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25 Cards in this Set

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Actinic Keratosis - what is it?
precancerous neoplasm dt UV exposure
Actinic Keratosis - morphology
rough scaling macule or plaque 1-10 mm; reddish-pink base, ill-marginated w/ rough scale; inc w/ age; usu blonds, redheads w/ light skin
Actinic Keratosis - dx
Actinic Keratosis - DDX
seborrheic keratoses, squamous cell carcinoma, psoriasis
Chronic effects of sunlight
fine & coarse wrinkles, rough leathery texture, mottled hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia
Psoriasis - description
chronic recurring inflammation of epidermis & dermis with INCREASED EPIDERMAL PROLIFERATION resulting in SCALING
Psoriasis - definitive signs
Auspitz sign
Koebner's phenomenon
lesions appear where skin is broken, disturbed
Psoriasis - who gets it?
more common in light-skinned people; gradual onset age 10-40; familial tendency
Psoriatic arthritis
5-30% of those with psoriasis get it (combo of RA & psoriasis) - 1st presentation single joint - SAUSAGE DIGIT - skin lesions mb only pittied nails
Psoriasis - S/Sxs
dry, SHARPLY DEMARCATED erythmatous papules & plaques topped with SILVERY SCALES. May itch. Limited or systemic. Comes& goes, better in summer.
Psoriasis - systemic S/Sx
arthritis; fever, chills, deformed (pitted) nails.
Psoriasis - where do you see it?
scalp, extensor surfaces, buttocks & back mostly; also nails, eyebrows, axilla, umbilicus & anogenital
Psoriasis - Dx
H&P, Auspitz sign. Biopsy rarely necessary (only if unusual or tx doesn't work)
Psoriasis - DDX
seborrheic dermatitis, squamous cell carcinoma, dermatophytoses (fungal); cutaneous/discoid lupus, dermatitis, lichen simplex chronicus
Pityriasis rosea - what is it?
acute, self-limited (few wks->mos), mild inflammatory, scaling skin dz. Some to lots of itching. Viral?
Pityriasis rosea - S/Sx
Oval, minimally elevated scaling papules & plaques. Mainly on trunk - CHRISTMAS TREE distribution along skin lines; larger "HERALD PATCH"; young adult females, cooler months. Mild fever, malaise, mild joint pain poss
Pityriasis rosea - Dx
by examination - history mb unremarkable
Pityriasis rosea - DDX
tinea corporis, tinea versicolor, drug eruptions, psoriasis, 2ndary syphilis (syphilis test to R/O)
Lichen planus - what is it?
recurrent itching inflammation with small, discrete ANGULAR papules (can coalesce); autoimmune? drug rxn - Beta blockers, NSAIDS, Ace inh, more
Lichen Planus - S/Sx
2-4 mm papules w ANGULAR borders & violaceous color. Oral lesions 50% stay forever, can ulcerate. Mb severe itching. SYMMETRICAL distribution on FLEXOR surfaces of trunk, genitals, abrupt or gradual onset, Koebner phenomenon, rare in children
Lichen Planus - mnemonic
Lichen Planus - dx
H&E; itchy? biopsy ("lichenoid infiltration" - lymphocytes at dermal/epidermal jct)
Lichen Planus - DDX
mouth: leukoplakia, candidiasis, herpes stomatitis, carcinoma, aphthous ulcers, erythema multiforme
Drug eruptions - types
Exanthems (full body rash)
Urticaria (IgE mediated)
Fixed drug eruptions