to create programs (applets) that are easily transported accross the Web
java.io package
provides support to perform a wide variety of input and output functions
java.lang package
provides general support; it is automatically imported into all Java programs
java.math package
provides support to perform calculations with arbitrarily high precision
java.text package
provides support to format text for output
java.util package
provides support for general utilities
Random ()
Constructor: creates a new pseudorandom number generator
float nextFloat ( )

(method in Random class)
returns a random number between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)
int nextInt ( )

(method in Random class)
returns a random number that ranges over all possible int values (positive and negative)
int nextInt (int num)

(method in Random class)
returns a random number in the range 0 to num-1
Random class is part of which class
___ is part of the java.util class
2 methods of the NumberFormat class
getCurrencyInstance() -returns a NumberFormat object that represents a currency format for the current locale
getPercentInstance() -returns a NumberFormat object that represents a percentage format for the current locale