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39 Cards in this Set

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What family traits make depression more likely?
1st degree relative with depression
monozygotic twins
pt's with short allele of serotonin transport gene
Pt's with depression possibly have a decreased level or activity of __ and __
serotonin and norepinephrine
Pt's with cerebral insult or __ have a higher prevalence of depression
chronic illness
Depression is known as __ turned inward
anger turned inward
a canine experiment showed that depression is...
learned helplessness
__% of pt's with anxiety disorders become depressed
What are some dx/dx of depression?
bipolar disorder
sleep deprivation
chr. fatigue syndrome
med. side effects
mood disorder
post-partum depression
A __ mood most of the day, every day is the sign of depression
What are other complaints that pt's with depression mention?
-diminished interest or pleasure in activities
-significant wt. loss or gain
-insomnia or polysomnia
-fatigue or loss of energy
-worthlessness or guilt
-diminshed concentration
-recurrent thoughts of death or suicide
-5 or more of the above during at least 2 wks=depression
What lab test is used to dx depression?
none, stupid...could check TSH, serum cortisol, drug screen, CT or MRI is you suspect CNS etiology
-BECKS depression screen
What are the 4 parts of all human beings?
What nutritional supplements may help tx depression?
B vitamins, 6-12-folate
omega 3
What lifestyle modifications should you suggest to your pt's with depression?
ETOH avoidance
good diet
increased sunlight exposure
medications may not be enough
Which antidepressants hold the potential for increased suicidal ideations?
all of them
What other therapy (medical) can be used to tx depression when medications are contraindicated?
ECT 3x week for 8-12 treatments
ECT can lead to __ term memory loss
short term memory loss
What psychological treatments should be recommended for depressed patients?
cognitive behavior therapy
repeated thought restructuring
behavioral therapy
Cognitive therapy identifies what problems?
thoughts or thought patterns contributing to emotions of anxiety or depression
What is the goal of cognitive therapy?
to embrace more rational and helpful thoughts are identified and embraced
What does cognitive therapy try to get pt's to understand about emotions?
that an event, leads to beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes = a person's emotions, we control our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes they don't control us
Many depressed people flucuate between what 2 behaviors?
passive and aggressive
"I" statements are what type of behaviors?
"Me" statements are what type of behaviors?
Anxiety is a stimulation of the __ nervous system.
sympathetic nervous system
Relaxation is learning to re-engage the __ nervous system.
parasympathetic nervous system
Some relaxation techniques to teach your depressed patient's include?
deep breathing
systematic muscle relaxation
here and now focus
positive imagery
What social treatments may be appropriate for depressed patients?
marriage therapy
family therapy
vocational rehab
social work services
support group therapy
What spiritual therapies can also be an option for depressed patients?
referral to pastor, priest, rabbi
church involvement
12 step groups
asking God for help
loving God, others, and self
Wellbutrin (bupropion) has what major side effect that you must be aware of?
lowers seizure threshold so is contraindicated in pt's with seizure disorder
TCA's have anticholinergic effects which are contraindicated in pt's with what urinary condition?
urinary retention, works well for urinary urgency (Imipramine is used for incontinence) but contraindicated in URINARY RETENTION
TCA's also have what s/e on the heart?
prolonged Q-T interval, do not give to suicidal patients
Most antidepressants, especially SSRI's have what common s/e?
decreased libido, and sexual responsiveness
What antidepressant does NOT have sexual side effects?
Wellbutrin (bupropion)
MAOI's are not 1st line antidepressants as you have to avoid what dietary foods?
wine, cheese, etc as they could cause serious problems like htn crisis.
MAOI's are best used in combination with other types of antidepressants?
false! can't combine, in fact you must have 3 week washout before starting something new
What else is a common use of wellbutrin (bupropion)?
to quit smoking
What antidepressant helps with neuropathic pain?
What anti-depressant is good to use in a depressed pt with insomnia?
If a pt. fails SSRI's what other class of medications can be used that increase not only serotonin but norepinephrine?