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36 Cards in this Set

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What is a strategy?
A strategy is a formal or informal plan of action to achieve a goal.
What is the mission statement of an organization?
The mission statement describes the reasons why the organization exists, in other words it is a purpose statement.
What is the vision statement of an organization?
The vision statement describes where a company wants to go or what it wants to be.
What are the values or value statement of an organization?
The values of an organization are the code of ethics, and allows others to understands what the company supports and appreciates the most.
What are the goals of a company?
Goals are tangible, high-level milestones that a company sets as a road map to reaching the visions stated in the vision statement.
Do operational goals direct IT or does IT direct operational goals?
Operational goals direct IT, as IT is there to serve as a tool to achieve operational goals.
Advice: Have a contingency plan for addressing resource needs when the unexpected occurs. this will help an organization remain nimble and make more efficient and thoughtful decisions in matters requiring IT support.
Advice: Have a contingency plan for addressing resource needs when the unexpected occurs. this will help an organization remain nimble and make more efficient and thoughtful decisions in matters requiring IT support.
Advice: An IT leader needs to understand and support the organizational goals with their system level knowledge and expertise.
Advice: An IT leader needs to understand and support the organizational goals with their system level knowledge and expertise.
Advice: IT leaders must help other leaders of the organization realize measures that define progress and success. If these measures are not in place, how will leaders know success has been achieved?
Advice: IT leaders must help other leaders of the organization realize measures that define progress and success. If these measures are not in place, how will leaders know success has been achieved?
What is a project crosswalk?
A project crosswalk is a way to visually list projects against vision and goals of the organization. This way, an org can ensure all IT projects are in line with the direction of the organization.
Advice: Measures that monitor ongoing effectiveness and progress of a department's activities are necessary for an effective leader to judge the performance of their department.
Advice: Measures that monitor ongoing effectiveness and progress of a department's activities are necessary for an effective leader to judge the performance of their department.
What is the QOS?
Quality of Service, an indicator that helps leaders/managment track quality of services provided by IT, be it Network performance, Helpdesk issue turnaround times, Number of complaints with support staff attitude, etc. These are best described in a dashboard visual aid, i.e. Control Chart.
What is a control chart?
A control chart is a graph that contains an Upper Control Limit (UCL), a Lower Control Limit (LCL), the Goal indicator, a Stretch Goal limit and the actual measured progress. This basically plots actual progress with the goal, upper and lower limits and stretch goal.
What is the SBARC tool?
A way to initiate a project. It stands for, Strengths, Background, Assessment, Recommendation and Communication (SBARC).

This short 1-2 page document helps to frame the request or proposed project and helps in the evaluation of the proposed initiative.
What is GENERALLY the scope of a project?

1) Project deliverables
2) Cost
3) Timing

are the GENERAL scope of a project.
Advice: An effective way of handling scope creep is to expect that it will happen and have a formal process to regularly review changes through the execution of the project.
Advice: An effective way of handling scope creep is to expect that it will happen and have a formal process to regularly review changes through the execution of the project.
Advice: Regular departmental and systems assessments help to keep systems and IT services tailored to the clinical areas they support. This way, the assessment covers the systems utilized and their effectiveness.
Advice: Regular departmental and systems assessments help to keep systems and IT services tailored to the clinical areas they support. This way, the assessment covers the systems utilized and their effectiveness.
Advice: It is important to have objective and subjective assessments of systems and IT services as it could be that objectively the systems/services are performing as expected but subjectively, perceptions might have changed and the performance might need to become better. Or, the subjective analysis might provide the IT leaders with a conversation point to discuss the limitations and expectations of the systems/services.
Advice: It is important to have objective and subjective assessments of systems and IT services as it could be that objectively the systems/services are performing as expected but subjectively, perceptions might have changed and the performance might need to become better. Or, the subjective analysis might provide the IT leaders with a conversation point to discuss the limitations and expectations of the systems/services.
When are Face-to-Face interviews useful?
Face-to-Face interviews are useful for systems that affect only a small number of stakeholders, especially when they work in disparate parts of the company.
What are departmental meetings or Town Hall meetings good for?
A way to generally see the perceptions of the multitude of users.
What are Focus Group meetings good for?
They are a way to discuss specific situations of perceptions regarding system functionality.
Advice: Once an initial / baseline analysis is complete, commit to a regular follow up analysis.
Advice: Once an initial / baseline analysis is complete, commit to a regular follow up analysis.
What is departmental analysis?
A way to see how IT personnel respond and interact with other personnel in the organization.

The departmental effectiveness is measured using interpersonal metrics reported by the customers of IT.
What is the customer's typical first impression of IT formed from?
From the amount of time it takes the IT dept to solve the customers problem. Faster is better.
What are 2 criteria when evaluating customer support staff?
1) If the IT staff empathize with the concerns and frustrations of the customer.

2) Does the IT staff communicate regularly wiht the customers whey they are working on a problem that takes more than just a short time to solve?
What are the quantitative dimensions of system effectiveness?
1) Perform a baseline analysis of pre-implementation conditions.

2) Enlist customers to define success measures of implementation.

3) Perform a post implementation analysis right after implementation and then again on a regular interval until customer perceptions are positive.
What are good guidelines to follow in writing policies and procedures?
1) Determine at what level this P&P will be administered at, departmental or organizational.

2) Find examples from similar institutions.

3) Include in the policy what is reportable and measurable, otherwise it will be hard to validate compliance.
What is the key operating document for a hospital that receives CMS funding?
The Conditions for Coverage and Conditions of Participation document.
What are the basic elements of a corporate compliance program?
1) Senior leadership must be involved with compliance.

2) P&Ps must reflect the org's procedures for achieving compliance.

3) Edu must occur for both management and employees.

4) Programs must be monitored to access disciplinary procedures to act upon non-compliance
Advice: Serve as a listener first; speak only in an effort to clarify what you have heard or to ask questions for clarification.
Advice: Serve as a listener first; speak only in an effort to clarify what you have heard or to ask questions for clarification.
What is DAR?
Days in Accounts Receivable, is the average amount of time it takes or the org to receive payment from payors after bill shave been submitted to the guarantor.
What is the DNFB indicator?
The Discharged Not Final Billed is an indicator of the expected amount of money to be billed to the guarantor but not yet submitted because of outstanding documentation or procedural issues.
What is days cash on hand stand for?
It is the number of days an organization can operate with the amount of liquid cash available in the bank account.
Advice: In conflict resolution, you have to know the desired outcome state of each of the parties in the conflict.
Advice: In conflict resolution, you have to know the desired outcome state of each of the parties in the conflict.
What is the key factor of the IT Strategic Plan?
It is that the IT Strategic Plan perfectly aligns with the Organizational Strategic Plan.
What should the IT Strategic Plan contain at the minimum?
1) Orgs mission, vission, goals and strategies.

2) Define the current state of systems and processes and assess their effectiveness.

3) Identify the gaps between current state and desirable future state.

4) Identify people who will take responsibility for the planned initiatives.