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45 Cards in this Set

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Lab monitoring of renal function for ACEI for htn:
Before start treatment, then 1wk after starting tx and at any subsequent dose increase.
4-10d after start tx or incr dose IF patients at high risk of hyperkalemia or deteriorating renal fxn: PVD, Diabetes, existing renal impairment, or increasing age
Lab monitoring of electrolytes and renal fxn for Thiazide:
Within 4-6wk of starting tx
Thereafter q6-12mo
Whenever clinical condition changes or potentially interacting drug added
HTN Lifestyle (listed in order)
Weight reduction to normal BMI
DASH: fruit/veggie/low fat dairy
Sodium restriction to <2.4g NA or 6g NaCl.
Aerobic 30min/day most days
Moderate alcohol (1drink=12oz beer, 5oz wine, 1.5oz 80-proof)
Pain during MI: persists thru NG dose
May see painless in diabetes and elderly!
May be severe
Deep and visceral
Heavy, squeezing, crushing (may be stabbing or burning)
Similar to anginal pain but more severe and lasts longer
Centrl portion of chest and epigastrium
Occasionally radiates to arms (abd, back, lower jaw, neck less common)
If started during period of exertion does not usually subside upon cessation
MI sxs other than characteristic pains
Cool extremities
Tachycardia/htn (25% of pt's w/ anterior MI)
Bradycardia/hypotn (50% of pt's w/ posterior MI)
Interpret lab tests and ECG changes in acute MI
ECG: ST change
Lab: CK, troponin (take a while to become positive)
Recommend drugs to start in pt w/ acute MI unless contraindicated
Thrombolytic (6hr)/PCI (90min)
Antiplatelet: GP2b/3a inhibitor (effient) only if PTCA. ASA 160-320. Clopidogrel added particularly in those w/ PCI.
UFH/LMWH if: anterior wall mi with high embolic risk, undergoing surgical/percutaneous revasc, thrombolytic administered
BB (not if hypotension, bradycardia, heart block, cardiogenic shock or bronchospastic disease)
ACEI w/in 24h after BP stabilized
Nitrates at beginning
Statin indefinitely
3 drugs after acute MI that should be prescribed when discharged unless CI'd
BB, low dose ASA, ACEI, Statin
Screening for HTN
q2yr if normal BP
q1yr if prehypertensive
Compelling indications for thiazide
HF, high CVD risk, diabetes, prevention of recurrent stroke
Compelling indications for BB
HF, High CVD risk, diabetes, post MI
Compelling indications for ACEIs
HF, post MI, high CVD risk, diabetes, CKD, stroke prevention!! All!!
Compelling indications for CCBs:
High CVD risk, diabetes
Post MI:
High CVD risk:
Recurrent stroke:
thiazide, bb, acei
bb, acei
thiazide, bb, acei, ccb
thiazide, bb, acei, ccb
thiazide, acei
NYHA CLASSIFICATION: based on symptoms!!! 1-4
No limitations
limitation with high physical activ
limitation with mild exertion
limitations at rest!
ACC/AHA STAGES: adds in structural disease!! a-d
A) RFs only: HTN, CAD, DM, cardiotoxic dr, rheumatic fvr
B) Structural disease w/o s/s (post MI, LV dysfxn, a-sxatic valvular di)
C) Past/current HF sx ass'd w/ structural di (SOB, fatigue, reduced exercise tolerance)
D) adv structural di; marked sx despite MAX therapy; recurrent hosp
Drugs that may precipitate/exacerbate CHF:
TZD: Na/fl retention
NSAID: same
Salicylate: same
CCB (nonDHP only?)
Nonpharmacologic measures for pt with CHF:
Na restriction <2.4g/d
Restrict st'd fats (red meat, high fat dairy)
Incr physical activity: 30min/d 5+ days/wk
wt loss
Fl restriction <2L/d esp in hyponatremic pt's experiencing fl retention
Reduce alcohol
Stop smoking
Reduce stress/anxiety
Initiate lisinopril and suggest a schedule for lab monitoring in a patient with CHF.
Initial: 2.5-5mg QD, increasing by no more than 10mg increments at intervals no less than 2wks to max of 40mg as tolerated.
Monitor w/in 7-10days after start:
K+, BUN, SCr
BP, renal fxn
Target CHF dose of Enalapril
Enal target 10-20 BID
Lisin target 20-40 QD
Role of diuretics in CHF:
restore/maintain volume status in those evident of fl overload (orthopnea, edema, SOB OR JVD, periferal edema, pulsatile hepatomeg, rales)--usually loops with option of further adding chlorothiazides or metolazone temporarily (QOD, weekly)
ID pt with CHF that would be candidate for BB
Prior MI, HTN, Afib if preserved LVEF
NOT If active bronchospasm
AFTER optimization of volume status and DC of iv diuretics and vasoactive agents including inotropes
Continue UNLESS shock, refrac vol overload, or sxatic bradycardia
Initiate therapy and recognize target doses for pt with CHF treated w/ coreg
Start at 3.125mg BID after other HF meds stabilized
Target: 25mg BID (50 BID if >85kg)
Dbl dose q2-4wks to highest tolerated
Define role of digoxin in CHF
Also have Afib: controls ventricular response rate
Sx reduction and effects on clinical outcomes in mild to severe HF w/ reduced systolic fxn
Used with diuretics, ACEIs and BBs in sxatic HF to reduce hospitalizations!
Appropriate starting dose of digoxin in geriatric pt
If >70, has impaired renal fxn, or has low BMI: 0.125mg QD
ID pts with HF that may be candidates for use of spironolactone and recommend starting dose
NYHA Class IV or III from reduced LVEF<35% while receiving std therapy incl diuretics
Consider in pts following acute MI, w/ clinical s/s or hx of DM and LVEF <40%
NOT pt w/ cr>2.5 or crcl<30 or K+>5 or w/ other k-sparings
Starting dose: 12.5-25mgQD
Diagnostic characteristics of HF w/ normal EF (myocardial relaxation and filling impaired and incomplete; V unable to accept adequate vol of blood...EF 50%+)
Sxs consistent w/ effort intolerance and dyspnea, esp in presence of venous congestion and edema. Modest: dyspnea/fatigue only when stressed or activity
Ventricular chamber not enlarged
Reduced exercise tolerance when have elevated LV diastolic pressures.
Elevated BNP, S4 gallop, rales, exaggerated BP and HR rise after exercise
DIAGNOSTICS: 2D echo will show EF, CO, and LVH and/or remodeling...Doppler echo will show elevated pulm venous pressures...Chest radiography will show pulm congestion...EKG may reflect LVH.
Recommend agents to manage HF w/ normal EF
1) Diuretics titrated if vol overload.
Want BP <130/80
2) BB if HR >70
4) CCB
Aldosterone antagonists
Digoxin: limited role if normal rhythm
RFs for T2DM
Over 45yo
BMI 25+ (overweight)
FH (parent/sibling)
Habitual physical activity
AA, Hispanic-American, Native American, Asian-American, Pacific Islander
Previous IFG or IGT
Hx of GDM/baby >9lb
HDL<35 and/or TG>250
Hx of vascular disease
Criteria for diagnosis of DM
FPG>126mg/dL (8h+ of no calories)
2h glc>200 during OGTT (75g glc)
If sx: random glc>200
Goal levels of LDL in patient with diabetes. Also HDL, TGs
LDL: <100mg/dl
HDL: >40
TG: <150
Therapeutic plan to meet lipid goals must be devised
Titrate statin. If TG>1000, consider gemfibrozil.
ID Diabetic patients that would benefit from ASA as primary of secondary prevention strategy based on their RFs. (75-162mg/d)
Primary: Type 1 or 2 and increased CV risk (10-yr >10%). This includes most men >50 and most women >60 who have at least 1 RF (FH, HTN, smoking, dyslipidemia, albuminuria). If <50/60 and no mj RF don't tx...multiple RFs needs clinical judgement.
Secondary: diabetes w/ hx of CVD (Plavix if asa allergy)
Combo ASA/Plavix reasonable up to yr after acute coronary syndrome.
Therapeutic goals for glc and A1C in patient receiving diabetes tx:
A1c <7% (individualized)
Preprandial: 70-130mg/dL
Peak postprandial: <180mg/dL
Sx experienced in Afib:
Palpitations, irregular HB, SOB, chest discomfort, dizzy, weak, anxiety
Prioritize goals of tx in Afib patient
Control ventricular response rate to get resting HR<80 (<90-100, exercise)-->rhythm control if achievable-->prevent clots
Select appropriate agent for pharmacologic HR control in patient with Afib
Chronic rate ctrl: metoprolol 50-100mg BID, diltiazem/verapamil, digoxin 0.125-0.25mcg QD if low activity level--slow acting too.
Avoid CCB in HF
Avoid BB if hypotensive, heart block, severe bradycardia.
RFs for development of DVT
Venous stasis (mj surgery w/ anesthesia>30min, immobilization, paralysis, obesity, hospitalization due to stroke/MI/HF, varicose veins, age >65
Endothelial injury: surgery, trauma, central venous access catheters, pacemaker wires, previous thromboembolic event
Hypercoagulable state: malignant disease, estrogen, pregnancy
Hematologic disorders incl polycythemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, inflammatory bowel disease, DVT/leg clot, others
Non-pharmacologic measures to prevent DVT
Leg elevation (heels above heart to increase venous return)
Elastic compression stockings
(these all decrease venous stasis)
Management plan for patient diagnosed with DVT incl initial doses of UFH, enoxaparin, warfarin
mOBRI (up to 4 points for bleed risk):
Age 65+
Hx of stroke
GI bleed past 2wk
Recent MI, Hct<30%, SCr>1.5, OR Diabetes
Heparin 80U/kg IV bolus then 18U/kg/hr infusion
Heparin 333U/kg SQ then 250U/kg BID if unmonitored. If monitored, 17,500U or 250/kg BID adjusted to maintain hep level 0.3-0.7U/ml
Enox (if can do outpatient and low risk of bleed): 1mg/kg SQ q12h oR 1.5mg/kg q24h.
Stay on one of these at least 5d, until INR >2 for 2+ days.
Monitoring of UFH, LMWH, warfarin
Day 1: Baseline PT/INR< SCr, CBC w/ platelets (for UFH/HIT). aPTT at baseline and 6h after start or adjust dose: Heparin
Day 2: Evaluate PE (SOB, chest pain, cough), clot extension, &/or bleeding
Day 3: INR, same things as Day 2
Day 4: same
Day 5: same + CBC/platelets
Weird things that can be s/s of hemorrhagic complications
Loose/runny stools
Fever/illness that worsens
Appropriate duration of anticoag in patient who had DVT
Proximal, provoked by surgery: 3mo
1st event, reversible RF: 3mo
Isolated distal: 3mo
1st/2nd unprovoked: AT LEAST 3mo/extended
Upper extremity DVT: 3mo
Continuing RFs (CA, FVL, ATIII, protein C or S): 6mo/indefinite
APS: Indefinite!
Manage warfarin outside of range; monitor
Monitor: twice wkly @ initiation until 2 therapeutic INRs; wkly x1mo; monthly once stable. If change wkly dose/give bolus/hold dose, INR drawn in 1wk/possibly 2wk. See algorithm for remaining answer.
Meds on Beers list that are highly anticholinergic or may be used in management of CV conditions or diabetes
1st gen AH
Antiarrhythmics, digoxin >0.125
Insulin, sulfonylureas glyburide and chlorpropamide